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Everything posted by Semper

  1. i would wait till josh or adam say something about this - should be a more reliable source, after all it's their game. 12 level seem a bit more like a faster leveling process, considering that eternity and bg1 should be similar in amount of content.
  2. yeah, i know that but i couldn't think of real buzz word to call it, and fog of exploration sounds terrible. is there any? black backgrounds revealed bit by bit while exploring the map with your characters is the formula i was talking about.
  3. nobody said that dungeons should be tunnels; it was just an example where a fog of war builds up an exploration atmosphere without knowing what will be after the next corner, IF there's no door. regarding the door, how will exploration be handled in exterior maps? staying with your example there's no door and the whole map will be revealed, showing the "hidden" cave or an interesting location.
  4. of course you have to adjust the radius of the visible range between being tedious and revealing too much. without a fow it's hard to achieve a form of exploration within an isometric game, given that there's a minimap and a draggable screen without being locked at the selected character. how would you integrate exploration? imagine a forked path in a dungeon where you've to decide which way you want to go first. if the whole map was revealed from the start like in nwn2, you'll see that the left one leads to a chamber and the right one is very narrow and stops eventually at a dead end; or that both ways are split and merge later. it's boring to know all this through simply looking at the map.
  5. this. because of sawyer's mod for new vegas, which deals with exp rates, i am confident that he as the project director won't go the level every minute route.
  6. dunno if there was already a thread about fog of war or even an official word about it. as far as i remember this feature wasn't mentioned in one of the updates but i like to see it included. imo a fog of war adds tremendously to the exploration of unknown areas and dungeons. it was a real bummer in nwn2 that the whole* geographic map was revealed upon entering, which destroyed all tension and the slightest moment of surprise. right now i can't decide if big cities should be fully visible. perhaps this could be added as an option - if this costs too much effort just blacken all maps. *as far as there was no door inbetween
  7. You're a modder yourself so don't you think that scripting every area that way would be too much to do, especially considering the tight development schedule? You've to test, balance and probably bugfix all the possible encounters. This kind of reactive environment is only for a small amount of special areas, but could never replace or overhaul a core mechanic like resting.
  8. what about quicktime events? pressing randomly chosen buttons while watching your party backflipping around would be amazing!
  9. you simply can't compare the average pledge per backer from a finished project with one right in its middle. there's a very high chance that towards the end the majority of backers will rise their donations to reach a stretch goal. what eternity is lacking right now are goals around the 2.6 - 3mio marks, further exciting updates and perhaps even the first screens will be published, don't worry. the project is doing fine
  10. imo there's a difference between achievements and special feats. the former is disconnected from the game and serves only personal ego stroking whereas the latter is merged with the system, serves roleplaying purposes and ideally gives different bonuses and/or penalties. feats should be in definitely!
  11. depends on the exploration system in use. right now it sounds that they're going with a more traditional one with clickable hotspots on a world map where mounts wouldn't fit in. besides that integrating mounts into the whole fighting system would take too much time and ressources, therefore it's better to drop the idea.
  12. that's the whole meaning of stretch goals... to fund something expensive. they could also add a toolset after release, if the financial success justifies such a move.
  13. there're lots of threads dealing with modding tools and every now and then a new one flourishes. obsidian's stance is that they're thinking about modding support and they know that it's a rather important thing, but nothing's set in stone. we're not unheard. even if there never will be one released, as long as they're providing file declarations the community should be able to cook something up.
  14. what a faux argument... how should someone, who can't speak or understand english at a level to enjoy the game, differentiate between a good and a bad translation? right, he can't. but he's glad that his native language is supported and buys the game.
  15. well, crimson caravan company and powder ganger don't sound any better. what would be the better translation in your opinion? especially powder gangers made sense in this context, because originally only vorarbeitern were given access to dynamite. after the riot the whole gang was called pulverbanditen.
  16. goddamn bad?! i've played in both languages too and while most of the voices were arguable, compared to the original ones, the translation itself was good. can't think of any faults, let alone goddamn bad examples.
  17. so you've seen the whole world map and not just that tiny part they released so far?
  18. das liegt aber einzig daran, dass der englische name schon total bescheuert und inspirationslos ist. für dich hat es aber sofort einen anderen klang, da du, bedingt durch die fremdsprache, nicht sofort die eigentliche bedeutung assoziierst, sondern einen "fantastisch" klingenden namen. jetzt stell' dir einfach mal die ganzen engländer/amerikaner vor, für die solitude eben "einsamkeit" ist. mal ganz davon abgesehen, dass es falsch übersetzt wurde. wenn's dich also so stört, dann spiel' doch einfach auf englisch. deswegen aber direkt komplette teile des marktes zu ignorieren wäre keine alternative. viele kaufen sich eben spiele und leben mit einer evtl. schlechten übersetzung, sofern sie das überhaupt mitbekommen, wenn sie dafür dem spiel bzw. den texten ohne probleme folgen können. ständiges nachschlagen im wörterbuch nervt dabei einfach nur.
  19. and there're also people claiming it a crime to translate proper names at all. would have been funny if they kept the names which usually come with eastern european literature. lots of knotted tongues among all those witcher fans :D
  20. guess he was talking about personal map notes like in the old days. in nwn2 there was also a blank page in your journal where you could write down notes. that was an awesome possibility which could been used with sparse quest logs. carefully listen what a npc told you and write down the important parts.
  21. because when they started their kickstarter project there was no guaranty that it would be successful. 25k early birds is almost half of the initial budget needed and still 5$ more than the average minimal pledge to get a digital copy. plus the majority of pledgers use kickstarter like steam sales - they want to secure themself a cheap game and they expect a reward. bottom line is that an early bird special produces a mental pressure to pledge INSTANTLY!
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