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Everything posted by Nakia

  1. I transfer money from my bank account to PayPal. You can use a credit card if you wish. Check you PayPal account it will tell you how you signed up.
  2. Copyright laws would issue into this I believe. You can't simply take characters from another game that you do not own the rights to. You can meet Father Christmas, Robin Hood, King Arthur, because those are not copyright people or characters. Sure it would be fun but I doubt it can be done.
  3. I disagree heartily with this. Most of the modders I know and I know quite a few, have a lot of experience, make mods that add a lot to games, some are texturing, some are bug fixes and some are quest mods. Some are small and some are large. It is up to the player to choose wisely. Mods enhance a game, make it more nearly perfect for the individual player. You may not like mods buth there are many, many people who do. I think Obsidian should concentrate on making the best game possible and then do a toolkit. A good toolkit will allow talented modders to fine tune the game. This will bring pleasure to many players and will prolong the life of the game. I doubt that Obsidian is going to take anything away from the game in order to make a toolkit so I do not understand why people are afraid of the idea and the request.
  4. A game that NEEDS modding to be good is not a good game. A game that is good but encourages modding is a great game. It will live on and it will enhance the reputation of the developers. I am hoping that there will be a toolkit for this game.
  5. I think rifles came later than the period this game is set in. The fireamrs I gather are very primitive and to be used mainly against mages. Muskets http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Musket According to this article the rifle replaced the muskat.
  6. What is important is the ability of the story teller. Tradgdy can be depressing. Happiness can be boring. A happy ending can be trite and feel forced. I don't think that the Infinity Engine game stories were either happy or tradgic. In a way IWD II was because I felt sorry for the twins. Don't remember their names. Torment had tradgedy in it but was not depressing. A good story does have conflict in it. The games may be fantasy but they still reflect life and life is both tragic and happy. One of the things I did like about Oblivion was the sense of ambiguity about good and evil that it raised. There was a depth there. You could ignore it or you could pay attention and question. I love mystery stories. How ever with a game once I have played it the mystery is solved so there needs to be much more to the story than that. What draws me back to reread a story or replay a game is the intricacy of the story or the game. With game how many different ways can I do it. Can I take a different path?
  7. The easy mode will be easy. Which is good for people who are new to this type of game playing. When I first started I played on easy. There is no shame to that. If some one wants to stroll through the game primarily for the story that too is fine. I see no reason why they should be shamed or feel ashamed. This is a single player game and how I play the game is my business. As for niches in a sense all games are made for a niche. TES games have become so watered down because they want to appeal for the niche, a very lare niche, of people who want to be everything and do everything except they don't want to be challenged, don't want to use stratergy, don't want to have to think about what they are doing and don't want a main quest. I know this because I have had discussions with some of them and that is exactly what they say. They want a completely open, sandbox world with no game ending. Why they would want to play a game based on the old style Infinity Engine games is beyoond me. Maybe they think because the developers have a place where the game can be discussed as it is actually being made they will be able to tell the developers what to do. :shrugs: The fact that the developers are making the game they, the developers, want to make probably does not even enter their minds. As soon as I heard about the Project I jumped over to donate because it is an isometric, party based game which is based on the old style games which to me means story depth, challenge, thinking, fun. That is what I want and what I expect to get.
  8. Played them all but the one I played the most was BG/SoA and then the expansion ToB. I also have BG:EE pre-ordered.
  9. She is carrying a muskat which has limited use. This is a fantasy game and I hope it doesn't try to clone Europe. I really would like a unique world. In fantasy artistic license should be allowed. Actually it should be expected. I don't like it when I see women treated as primarily sex objects whether in a fantasy game or in real life but there is nothing wrong with portraying them as women. I do not find the orginal armour in any way offensive.
  10. I would like something along the lines of the Infinity Engine games dialogue system.
  11. While the group may get some recognition the individuals do not get any recognition except what their base pledge gives them. Anyone willing and able to pledge the extra $8 may join the group. As individuals we get no special perkrs except out custom titles and a badge if we choose.
