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Everything posted by GhoulishVisage

  1. That... would be completely awesome. Seems stuffy though. And probably flea-ridden and rank too, considering hygiene back in the day. Still think the tabard should be separate though. It sucks finding an awesome piece of equipment with an inseparable tabard on it that you don't like. Also be an awesome way to declare allegiance to a particular faction or boast your own insignia once you get the stronghold and some recognition. Having your own guards with whatever your insignia will be on their uniforms patrolling around the area would be incredibly cool. So, equipment will probably look like the following if it's like NWN2: Visible: - Head (Helmet, hat, hood etc) - Shoulders (Cloaks, scarves, capes) - Torso (Shirts, Jerkins, Chain shirts etc) - Hands (Gauntlets, Gloves) - Legs (Pants) - Feet (Boots, shoes) Not visible: - Neck (Amulets) - Fingers (2 Rings) Huh. All I removed was vambraces and two rings. I was actually expecting to remove a bit more. Why isn't that possible?
  2. Oh well, just thinking back to Morrowind with it's selection of equippable stuff. Skyrim really bummed me out with how limited it's equippable items were.
  3. So, I've been thinking about the armor, and what slots should be available for placement - Head (Helmet, hat, hood etc) - Neck (Amulets) - Shoulders (Cloaks, scarves, capes) - Torso (Shirts, Jerkins, Chain shirts etc) - Arms (Vambraces) - Hands (Gauntlets, Gloves) - Legs (Pants) - Feet (Boots, shoes) - Fingers (2-4 Rings) Also, I'm thinking that perhaps a Tabard could be individually placable separate from armor. This could allow for separate effects, or it could be entirely decorative to show your allegiance to a particular faction for roleplaying purposes. Hell, once you have a stronghold perhaps Obsidian could design an insignia to go onto your own guard's tabards and your flags. An ouroboros should do nicely. Some vambraces and tabards I googled. So, do you think I'm going a bit overboard on the equipment?
  4. They're talking about designing and programming a working dungeon-based ecosystem. That sounds pretty significant to me. Unless I'm just looking at this completely the wrong way.
  5. I have to third this assertion. If the dungeon is supppoed to have 15 levels, then how is fresh air, water, and food being brought in to see to the needs of the inhabitants and how is all of the waste being handled? If it's populated by undead or clockwork creatures, then that eliminates a lot of the questions of biological viability, but it still leaves unsolved the question of why all of those entities are sticking around after all of these many decades or centures of abandonment. Something has to account for their presence. This is really the last thing the devs should be allocating time, resources and thought to. What the player gets out of something like this is infinitesimal compared to what the dev would have to put in, and runs the risk of making the dungeons less fun. Seriously rather have those resources go elsewhere.
  6. You know, I really dislike Twilight too, but these comments and lolsparkles jokes are getting pretty boring since they're basically the exact same comments word-for-word that are mentioned any time vampires are bought up in conversations at all.
  7. Eh, the Russian armor looks a bit silly, but the Conquistador armor looks good. Second part of your post makes less sense the more I try to read it. Need a bit of clarification on that one.
  8. Huh, I never knew Ammon Jerro was Celtish. But seriously though, I'm liking that design in particular, even though it's looking a bit more Scottish that Celtish. A Scottish culture in the game would be pretty damned cool as well.
  9. As I said here I personally believe the Glanfathan will be based on a Celtic culture (based on very little evidence, admittedly) and as such they'd look a bit more like this The Celts were renowned for their berserkers.
  10. The best way to do a Tutorial for Project Eternity would be to build a small separate scenario where you play a predetermined character with one or two predetermined companions for the 30 minutes of the tutorial's duration. This scenario can construct a little bit of back-story for a an area of the game. This back story should preferably be non-essential or filled in in the main campaign as well. This scenario could be anything from some characters defending a castle under siege to some characters leading a raid on a bandit camp or investigating reports of a group of necromancers. (I quite like that last one myself since necromancers are not necessarily evil in PE's world, and it could introduce the player to the thematic elements of the world and some of the more morally grey conflicts taking place.) This scenario should be separately selectable from the game's menu or from the character creation screen. This will achieve several things: 1.) Make an interesting tutorial that is not a labor to play 2.) Set the tone of the world 3.) Sets up the story of a section of the game world in an interesting and engaging manner 4.) Allows for a tutorial that does not have to be replayed to get the story 5.) Allows for a tutorial that does not have to be played at all to get the story I'd prefer it if Obsidian managed to avoid the problems that CDPR encountered with Witcher 2, where players complained that mechanics and gameplay were not explained properly. CDPR has since rectified this situation by making a more informative introduction sequence.
  11. That's quite a word to throw around for people who are just worried about certain themes seeming very out of place in PE. Whilst I'm personally confident that monks will be incorporated in a manner that is fitting for the setting, I can see where they're coming from. I always felt that monks looked visually out of place in a game like NWN2, like a Jet Li character wandering through Lord of the Rings. It is however worth mentioning that this game DOESN'T take place in Europe or (as far as I can tell) a PE Europe equivalent. We have Siberian themed Dwarves there, so definitely not traditional fantasy Europe. Er, I don't think. Anyhow, these themes can probably be incorporated intelligently and seamlessly by some of the creative boffins over at Obsidian. That said I do quite like Vargr's Forton drawing. It's a very non-traditional take on a monk when it comes to RPGs, yet fits Forton's hobo look perfectly whilst still allowing him to be an expert martial artist and not looking too out of place.
