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Everything posted by Sensuki

  1. Rarely, only when I come up against an overpowered enemy. My Wizard got one-shotted by the Menpwgra, critical hit with some spell for 96 damage. In v257 and v278, the adventuring day length was far far too short. With this bug it's great because you can actually do a few maps without resting like the IE games ... but it's too much. I've depleted all my Wizard spells and he has critical fatigue, but my other four party members are strolling along on Full Health and Stamina after 2.5 maps. That's a bit broken if you ask me. By now I should be getting to the stage where I need to be careful due to low strategical resources. The other thing is due to the Rogue and Fighter's powers mostly being encounter only there's absolutely no strategical stress on them whatsoever.
  2. He's talking about my post in this thread http://forums.obsidian.net/topic/68254-v278-disappearing-talents-points/?view=findpost&p=1506786
  3. I get it on all BB characters. I've used "Verify Integrity of Game Cache" to restore files as well. I deleted all of my old saves from v278.
  4. I don't test with slow. The aim is to get the default combat speed correct and you can't achieve that by testing in slow mode. At the moment combat requires a bit too much pausing, so it's not right yet.
  5. It's a trap build for combat. This is about combat balance. Like I've told you 1000 times - the combat and narrative balance are being kept totally separate. It's the combat that determines your progression through the game. Not the narrative. You can't break the narrative, you will always be able to progress. You can be terrible at combat though, and that's something they want to prevent.
  6. What do you mean it's not an issue? The value of all of the BB characters health is inflated due to a bug, making the game easier.
  7. The primary goal is fûcking balance you idiot. Not making sense in the narrative.
  8. No, we wanted to remove the trap builds possible due to Interrupt dependency on Accuracy - something which you keep conveniently ignoring. Notice that Obsidian removed interrupt from the Attribute system right? Are you unhappy about that?
  9. WHAT???????????? That's the exact OPPOSITE of what the bug does. It actually inflates the value of Perception because it applies to misses due to this bug. In the actual system, Interrupt is reliant on the ability to actually score a hit. If you have a low accuracy, it doesn't matter how high your interrupt is, you won't score any interrupts on misses and your grazed hits will reduce your interrupt roll by 50%. The entire reason we recommended combining Accuracy and Interrupt was to prevent this from happening, so that now you can't screw yourself over by making a High Interrupt but Low Accuracy character. This issue is the entire reason why I sought to create the paper in the first place. Obsidian chose to instead remove interrupt from the system, which was NOT something we recommended.
  10. Why don't you actually read the freaking paper properly instead of just sticking your nose up in the air, all of the reasons are stated in the paper.
  11. INCORRECT. Learn to read and stop making assumptions. They do not run objects through seed tables, who the hell would do that? That is the most retarded thing I've heard you say yet. Classes create objects of other classes to invoke methods. I have checked all of the relevant classes and nowhere does any class apply an intellect bonus to anything that it's not supposed to. CharacterStats class has a property public int Intellect, which controls the character object's intellect bonus The following code is public int Intellect { get { int num = this.BaseIntellect + this.IntellectBonus + CharacterStats.RaceAbilityAdjustment[(int) this.CharacterRace, 3] + CharacterStats.CultureAbilityAdjustment[(int) this.CharacterCulture, 3]; if (num < 1) num = 1; return num; } } For the actual value of intellect to affect anything, a class or method has to inherit the intellect property from this class. I have checked all of the relevant classes and nothing calls "int intellect" except "CalcDefense" for Deflection and the AoEStatModifier method. Check it yourself if you like.
  12. I've already linked him that post before and several others. He conveniently ignored my post with all of the Josh Sawyer attribute quotes. nipsen accuses me of suiting myself rather than the overall design goals ha ha ha ok
  13. Interrupts were actually broken in v257 and v278. They were also being applied on misses. CHA-CHING - didn't know that did you? http://forums.obsidian.net/topic/68518-interrupt-occurs-on-misses/?hl=interrupt So that may have added to the "feeling" that Perception was not dumpable. No they're not. You actually have to pick Perception for that. Constitution and whatever attribute governs Deflection are actually better if they want to be tanking. If they want to do DPS - Might and Perception are better. If they want to spread evenly they can do that. Once again you're making things up. No, you didn't. If you have a problem with Accuracy on Perception, then you must hate a lot of character systems, because it's a really common thing. And you're starting to sound more and more like smudboy. Tell me, do you hate turn based combat because it doesn't fit the narrative as much as RTwP ???
  14. I think it might just be their stance. When they stand in idle, their feet are apart and they lean to one side.
  15. Well the beetle encounters in the current version are all crap. It's a snoozefest when you can beat them all with a Rogue sneak attack and a Fighter knock Down and a few auto attacks. Every single encounter is an absolute cake walk - IT SUCKS.
  16. If you go into the Dyrford Mill and position all of your characters with their backs facing the camera directly you can see the right inclined lean a lot better than this picture.
  17. They will probably be part of the optional solid UI bar when Kaz gets around to implementing it.
  18. Yeah but if you'd read it you'd understand how IAS works and all of that stuff I doubt there's another backer that knows more about the game mechanics than I do, I've been following the game since the first day of the KS. No one is ever idle for me. If I want someone to perform an action I cancel their current one, or I just wait until their recovery ends. I have never missed a heal or anything because of someone not being ready.
  19. The Backer Beta characters all have severely inflated Health values. Take the BB Wizard for example. His Stamina is 73. Under the new Health system he should have 219/219 total health due to Wizards having a 1:3 Stamina:Health ratio. Instead he has 682/218 Health, and when he gets KO'd several times in a row his Health bar does not go down until it us less than 218. It is the same for all backer beta characters. I do not think this is intended, but the "adventuring day" does feel A LOT BETTER because of this. I think these values are a bit too high, but I also think that the values on the right are going to be too low. The Backer Beta party is underpowered due to lack of gear and spells and phrases found in the world, and also any quest/dialogue rewards that they would have at this point in the game. If your PC is not tanking and you let the BB Fighter tank, you can do all of the Dyrford Crossing, all of the Ogre Cave and probably all of the Skaen Cultist temple as well (I refuse to complete this dungeon until they improve the frame rate), without having to rest. The BB Wizard will become fatigued though, due to having 0 Athletics. In the Infinity Engine games, you could actually do an exterior map, a small interior and a dungeon without having to rest, and then you'd rest after the big dungeon. So while these new inflated values are too high, I also think they might be a bit low even when the characters have proper gear. It's a start anyway.
  20. I also enjoy sparser more BG1 style encounters, I just think that particular array of beetles should be one of them.
  21. Yes this looks to be present when viewing an isometric location (interiors). The lean looks to be slightly too much.
  22. Boring and Bombardier beetles in Icewind Dale 1 were more challenging than the beetles currently are.
  23. This is how recovery time works ([Action Animation] + [Recovery Time]) + [Modifiers] Modifiers affect the the total of Action Animation and Recovery time, but instead of increasing/decreasing the speed of the animation and the recovery at once like in Warcraft 3, the recovery time is sped up/slowed down first taking into account the bonus from the whole total. When recovery time becomes 0, then the animation is sped up. It would not be any different if IAS increased the action animation and reduced recovery time at the same time, because it would be the same percentage of both. I think the "it's 100% useless" is a farce because it is giving you more actions per encounter. It would have been more beneficial in the old system where all bonuses were positive, but it makes less of a difference now due to very minimal increases from attributes. Did you not read our paper man?
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