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Everything posted by JCPhoenix

  1. You can also add and remove party members at any of the inns.
  2. What kin of confuses me is Animancy... Wouldn't all Watchers, Ciphers, and possibly other magic classes be considered animancers? Kind of makes opposing Animancy seem very hypocritical, though I suppose the player doesn't have a choice in regards to being a Watcher, still... the lines between Watcher, Cipher, and animancer seem very blurred.
  3. Yeah It was presented a bit poorly, like I'm pretty sure they straight up say that you HAVE to get assistance from a god to survive so it didn't really seem like you could progress without pledging to a god. I was kind of hoping that Wael and Skaen would be "safe" betrayls since you had no choice but to betray other gods in order to do theirs. Worst of all is if you betray Ondra, Rymgard, and Skaen by siding with Skaen... He's part of your guys' group! Take it out on him, not Dyrwood! lol In general I wish there was more slides for stuff like: what boon you get for your choice, the Fangs, the pregnant woman in Gilded Vale, what happens to the noble's daughter/niece, etc.
  4. The way it was portrayed with Thaos, Iovara and others it's like as a Watcher, a god, or a very skilled animancer you can essentially act as a brain surgeon: Preserving the mind/personality ( the statue in the Sanitarium, and at Caed Nia) Uncovering hidden secrets of the mind( past lives/awakening) Destroying the mind while preserving certain parts ( IIRC there was an option to return Thaos an Iovara to the cycle but preserving their memories to torture them) Destroying the mind completely and turning it into pure energy( entropy, and strengthen endings) Whereas a standard death seems to act more like alzheimer's with the person losing their memory with some being worse off than others( the occasional destroyed soul) and some being "better" off than others ( those that become awakened) Of course the morality of all this is very confusing and open to interpretation like: Should I feel worse about killing a living person or destroying a soul? ( in Heritage Hill using meta knowledge you have to decide between destroying hundreds of souls or killing hundreds of people by letting the Leaden key later reactivate the machine.) Should I really feel bad About the babies not being born? The souls themselves are still alive and they are just people that had lives in the past.... Now with Woedca defeated they will be reborn into new babies anyway, depending on what I do and if I do choose entropy or strengthen is that so bad? There will be new souls and there isn't much benefit to actually remembering your past lives since most people just go crazy... Wouldn't it be healthier if all souls were grinded down and destroyed when they died since there's no real benefit? Also what happens with Sangani's tribe if Persoq's or their other chiefs souls all get destroyed? Just so many questions and subjective ideas.
  5. I have slept near him many times and the quests did advance far, but not far enough to finish them entirely...Durance's quest progresses when you return to Teir Evron after doing the quests that you get there... It's part of the main quest... I think you get two dreams from traveling/resting with him before that.
  6. Yeah, I had to reload and save her too... She doesn't respond to it, but she does have a different line for act III which is nice. I also found it impossible to take Mr Beaker from the Glanfathan woman, I just felt too bad about it.
  7. The 1st Warden bounties can't be completed until after act 2 and the 2nd set does include one in the copperlanes catacombs, so there is that....
  8. Would've been nice if this had more consequences, like killing less than 10-15 would result in Kolsc surviving the counter-attack, or the number of guards you kill effecting how much reputation you gain. I mean Gilded Vale is already suffering greatly and the loss of so many lives would leave the area unprotected, or whoevers in charge would have to spend a hefty sum of gold to hire new mercs.
  9. So, how moddable is POE? Personally I think it's in desperate need of a "roleplay and reactivity" dialogue mod, even if the result of the dialogue still remains the same. Given the inconsistent voice acting even with voice acre character, it wouldn't really stand out either.
  10. And yet if I kill him, I get MAJOR negative in Defiance Bay...Could always do more side quests in Defiance Bay, get the information for Eder and THEN kill him. I I killed him, but I'm pretty sure I'm still a "hero" or "champion" in Defiance Bay. Eder's quest does bring you back to the area anyhow.
  11. Do you still lose rep by killing him? As far as I know the kill option is supposed to be a silent assassination of sorts, so no one ever knows it was you, therefore no rep loss. Also just letting him go should obviously result in no rep lose because you aren't extorting money from a Defiance Bay noble.
  12. My main character was a slave, and the Skaen guy had special dialogue for that and I really kind of wanted to go with the Skaen plan from a roleplaying perspective, but I just couldn't go through with letting the girl be a slave to serve Skaen's purposes, so I released her and killed the Skaen priest as well as her uncle. Now what I did try was to release her AFTER letting her return to her uncle that way I didn't have to kill the Skaen worshipers since I did agree with them in principle, but unfortunately the game didn't allow me to do that. Also for those of you who said that the Skaen priest might be lying and she was never raped, the Cipher option does go into detail about HOW you release her and it does show that her uncle did do all the things that the priest accused him of and you have to sever her memory of her uncle completely in order to free her.
