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Everything posted by Sensuki

  1. Lul, here we go - the winning combo of v392 for minimum effort seems to be Tanglefoot and ranged weapon spam. I will make a video.
  2. After how many encounters are you resting? Wizards are kind of bursty in that they can only do big plays when they can actually cast daily spells. In any version you can blow sh1t up the easiest by stacking AoE disables and AoE damage spells on top of each other. Try it without a Wizard, or a Druid, or a Chanter
  3. One of the bad things is that the way they have coded the inventory/controls makes it impossible to make TAB removing the tooltip delay possible in the inventory screen :/. You can make it so that if you're holding the TAB key and mouse over an item, it shows the tooltip, but not actually pressing TAB over the item. Hopefully they change the code for that because it's real silly. I also think Bester said it had something to do with a C# limitation or something as well, but that situation arises because of they way they've done it.
  4. Here's a video demonstrating most of the features of the mod, but I forgot to demonstrate a few of them such as TAB interaction with the ability tooltips
  5. Wow look at how terrible the Hobbled and Stuck FX are on the Dire Bear and Korgrak hahah.
  6. The selection area for portraits needs to be 1-2px wider on every side of the portrait. This can lead to misclick moving in game (and possibly accidental disengagement attacks).
  7. It may have something to do with the post-processing effects used in the Level up screen, I will check vanilla CC shortly and post if I can replicate it
  8. The option to have AoE and Duration together on Intellect will become available in a mod shortly after the game's release.
  9. UI Clicks are counted as a click for double click camera moves Lighting/Art Bug with Hair and Skin color
  10. In this video you can see that clicking the close button on the UI is counted as a click for the purpose of a double click to move the camera Expected Result: UI clicks should not be counted for the purpose of double clicking to center the camera. Other notes: It is impossible to completely unselect all of your party members, whereas this was possible in the Infinity Engine games by control unselecting everyone. This means that you cannot use the mouse clicks to center the camera without moving at least one character.
  11. I complained about Dexterity a while ago but got a firm rebuttal from the devs because QA apparently thinks it's good ... They could even add interrupt back in and chuck it on Dexterity, that would make it pretty strong tbh, would make about zero sense but would work mechanically I never build a character without maximum Perception, because it's just folly not to. There are some cases where it would be acceptable - Priests and a Shield-using tank, but even then, I'd still want 15 minimum. I'm also starting to dump Constitution because I'm finding that extra percentile based endurance and health does absolutely nothing for you to help win an encounter. Encounters are won by offensive power, and you survive by killing things quicker. Stacking Constitution and Intellect doesn't work, it will make that specific character a bit harder to take down, but have little offensive power to contribute to the party, possibly even making the party take more damage due to stuff not dying as quick.
  12. PE combat has some similarities to Total War because when units go into melee in that game they stay there, and running away is bad (as units are groups, and interlocked). IMO Infinity Engine combat plays more like/reminds me of RTS games where you have less units to work with - Warcraft 3 and Battle Realms spring to mind, where you're constantly moving units around, (particularly your hero unit in WC3). Even in Starcraft, if you're playing it properly, you need to move your units around and react to what your opponent is doing, you don't just move your units and stand them there, it's a dynamic reactionary battlefield. Pillars of Eternity plays nothing like that. Bad analogy, because that's a horrible band lol.
  13. I'm making a full custom party, because I believe that's what PIP-Clownboy does based on his previous posts, and I'll try and suffer through the performance and microstutter and see how I go. I'll also create some extra adventurers (since you can have 8 total) and drop in, drop out party members and see how that changes things around.
  14. Here's the blur/selection circle obfuscation. The Blood hit FX needs re-doing as well. It's pretty much black and it's not snappy enough
  15. The FX for Blast/Wands needs tuning down Way too over the top, there's also a large amount of procedural blur that obscures selection circles as well.
