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Everything posted by Sensuki

  1. Why are you making statements about the Chanter class without actually having played it ? btw I think there's still a few Paladin bugs (other than the animation bug), I just encountered one where the Acc bonus from Zealous Focus isn't applied. edit 2: wtf, they've changed how Zealous Focus works, it now is a combat only ability and if you activate it before combat, it won't do a single thing and thus you can't use it on your opening round of attacks. Stuff that.
  2. since it is damage OVER time, it should be OVER 10 seconds
  3. Fast weapons actually attack very quickly (especially when dual-wielded) they just don't do very much damage. The weapon damage ranges need adjustment because vs any DT at all, faster weapons lose out. Unless you are a Rogue or you are scoring crits, you'll be doing single digit damage with light weapons against armor. You can make all of that up with just a single 2H hit, which is most of the time, far more effective. I think there's also a few bugs regarding 2W fighting, they seem to attack too quickly sometimes, even in armor.
  4. I'm not sure if the hit VFX for Barbs of Condemnation is correct or just temporary because it looks terrible (until those flame effects take over at the end of the spell).
  5. Here's a video demonstrating how Iconic Projection bugs out against a flat area of navmesh
  6. Pretty much. It's a downside of the design philosophy that "the designer is at fault if exploits exist in the game", and painstakingly trying to eradicate all of the common Infinity Engine exploits. There's a few things they've done that are completely over the top / completely unnecessary and preventing transitions during combat is one of them. Limiting some hostile ability use is more a quick fix/oversight of the actual problems in the game relative to the use of those abilities. One can easily at a glance go "Charm is overpowered, let's make it require the combat state to be active so that players can't initiate with it", but that's not actually understanding the problem of why it is overpowered. It's not that the player can open with the spell, it's what happens after the spell is cast, why it happens and thinking about ways to fix them - and those problems are not just limited to one ability but general issues with the gameplay.
  7. I also think you should be able to use transitions in combat too. I know why you can't, but since enemies recharge Endurance anyway, the ones that you didn't kill should still be there with full health/per-encounters again.
  8. The Duration of the Knock Down status effect is also always the same regardless if the attack is a graze, hit (and probably crit too, but haven't tested). The default duration for BB Fighter is 5.3 seconds and if you cast it on anyone and graze on the attack, the duration is still 5.3 seconds.
  9. In this (glitchy) video, you can see that one of Medreth's followers has a Greatsword and goes to open with the Knock Down ability on my Wizard. He casts the ability from outside immediate melee range, misses and engages my BB Wizard. The Cowled Monk interrupts my Wizard's spell with a fist attack, and then after the spell is cancelled the Wizard follows the engagement auto-attack clause of attacking the first engaged melee enemy. As you can see, he was engaged by the Cowled Man with the Greatsword who is out of immediate melee range and has to move to get in range to attack him, and thus suffers a disengagement attack from the Cowled Monk. The Knock Down cast range probably needs to be reduced to melee range so that if the attack misses, the engaged unit does not have to move forward to attack their first engager, and thus suffer potentially multiple disengagement attacks from nearby enemies. ------------------------------------------------- The Knock Down animation does not begin playing immediately anymore when a Knock Down occurs because of the introduction of non-interrupting hit reactions, which play before the Prone animation takes effect. The non-interrupting Hit Reaction needs to be removed from the Knock Down ability and other abilities/spells so that the intended status effect/animation plays immediately upon impact. Not only does this look silly, but it actually increases the total time that characters are disabled by the ability by the time of the hit reaction animation (I think, anyway). ------------------------------------------------- If you initiate combat with the Knock Down spell, you can see that after casting Knock Down and successfully hitting an enemy, the prone animation never plays and the Cowled Man instead goes into the combat stance and queues up his next action. His recovery time is paused though, so it is possible that he is actually effected by prone afflction on the data side, but something is preventing the prone animation from playing, possibly something to do with when the combat state is actually initiated after the spell has been cast?
  10. After doing more testing, I have discovered that this is not limited to just the Halt spell. I will make a new thread about it.
  11. Arcane Veil Tooltip doesn't state Deflection bonus or remaining duration
  12. Expected: Tooltip should state the Deflection bonus given by Arcane Veil, and the remaining duration
  13. Technically they don't, if you use Hide in Shadows to scout and know the D&D rules (which technically isn't metagame knowledge, and the games were designed for D&D players). I think I beat about a third to half of the setpiece encounters in BG2 on the first go, as a 13 year old kid. Personally with the stealth system, I think pre-buffing would actually suit Pillars of Eternity. So in our mod we will probably enable it
  14. I didn't play much of the Cipher in the first three beta versions where they were hands down the best class to use. I played one the most in v333, and you could continuously abuse the Tenuous Grasp spell to win encounters. They've now made that spell have basically no duration so it's not even worth picking - which isn't a very good solution to the balance of the spell. I think some of the restrictions on combat casting are a bit overboard, and/or not even really the problem with why the spells were OP. They're just bandaids over a bullethole. A lot of the problems with the status effect spells is that they do not aggro enemy units correctly/enemies have trouble detecting player units that aren't in their FOV. Fixing that would solve most of the problems.
