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Everything posted by Selky

  1. It does if enough people complain about it, and it was a common complaint after release. Complaints about new Torment's story is the reason I never bothered buying it. I was right, I don't like where this argument is going. My backer sticker is right there. You acknowledge that word of mouth is a thing so I'm just going to ignore this part. The main plot was trashed everywhere. Even Sawyer acknowledged it. The only complaint that came close to it was bugs/loading screens. It being poorly received is not up for debate.
  2. Yes, though I don't think I like where this argument is going.
  3. Deadfire was never going to have good word of mouth with such a garbage main plot. There were other issues, sure, but none of them killed my interest in the series like that did. Just dreadful.
  4. I'm completely fine with this after Deadfire.
  5. It'll likely be released before Starfield and CP2077 as well. Very good timing.
  6. I sympathize, but first-person is the new fad and it's not going away. They should definitely make it accessible to those who feel sick playing it though.
  7. UE4 seems very likely, especially considering their recruitment ads.
  8. Diablo 3's story never made me feel like alt-f4'ing like Deadfire's did, I'll give it that.
  9. I'm happy, but my condolences to all the isometric CRPG fans. There's no way they'll continue making those games now that they're focused on making Xbox titles.
  10. Good. Time to ditch isometric CRPGs and make real games again.
  11. A certain someone wanted more control over Deadfire's story than they had in the first game. They thought they could do better, and this was the result.
  12. The approval system and romances were so offputting that I only used the sidekicks after my first playthrough and left the companions to rot on my ship. Ydwin missing out on companion status was a blessing in disguise. As for the story, I felt like writing an essay on Deadfire and Tyranny's writing but there's really no point. You can tell that that the good writers have left and the ones remaining either a) don't care, b) are pretentious af but without the writing ability to back it up, or c) would rather write fanfiction romances than an interesting story. I even defended PoE1's story, but the main plot in Deadfire is hands down the worst I've seen in a video game. Just terrible.
  13. I'm not sure if it was the wrong story to tell but it was certainly told poorly. The conversations with the gods are some of the worst scenes I've had to endure in a video game.
  14. Yes, they are that bland. You know it's bad when Ydwin, a SIDEKICK, is more interesting than all of the companions combined.
  15. Wow, more ship content is just what I wanted! - said no one ever
  16. I'll give them points this time for portraying every faction as horrible. It's the most realistic depiction of politics I've ever seen in a game and I can only hope that it's caused people to rethink their stance on politics in real life. The real choice isn't which faction you support, it's whether or not you give in to political apathy.
  17. I'll keep replaying the first game, but I don't intend to touch Deadfire ever again. I just don't care about the companions, factions, gods or anyone in this game. I need an emotional hook to care about a story and I can't find one.
  18. Possibly? Crowdfunding another RTwP game seems dangerous at this point, I doubt they'll get as many pledges and fig funds after Deadfire. I'm certainly not pledging again.
  19. Not well enough. I wouldn't expect a sequel.
  20. Do you want the in-universe answer or do you want the real answer?
  21. Why can't people like you just get over yourself and accept that a person can have their own perspective? Why do people like you have to be so antagonistic all the time? I'm not the one who started this smug ass thread claiming that people who dislike the story are "shallow" and "missing the point". Obsidian fans have got to be some of the most obnoxious I've come across.
  22. Unironically Ydwin. Making someone that interesting a sidekick should be a criminal offense.
  23. Why can't people like you just admit that the main plot sucks and that Obsidian need to do better in the future? Is it really so hard? There were a million different ways they could have made the Eothas plot and factions/side content coexist with each other. If they wanted the Eothas plot to be a "framing device" and to focus the main plot around the factions (e.g. New Vegas), they could have easily done so. That's not what happened. What we got instead was railroaded garbage that took up far too many conversations and robbed the game of a more interesting ending.
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