  12. So, I personally would prefer Obsidian going about this in one of two ways. One, they draw inspiration from historical sources for the armor and fashion types of various cultures and they adapt those in consistent ways into the PE universe, making each of their cultures feel unique and distinct but also familiar and somewhat relateable. This is the Witcher 2 and Dark Souls method. Two, they could design their own consistent armor and fashion senses for each of their cultures, making each one feel fresh and inspired whilst also practical and realistic. This however runs the risk of looking a bit daft if they don't nail it just right. This is the Lord of the Rings (movies) method. What they should NOT do is make the armor cartoonishly exaggerated (World of Warcraft), generic and without it's own flavor (Dragon Age: Origins) or just random designs thrown about willy-nilly with no unifying themes or cultural influences one might expect a logical world to have (lots of RPGs have this problem).
  13. Alright so, personal opinions ahead. As a huge horror fan I'm personally hoping that the Endless Paths will have a horror theme around them, subtle at first, but growing more prevalent and more terrifying the deeper one goes. Also there should be an air of mystery around the place that gets cleverly unveiled the deeper one goes through things like item description stories, found diaries, ghosts acting out their last moments etc. For example the place could have been an old excavation area where the archaeologists and miners all mysteriously disappeared, and everyone who has gone to investigate has never returned. As you go down through the levels, which start off looking like relatively normal "stone passageway" type dungeons, they become increasingly bizarre and sinister, with fragments of what happened there being revealed the more you progress through the environment, items, logbooks etc. Obsidian have stated that they quite like the idea of the monolithic stone presence that the artist of the Endless Paths concept art for the KS drew. This artifact/creature could be linked with the mystery of the place, and to discover what it is and what it's purpose is is to unveil the mystery of the Endless Paths. Another thing that would be fantastic would be to make the player question reality, make him wonder if the Endless Paths are playing tricks on his mind and if the catacombs are in fact sentient and malevolent. Another cool thing would be to hit the player with the unexpected. For example he comes across a plain clinically white room where all of the areas before that were eldritch and oppressive. In the room are several bloodless corpses neatly arranged in a row. What is the significance of this room? Who knows? The place itself needs to look frightening and unique. Caves and stone corridors are boring.
  14. The Easter Eggs should be subtle and clever when implemented, in such a way that they do not break the feeling of the world they are in. Preferably they would reference other games, literature and classic movies rather than current pop culture. For example a H.P Lovecraft Easter Egg would be fantastic, or references to the old IE games, other RPGs or previous Obsidian games wouldn't go amiss either. Witcher 2 had a nice Assassin's Creed reference, with a dead man in a white robe lying in front of an overturned hay-cart. Just so long as there aren't too many of them and they aren't implemented in an obnoxious way.
  15. I generally love the spooky, oppressive feeling of swamps, but hate the annoying enemies that inevitably lurk there. Remember the carnivorous plants from Witcher and the critters from Diablo 2, Act 3? I try not to. Also swamps are generally the victim of bad level design, with annoying mazes of islands or long funnels of dry areas for you to follow.
  16. There are problems with having a race that's too bestial in appearance. 1.) Animations All of the animations that have been made for regular races would have to be redone for Arachnids etc 2.) Equipment Obviously playing as an Arachnid-alike would severely limit what you are able to wear and use As it stands the Orlans and the Aumaua are the unique races for PE, but that doesn't mean that Obsidian won't expand it's list of playable races in future games where new land-masses are used as the setting. Also, we don't know the tone of PE and it's world quite yet, and having extremely fantastical playable races might not fit that.
  17. That is an amazing idea. I can get thoroughly behind this.
  18. Alright. Petition to get this guy to do PE's portraits. Seriously though, this art has just turned Cadegund from my least favorite potential companion into my favorite.
  19. Changing seasons would be awesome, I agree, but also completely superfluous and time/resource consuming. How many people would even experience the full benefits of changing seasons considering how long it takes for seasons to change? I like many of the day/night ideas you have. Night should also be more dangerous than day, ala Witcher, which makes travel a strategic decision.
  20. I like realistic fantasy maps. They make it feel like the creators give a damn. Also it needs more than one continent. It's really annoying when a fantasy setting only has one landmass and a few islands.
  21. As much as I loved Sweet's portraits for IWD his art is far too linked with that series for it to be used extensively in PE. PE should have it's own identity and it's own unique style.
  22. Nyouh my God. We could have had another Bloodlines. And instead we have a bloody MMO that has a release date of 2099. That is cruel.
  23. In my quest to quote your post I accidently clicked "like", which I in no way meant to do since you obviously don't know that the "Mass Effect Garbage" that they're basing their system on is in fact a classic isometric rpg called Darklands. If the character runs out of health they die. Reload a save or leave them there. If the character runs out of stamina they get knocked unconscious. That's the system, so I guess you won't be buying the game. Also, the magic system isn't vancian. Low level spells do not need rest to be restored.
  24. So, in the situation of Project Eternity being established as Obsidian's own successful in-house franchise, what do you think the likelihood of them expanding their range of owned and publisher-free ips is? Avellone's Defiance or Sawyer's Darklands-esque RPG spring to mind as possibilities.
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