Are you kidding? Half Life was seriously hyped up and every reviewer who played the game hailed it as the second coming of Christ, and everyone back in 1998 was playing Half Life. Also my misgivings towards the game are not retroactive, even back in 1998 a few people were already complaining about the awfulness that was Xen and the idiotic platforming bits.
And by the way, I wasn't comparing it to Doom, a game five years older than Half Life, by accident. Half Life offers the same product as Doom with two meaningful and important improvements. This makes Half Life a good game not a revolutionary one. System Shock, or Thief, or Ultima VII were revolutionary games, for example, regardless of how well they sold or for how long they sold.
Half Life's qualities aren't just dependent on individual, subjective tastes. You can look at the game and easily discern what it is that Half Life did do, that was improved or new when compared to other FPSs.