  15. I usually just use the fire one, because I'm not sure if the stamina drain lingers for longer than the effect of the spell or whether it does more damage than the fire one. The chill one is good if you're against all melee units too, but I usually find that the fire one helps me kill things quicker, and thus take the least damage in encounters.
  16. Ignore most of what I'm saying in this video because I was making it to report another set of issues, but at the end of the video, you will see that my Wizard goes to cast the spell Rolling flame at a bunch of oncoming enemies. Before actually completing the spell, BB Wizard is interrupted by the first melee attack landed against him, because he is engaged in melee but is not in range, he then moves, suffers a disengagement attack (?!?!??!) and starts auto-attacking his first engager. This is particularly annoying for player and enemy units. I would prefer if my party units did nothing because the auto-attack clause from engagement makes them 'waste' their action. You then have to wait until their auto-attack recovery has finished to be able to start casting spells again. I don't think it would be a good idea to have them always attempt the spell again due to the engagement system. If the target of the spell is out of range, the wizard would then move and suffer potentially multiple disengagement attacks simply by re-attempting the spell. This also kind of brings up the question as to whether Party AI or Auto-attack toggles should be implemented. There are still many cases in the game where party members start auto-attacking or automatically change targets to start auto-attacking when they absolutely shouldn't (overriding your issued command), behaving like enemy AI. Optimally, if the target of the ability or spell is in range, I think it would be valid to have the character attempt the action again, but if the target is not in range then they should do nothing, or auto-attack if Party AI/auto-attack options are turned on. edit: There also seems to be an issue here with disengagement attacks, melee weapon range and possibly pathfinding. My Wizard had to move to auto-attack his first engager and suffered a disengagement attack, which is ridiculous.
  17. Another Bug with Hiring Adventurers Character Record Button Highlights not reset on close Issue with Spell-casting/Ability-use, interrupts and engagement
  18. Expected Result: When you close the character record while viewing the personal character data and open it again, the party button should be highlighted instead of the personal button.
  19. Happened again - BB Fighter and Ranger animal companion
  20. Would be nice if you could open with the charm spell. I understand it's been disabled out of combat because it causes enemies to just attack the unit you charmed and then combat ends and things go back to normal. You could probably fix it by reducing the range of the spell and/or making the use of it turn enemies hostile once you have charmed someone.
  21. I discovered another case where hiring an adventurer causes a black screen, it is probably related to the last one I reported but it occurs with a different set of steps. I have also only been able to reproduce it on this particular save game file, hasn't happened to me on any other character. I made a solo cipher character, killed all of the BB characters and looted their gear, made a save game file near Medreth's group, exited the game and then later in the day came back and loaded the game and ran to the inn to hire a Monk adventurer to see if I could beat Medreth's group with just two characters. However in hiring the Level 3 Adventurer Monk, upon exiting the Adventurer Creation screen, the screen goes black just like what happens when you try and hire an adventurer and kick out a BB party member. edit: Bester helped me test the issue, he just hired any old level 1 NPC and it did the same thing so it doesn't matter what adventurer you hire. My savegame files and the output_log.txt are included It throws this NullReferenceException NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object at RecordKeeper+<StringOverFirstValue>c__AnonStorey70`1[EternityTimeInterval].<>m__D6 (.PartyMemberAI m) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 at System.Linq.Enumerable+<CreateWhereIterator>c__Iterator1D`1[PartyMemberAI].MoveNext () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 at System.Linq.Enumerable.Any[PartyMemberAI] (IEnumerable`1 source) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 at RecordKeeper.StringOverFirstValue[EternityTimeInterval] (System.Func`2 value, IEnumerable`1 from, System.Func`2 valueTostring, .EternityTimeInterval nullVal, Boolean allowTies) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 at RecordKeeper.GetStatValue (PartyStat stat) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 at RecordAggregator.GetPartyStatValue (PartyStat stat) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 at RecordAggregator.GetPartyStatLine (PartyStat stat) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 at UICharacterSheetRecordsGenerator.Reload (Boolean personal) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 at UICharacterSheetManager.LoadCharacter (.CharacterStats character) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 at UICharacterSheetManager.OnGlobalSelectionChanged (.CharacterStats character) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 at (wrapper delegate-invoke) SelectedCharacterChanged:invoke_void__this___CharacterStats (CharacterStats) at UIGlobalSelectAPartyMember.set_SelectedCharacter (.CharacterStats value) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 at UIGlobalSelectAPartyMember.OnGameSelectionChanged (System.Object sender, System.EventArgs e) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 at (wrapper delegate-invoke) System.EventHandler:invoke_void__this___object_EventArgs (object,System.EventArgs) at (wrapper delegate-invoke) System.EventHandler:invoke_void__this___object_EventArgs (object,System.EventArgs) at (wrapper delegate-invoke) System.EventHandler:invoke_void__this___object_EventArgs (object,System.EventArgs) at PartyMemberAI.OnSubSelectionChanged (System.Object sender, System.EventArgs e) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 at PartyMemberAI.set_Selected (Boolean value) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 at PartyMemberAI.AddToActiveParty (UnityEngine.GameObject newPartyMember, Boolean fromRestored) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 at UICharacterCreationManager.CloseCharacterCreation () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 at FadeManager+<SignalOnFadeEndAfterFrameDelay>c__Iterator36.MoveNext () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 Pillars of Eternity.zip output_log1.zip
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