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Everything posted by Pidesco

  1. I finished South Park yesterday. FUN!
  2. Controllers are better suited for FPSs?? There's an opinion I've never heard before.
  3. Barcelona is pretty great. It's after Barcelona that things go pear shaped for Lionheart.
  4. Check to see if EVGA can do something for you regarding the graphics card. They are usually good with warranties/RMAs.
  5. We have not talked about them, no. Just that it is an item and a pet. http://buy.pillarsofeternity.com/ The item and the pet's names are in this link. Spoilers, I guess?
  6. This thread is teetering on the verge of a lock. As I'd rather not lock the thread, with it being an important announcement with a well defined purpose, I'd appreciate it if all involved would stop discussing one another's IQs and rhetorical skills.
  7. Physical rewards are all shipping from California? I was thinking that the deal with Paradox would allow you to ship stuff from other locations. Europeans may end up paying customs.
  8. Isn't that a backer portrait?
  9. It is looking like everything will be shipped pretty close to release day for folks in the U.S.. International deliveries may be a couple of weeks after release, unfortunately. Once we receive confirmation of delivery from Paradox we will let you guys know. Will there be package tracking?
  10. Try here: http://forum.bioware.com/forum/45-neverwinter-nights-ii/ Despite NWN2 being an Obsidian game, at the time, the powers that be decided that the official forums for the game should be hosted by Bioware. So hop on over there.
  11. How about character sheet exporting, not for use in the game but rather for sharing online?
  12. That last pic leaves me wondering about how character lighting is handled in PoE's engine. While this is a feeling more than anything else, the model's colours strike me as a tiny bit off and I'm thinking that it might be due to the contrast between its and the background's lighting.
  13. South Park which I hadn't seriously picked up before, Spelunky, and Rocksmith 2014.
  14. I have to say I'd prefer an UI that covers all of the screen's borders. It's obviously not optimal in terms of screen real estate use but I find it a lot more beautiful and user friendly.
  15. It really feels like arrival of the goods is just around the corner. I wonder if there will be tracking for the packages. Also, let's see if this time I can recognize more signatures. I had no idea who each signature belonged to on my other signed games.
  16. Locked for length, continued here.
  17. Continue Witcher 3 discussion here. Previous thread
  18. You are a: Left-Leaning Anti-Government Multilateralist Bleeding-Heart Libertine Collectivism score: 17% Authoritarianism score: -33% Internationalism score: 50% Tribalism score: -100% Liberalism score: 100% Green Party 96% Democrats 95% Socialist 74% Libertarians 44% Republicans 2%
  19. One would think that discussing gameplay design in a game developer forum wouldn't devolve into childish bickering. I'll pretend that said bickering didn't happen for a while longer and hope that the people involved can take a hint.
  20. Last friday, me and the wife met up with Tigranes for dinner. He is very talkative and really nice. Fun was had. He's the one with photographic proof of the event.
  21. Why is culture chosen after the attributes during character creation? Seeing as culture affects attributes, I think it'd be better the other way around.
  22. The lack of microsd slots in Google's nexus devices makes what are otherwise excellent devices a useless paperweight for me.
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