  13. http://forums.obsidian.net/topic/74075-hostile-sanitarium-bug/?do=findComment&comment=1678915
  14. Good thing I'm joining the Dozens on my first playthrough... Still haven't accepted either of the 2nd quests yet, and Dom's hate me for defending the merchant. 1st playthroughs a kind good hearted (wo)man of the people, 2nd ones gonna be a more stern lawful type (keeping Raedric alive, joining knights) and 3rd will be a basic self serving ass, sooo.... Probably Dom's for that one. I understand the issue though. Your first district is copperlanes, you explore everything, get the dozen quest and go to first fires to further the quest, and then you go to the next district to get the info from the cipher. In this time you have completed the Dozen quest, but you've only met and maybe accepted the 1st quest for the other factions. So you turn in the Dozen's quest and talk to the next guy... And if you've ever played VTMB, Fallout New Vegas you're all ready to double cross the dozens and just use them to get more info/experience/rewards before making your final choice.... It also doesn't help that the expedition house presents itself as like some sort of "fighters guild" where you just do random jobs to kill monsters and bandits.
  15. yes, and she advised anyone else making a game not to make them for some reason
  16. @ the last two posts: You know you can switch your party at inns right?
  17. I've gotten the Durance dream when save scumming at an inn ( a prisoner kept escaping after I slept and I was trying to stop it), it happened randomly during one my sleeps after reload. I also had it happen when sleeping in the bed at the stronghold. Of course I think you might also have to exhaust all of his dialogue which requires a few rests since otherwise he'll just keep cutting you off.
  18. I think I was level 6 when I did it. I think I cheesed it just for the fun of exploiting, and because Eder was pretty close to maimed at that point and I'm too cheap to use my supplies unless I REALLY need to. Also I'm not very good at allocating my skills and combat, so I wasn't very prepared to begin with; when I entered the cave I just kept telling myself: "please don't be a boss fight, please don't be a boss fight..." I was thinking I wish I had a different summon lol, but all I had was skeletons and wisps. I tried the skeletons for one wave but they did even less damage, so I just went back to Wisps. I even tried using the share the pain cipher spell on the wisps a few times to try and speed things up a bit while remaining safe.
  19. That's the one in the lava cave right? I recently did that one, but cheesed the hell out of it. I basically just spammed Kana summoning Wisps over and over again, getting like 2-10 damage in for every time I summoned the wisps, all the while my party was chilling out outside of the combat range. Also you need to kill it for the quest, and I think there's some nice bracers or something in a nearby chest... There's also a trapped chest, not sure what's inside there because I didntnwant to set it off, gotta go get my mechanics slave to open it More details here: ( it may have glitches my game for a sec, and I think I got the drakes name wrong lol) https://forums.obsidian.net/topic/76823-enemies-frozen-on-the-spot/?do=findComment&comment=1660964
  20. Glad to see I chose correctly; I always like to play the master Manipulator and cult of personality in RPGs because playing as a generic warrior you miss out on so much fun dialogue and skill checks. I've been a little disappointed so far, the only cipher check has been "so you're a cipher like me" with the Orlando guy in Defiance Bay. I kept thinking, but come on! I can talk to the dead, there's this whole issue with people being born without souls, souls control the body, ciphers study and control souls!! Where the hell is the commentary on all this connecting together!?!!? But I guess more comes up later. Also I really messed up with my persuasion stats. I thought that intelligence would be theain one since there was no charisma or anything, and that's how most games handle conversations, it's usually just outsmarting te other person or using your intelligence to figure out what they'd want you to say, or whatever else, buuut... NOPE! Instead I get bombarded with perception and Resolve checks left and right that I can't possibly pass. it does make sense though, especially after I re-read the Resolve description.
  21. Also remember that this entire level is devoted to elemental research with the Blights and the machines that are controlling them. Additionally you see chained up skeletons all throughout the level. So I'm guessing when you find his lab and look over his notes you see that he is directly involved in the horrible acts that are taking place on this level. Now, the execution of this is pretty bad. I love the sense of dread and sadness as Kana says " Oh no!" At seeing a generic skeleton wizard which we have faced a thousand times before.... Maybe if he was a named wizard like "Gabrannos The Evil", or if there were more blood, guts, and horrible sights to see on this level... Like research notes, journals from the victims, a horrible human/blight hybrid monstrosity that begs you to kill it... Just needed some more show and tell to flesh out the story.
  22. Same thing just started happening to me. I was doing the Magran quest in the fire cave, and after killing all but one enemy on the narrow bridge I sent a will o wisp Kana summoned to scout ahead on a suicide mission. After the wisp got killed by the big dragon(Cail The Wild?) combat didn't stop and no enemies were coming, sooo.... I ended up exploiting this by repeatedly summoning wisps to go in and wittle away the enemies. 2 Xiraup skirmishers died from either friendly fire or confusion attacks from their allies. Then as I started taking down the Xiraup priest in the very back of the cave I noticed that after I cleared Cail and started attacking the priest no one else would attack my Wisps, just the priest. eventually I killed the priest and focused on Cail, during which time nothing else attacked me, just Cail. After many, MANY wisps and about 10-20 uses of their lightning spell( because it glitches out sometimes and the graphical effect was staying there forever, so by the end I had like 5 white flashes of light lagging up the map) I got Cail down to nearly dead and bum rushed Cail with my whole party and killed him. After that all the enemies have had this problem, after leaving the cave I went to the closest nearby map (the cliff where you look for persoc) and the enemies were still just standing still. It's weird because at one point some Xiraup and tree trolls were coming towards me but after being hit by my fire wall I put down.mostly seems that only like 3 Xirup skirmishers is the most that will attack me while everything else just ignores me. So.... Any idea what's going on or any fix? EDIT: well, just started up the game all seems to be working again. I'm thinking the issue is probably with the scripts getting overloaded from complex battles or exploits... Like summoning 100+ wisps I to kill a dragon lol.
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