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Everything posted by Sensuki

  1. That's one of the reasons I'm concerned as well. Just flat out wouldn't use because **** class.
  2. Josh Sawyer said on Something Awful that they've been considering this.
  3. Weapon Focus gives +10 Accuracy, and Weapon Specialization gives like x1.1 damage or something (maybe x1.2). But yeah the descriptions need work.
  4. I have a larger piece to say about why the combat isn't fun and doesn't feel like an Infinity Engine game besides the camera/controls and art style, but I don't have time to write it now. More on that later.
  5. You misunderstand. It's an even larger problem for enemy Rangers than it is for PC Rangers. The issue is that you should NEVER EVER target the enemy Ranger's Animal Companion, because it dies when the Ranger dies. The Ranger will usually have lower DT and always have worse Defenses than their animal companion, so it's easier to just target them and ignore the animal companion instead. That's what makes the mechanic silly.
  6. The links to the relative threads and all bugs in that list were taken from here - http://forums.obsidian.net/topic/66785-known-issues-list-updated-12-15-2014/
  7. They could just do obstacle based XP.
  8. Fighter/Mage style. I suppose it would be more fun if you haven't played for a few months. The new Skill UI is much better hey, I did say it was simply the UI that was encouraging people not to invest in two skills, looks like that was the case afterall.
  9. The game doesn't have any 3D Optimization yet, so that's part of the performance issue. I'm hoping that when they do a pass towards the end, I get the same FPS jump as I did in the WL2 beta.
  10. When that's implemented I will finally be able to kiss this retarded right sided combat log goodbye.
  11. It's not, I have an NVIDIA card as a backup (560 TI), I switched it over and I get even worse FPS (because it's a worse card)
  12. The removal of percentile DR just hasn't been balanced yet. Everything does too much damage. Many creatures are hitting for 40-80 damage through armor, whereas pretty much all class ability and weapon damage has been nerfed. Some examples of the performance hitcing http://forums.obsidian.net/topic/69736-392-poor-combat-performance-microstutter-when-units-and-characters-die/ http://forums.obsidian.net/topic/69734-392-fps-drops-microstutter-when-selecting-characters/ http://forums.obsidian.net/topic/69747-392-periodical-game-hitchingfreezing/ I have an i7 870, 16GB DDR3 1600 and an AMD HD7970 3GB
  13. Well having extensively played every build this one is the worst since v257, combat-wise for me. v333 was probably the best in that regard. The imbalance from the armor change and horrible performance just make it unplayable for me, so I won't be doing much combat testing this build, will mostly just be sticking to looking for bugs. I also forgot to say - Ranger is the worst class atm. The shared health mechanic is silly in practice, and other than that they feel really uninspired. Big let down. Some of the ability nerfs this build are pretty laughable too. Tenuous Grasp, which used to be one of the best cipher abilities has copped two duration nerfs recently - first to 10 seconds base, now to 6 seconds base. The spell does no damage, and a graze will now confuse a unit for a grand total of 3 seconds. If the intention was to make people no longer use it - mission accomplished.
  14. :| Although I do agree about the voice sets, very sub-par.
  15. In this image the tooltip for the PC is cut off on the edge of the screen
  16. TB games can have better animations because they can have more animation frames to work with - as animations aren't really time critical. Animations in RT are time-critical, so they have to be fairly quick.
  17. Put it underneath the portrait instead of inside it and it's fine by me.
  18. I have some updated info for this. It appears to be relative to the camera position as well as the position on the map
  19. Persistent Engagement circle Action cancel no longer works before the hit frame Minor Threat Bug Targeting art shows briefly when NPC selection circle becomes visible Interrupt and Concentration need to be shown on the stat sheet - acknowledged by QA, and planned
  20. I don't agree about the animations, but the design itself. Having re-read what the OP has said it's possible that I don't actually agree with what he is saying, but I do think that Obsidian haven't really taken advantage of the RT side of the game as well as they could have.
  21. Nah all we need is for them to externalize some more files in .unity3d format. We may even be able to get at them if the disunity developer fixes a bug with his program. There's a few other things that are hard to get at too - such as the TextAsset files.
  22. I think that might be a little bit unfair. QA has been working late (as have others on the team, I imagine) quite a bit, and NCarver (and sometimes others) has been responding to a fair amount of the bug reports. There was one instance where one of the QA guys was bumping solved reports from the first beta, but it hasn't happened since (and he also hasn't posted since). Many of the things I've mentioned in Version Reviews and videos haven't been addressed, but I've started reporting them as issues in the bug forum, which seems to get them more reliably acknowledged.
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