  12. Most of the IE games I played on normal. When it came to other games such as Oblivion and Skyrim I found I had to push them to the difficult level, add mods that eliminated the over done hand holding in Oblivion. I spent hours playing those games and enjoyed them but they do not hold a handle to the IE games. The IE games had story, combat, non-combat, depth, challenge and were just plain fun to play. I still confused about this hardcore vs non-combat issue. The developers are giving us options as to what we want to play so where is the argument? We will be able to choose the way we want to play. So what is the problem?
  13. I like the way the armour looks. She is ready for a good fight but attractive. The boob plate is not over done and there is no center dip to draw swords, arrows or butllets. She doesn't look as if she might fall over due to her front equipment. It might be historically accurate but for a fantasy game I think it is well done. You know at a glance that she is female.
  14. I think a few people have either backed or simply joined the discussion that have never played the old school games, yes. I remember having a difficulty slider on those games. I remember it well because I pushed the IWD II one the wrong direction and couldn't figure out why I was having such a terrible time playing on easy. I asked on a fan site and was embarrased at my mistake.
  15. Maybe it is my age but I simply fail to understand what the argument is about. No one is forcing anyone to place on hardcore or ironman or Insanity mode. OE has clearly tated that you will have choices. They have made that very clear. Maybe I am missing something but this is a role playing game, it is a computer game therefore the player's character will interact with elemnts of the game, other NPCs, animals and monsters in the wilderness and so forth. In order for the STORY to evolve the player must interact and do things. OE has stated that it will be possible to avoid combat. No one is forcing anything on anyone.
  16. As have no interest in recieving merchandise for my $8. That was given as a free gift with no expectations of any kind. The fact that OE recognized the Order and has given it at least semi official status I think is great.
  17. Wow, You are really into this project. Already playing it in your dreams. Maybe you should keep a journal. That is really something.
  18. Maybe what we need is that skip game mod I mentioned before. Due to the fact we have so many people posting here things get posted while I am composing my post. I am not getting a pop-up that tells me a Post has been made and do I want to modify mine. If my post follows yours do NOT assume that my post is in answer to your post. My posts are aimed at the general discussion which I admit I am finding non-productive. Obsidian is know for its story telling. OE has promised us choices and diversity. Obsidian cannot please everyone 100% of the time. Again, we are all fans of the old school games and are supporting this project because of that experience. Can we please stop arguing about it and give some productive feedback to OE? Trust them. I wonder what the next two races will be like. Marked by the gods. I also hope the elves will look different from the humans rather than looking like rather than humans with pointed ears. What variety of elves will we have?
  19. Seriously, very seriously, I am really confused about what the argument is about and why it is going on. We all agree that Obsidian makes good stories, good games or we wouldn't be here. This thread is about various choices they are giving the player. We will have the chance to play the game the way each one of us wants to play. I think the comment about reading the book arose and was repeated was because some one made a post that sounded as if they wanted a story but no game play. Now for game play and story I would like that Haunted House with some mystery story that has been mentioned in another thread. I think that would make a good inclusion for a stretch goal. Hmm Maybe it could be attached to that house we are getting.
  20. I think we may have a problem of semantics. No one is trying to dictate how you play the game. We are being given choices to how we play the game. One player may set the difficulty leave to easy, specialize in non-combat skills and play the game. Another player may opt for a different difficulty level and specialize in both combat and non-combat. Another may opt for the maximum difficulty choosing to eliminate any help. may even solo the game. The story will be good because Obsidian is doing it. If you are saying that you do not want to do any questing, any negioating, any action but wander through a fantasy setting then I am truly puzzled. The will be no story without game play. Game play is part of the story and the story is part of the game play. Now I am getting confused. PS: Does anyone remember a mod called IIRC "Game Begone"?Baldur's Gate II
  21. Well, I want story, action, excitement, immersion, choices, Puzzles, mysteries, replayability, laughter, tears, conflict, friends, enemies, a warm spot by the fire. In other words I want the game Obsidian is going to give.
  22. Battlemage would be a warrior able to cast effective spells which could be either restoration or destruction or a combination. or actually any school of magic. However without restrictions this class could easily become over balanced but that is true of any class. Balancing out the classes is the challenge the developers face.
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