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Everything posted by Sensuki

  1. It's not, if you change the path search nodes to 40,000
  2. Been this way throughout the entire beta, they need to change it so that if you mouse over any pixel of the container that it changes the cursor.
  3. The funny thing is that you can kill Medreth without talking to anyone and then receive the quest reward from Nyfre.
  4. DA:O is more of an interactive excel spreadsheet than the IE games ...
  5. Here's what it actually is Well the global recovery change doesn't even fix the problem, and they haven't correctly identified the issues with Melee Engagement so ...
  6. Yeah they disabled it auto-updating it's position if not altered by the player, not sure why. You literally cannot use it on the fly at all. I suspect that hardly anyone on the development team does anyway otherwise it would probably see more attention. They seem to be treating it as something to reference, rather than something to pay attention to in combat unfortunately.
  7. No one that I know makes ninja updates with balance changes and doesn't tell the playerbase. Those are THE most important changes to document.
  8. They removed targeting reticles in favor of those. No idea why - they look silly, add to the visual clutter and don't interact with the selection circles correctly, and I'm going to howl at the moon until it's changed back
  9. In this patch selection circles are blurred behind the character and sometimes disappear completely when interacting with various FX/UI elements in the game - some of which is new to this patch, and none of which are good changes at all. The maps will not change I don't think. They've been painted over and won't be re-rendered. These issues were not picked up in internal testing and thus will likely never be corrected. They can do stuff via filters, color grading and post-processing (I hate post-processing) but it's a bandaid over a bullethole really.
  10. They weren't included in the patch notes I don't think. They *never* give us proper patch notes. I have never known a developer not to do it. Even Iron Tower Studios which is like a two man project gives very nice detailed patch log notes. Josh said on Something Awful that Might was changed to +3% per point, Dexterity to +3% Action Speed, Intellect to +6% AoE and +2 Deflection. Very strange not to also bump CON to 3% per point, but I don't really care about Attributes because they're very easily modded, and anything that's easily modded isn't worth my trouble.
  11. It's mostly due to the attribute and recovery changes I would say. Opening - Because you the player usually use 'an opening' in combat, your opening actions are now even more important due the slower global recovery time - you get the same opening power with less incoming damage later on. Attributes - Characters now do more damage, act faster, have higher Deflection etc because of the increase from Attributes. Constitution was not increased either. BB Rogue has 22 Perception so she now gets a huge +24 Accuracy from that. BB Fighter has 22 Might so he gets +24% damage - pretty significant. The ACC-DEF situation against humanoids now probably swings more towards ACC > DEF, so you will be doing better damage more often.
  12. I almost wonder if they changed the targeting reticles because people found it confusing as to who was targeting who They could have fixed the bug I reported - the very one that made Jesse Cox confused as to what his character was doing, but it seems that it has been again overlooked as it's still present in the game. The way the new indicators interacts with the circles is really sloppy, they should just change them back.
  13. I am 99% sure this occurred because my Rogue was knocked down by a Wolf, she got up and started playing the Stiletto animation repeatedly.
  14. It always says that when applying a non-damaging debuff, it takes up two combat log lines just to say you affected a unit with an affliction AFTER it's displayed the original hit.
  15. DA:O can die in a fire. That game is the epitome of "how to do bad RTWP combat 101"
  16. This bug is from v333 http://forums.obsidian.net/topic/69300-333-bouncing-text-in-character-record/
  17. This is why combat is too fast, it has nothing to do with action speed Your party drops an enemy in a round of attacks, and they drop you in a single hit And after this happened, I just reloaded my game I could do 60-90 damage in the same opening with the same weapons/abilities.
  18. Does Korgrak even have a recovery time in this version? He just seems to play animations as soon as his swing finishes, no recovery ever.
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