  16. PC portrait tooltip cut off UI scrollbar issues Hit reaction VO plays on misses
  17. Are you referring to v392? Hard hasn't been very difficult at all in most of the previous versions. I actually get terrible performance and stuttering, so that probably contributes a lot more to the frustration I have with the game at the moment than the actual difficulty of encounters. In v392 characters now start at 4th level instead of 5th, the stock BB character builds have been changed. Weapon and ability damage has been nerfed. Arbalests and Arquebuses have been nerfed (again) and there has been a change made to armor so that there is no longer percentile damage reduction. In contrast - there are now more creatures in many of the encounters and everything you have is now less effective against them. So Hard difficulty is definitely harder than it was before (not very hard in most cases). As PrimeJunta has mentioned, if you are constantly spamming AoE disable spells and nukes, you can bypass most encounters with relative ease. If you don't do that, you can be overwhelmed pretty easily by the increased numbers in some of the encounters. If you think you're doing so well, would you care to post some screenies of your character / vids of combat or at least give some more information ?
  18. Here is some other relevant information Might be just me, but based on this information, it seems like a lot of the changes to encounters on Hard are not tested/tested very thoroughly either other than just making sure that the ECL of a mob is higher than the party's or something. In contrast - humanoid encounters are a walk in the park compared to creature encounters.
  19. According to Josh Sawyer on Something Awful, there are not many Obsidian devs that can test on Hard. Therefore I think it might be a good idea to create a thread here for discussion relevant to Hard difficulty only, so the designers have a place to find specific feedback about encounters and class/ability balance relative to this difficulty. I have only ever tested on Hard, and will not test for any other difficulty. Currently I think Hard difficulty has been alright up until v392, where ... They've done a first pass balance pass across the beta areas for the final game and increased the number of creatures in many of the areas, most specifically the Dyrford Crossing. Currently my overall thoughts on Hard difficulty is that specific creatures: Lions, Elder Lions, Elder Bears, Stone Beetles, Forest Lurkers and some of the spider mobs deal too much damage due to a number of factors: High per-hit damage is too high (or party endurance/health is too low) Not being balanced against the removal or percentile armor reduction Increased numbers in mobs DoT effects are still OP No comparison to how combat in the Infinity Engine games played Creatures are balanced for normal difficulty (which have less numbers in mobs, and tougher creatures are usually alone) They will also be increasing creature numbers and giving them better starting positioning even further. Currently I'm finding that playing on Hard is not fun, it encourages specific character builds and playing a specific way. You eat through daily spells very quickly and end up having a very short adventuring day due to running out of Health. Personally I think creatures should be tuned for Hard instead, and then encounters can be designed down for other difficulties, but that may not happen since they've already made that decision and probably done a lot of the tuning for it.
  20. Do you play RTS games? Even in open maps, you can fix the battlefield in the Infinity Engine games with unit positioning. Your issue is probably because you do not understand how the AI targeting clauses work in the Infinity Engine games, and this has been the problem of pretty much every person who has complained about movement and positioning in the Infinity Engine games. They pay no attention to how AI targeting works, and complain that they can't lock down the battlefield. You can completely manipulate the AI targeting. Icewind Dale has very robust and sensible AI targeting clauses, but I'm not sure if that system actually translated to IWD:EE because it uses the ToB engine. If an enemy creature is targeting a unit of yours that you do not want them to target, you can use movement and positioning to make them change targets. You can tactically block the pathing to the unit they are targeting with a wall of characters, you may have to shuffle that wall a little bit if the creature tries to path around, but that should cause them to change targets and target someone in the wall. Here is a video demonstrating how it works in BG2, it's different in IWD:HoW though, and much more sensible. The fact that people ignore this makes me want to pull my hair out, because if everyone understood how to manipulate AI targeting, there'd be a lot less people complaining about unit stickiness. edit: Subsequently, Engagement is the complete opposite of an RTS feel (or an Infinity Engine feel). It's a tool created for those that were bad at the Infinity Engine games to make combat easier, but for advanced players it hamstrings the crap out of them.
  21. No it doesn't, it's the opposite. The Infinity Engine games were built using an engine made for an RTS, and thus, combat feels a bit RTS-y. You can control the battlefield with unit positioning (AND movement) in the Infinity Engine games. Pillars of Eternity feels way more like it was made for "RPG Combat" and pretty much all RTwP RPGs that have "RPG combat" have very bland and often clunky combat. Engagement is more of a mechanic suited to turn-based than anything else.
  22. That's why there was a question mark, couldn't remember.
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