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Everything posted by Azure79

  1. "No - I'll never turn to the Box Side!" (I was going to add "I am a PC Gamer, like my father before me..." but my Dad sees the PC solely as a way to get cheap porn, so I think I'll leave it out. ) <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Hahahahaha. Good one. Tell your father that porn is FREE on the internet!
  2. The third Sith Lord is actually a headcrab bent on galactic domination. The headcrab is currently sitting on MSG's head and when you defeat MSG the headcrab tries to implant your head and that's when the final battle begins. I really want HL2 just in case you didn't notice.
  3. I've never personally seen one but I was living in Korea when K1 came out. I first heard about K1 when visiting the Bioware site and being the SW geek that I am I was immediately drooling uncontrollably. I had to order mine from the US since SW isn't that much of a big deal in Korea. Fortunately I have corrupted my Korean friends into liking SW and one of them actually kicked me in the face after he became hyped up watching the Duel of Fates when TPM opened in Korea. I was writhing around the floor of the movie theater in great pain....those were good times.
  4. Yeah, and if Jolee is there, he'd probably laugh along with you and give you a friendly slap on the back. Unless you killed him of course.
  5. Was Vrook that Jedi Master that hated you? If yes, then I hope we run into his ghost or something and we get to say something insulting to him.
  6. I was just wondering how the multiple playthroughs went for everyone. I usually play the good guy who saves the galaxy/world my first time through in most RPGs and that's usually what 'really' happened as far as I'm concerned for my game reality. So when I play K2 my first game will be a natural continuity from my first game of K1. I usually play both good/evil, male/female because I love games and I want to see 'what might have happened' so to speak. The next few games don't really affect me to the degree as my first playthrough though and I don't develop a quite that bond with my other player characters. How about you guys? How do your different playthroughs affect your 'gaming reality'?
  7. She must have put him through some rigorous training. "
  8. You're an idiot. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> I knew you'd come through Nur Ab :D
  9. We PC users should set up a support forum and have meetings consuming alchoholic beverages while we argue about the force. I personally hit random objects when I'm drunk, then I clean my room.
  10. Isn't it that emaciated blonde guy? Though I think I read somewhere there are others.
  11. Give in to your passions and strike down your PC with all your hate - then your jouney down the Box Side will be complete. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> But I love my PC! I built him myself! See, I don't even refer to it as an 'it'. HE is precious to me. Prrreeeciioussssss....... Until I forge myself a newer better one in the fires of my room. hehe
  12. I don't think the Sith are racist towards non-humans. Humans just make up the largest power base and its always wise not to anger your largest power base, even if running an overpowering absolute power dictatorship. This probably means policies aimed to please humans more than other races. Besides the original Sith were an alien species anyway. I think with the red skin and two tendril like appendages running down their chins. In fact I remember the comics depicting the old sith lords like Marka Ragnos and Naga Sadow in this way too. The original dark jedi that rejected the Jedi code and absconded to Korriban slowly intermingled with the Sith species there and eventually took that name as their own. Then the Sith who were with Naga Sadow when he landed on Yavin 4 slowly devolved into the savage Massasi race. Maybe Nur Ab can clarify Palpatine was a racist though right? He preferred humans to non humans.
  13. I have no idea. Absolutely no idea. I want to be really surprised! Especially about Revan.
  14. Yes, that's always a risk. You see, Palpatine was a little nice girl before she uncovered the secrets of the dark side. :ph34r: <{POST_SNAPBACK}> hahaha awesome
  15. PC version, since I too, do not possess an XBOX. I can wait. Hell I've been staving off urges to buy Half Life 2. Damn the Gamestop right in front of where I live! Always tempting me...tempting me.
  16. What's wrong with Zaalbar? He was a great melee fighter with the wookie ceremonial blade and baragwin blade both upgraded. Sure he didn't great AC but usually he killed everyone before that. Sure he didn't talk much, but I don't have wookie partners for the stimulating conversation. Who wants an eloquent wookie going "Hrrrwarrrrr!" al the time anyway? Wookies are there for the menacing physical presence.
  17. I never seem to get tired of real ultimate power lol :D
  18. Must resist till February! Do the screen shots from the game seem a little jagged? I hope thats fixed.
  19. Hmm. What's the difference between using dark side power to destroy an enemy or stasis fielding enemies and then cutting them down with a lightsaber. Both ways seem pretty harmful to me. If someone is out to kill you should be able to protect yourself right? Moral ambiguity aside, if a Sith warrior comes at you shooting lightning out of their hands, the last thing a jedi will be thinking is, "Will I get DS points for force pushing this guy?"
  20. It's not all the difficult either, running around as a level 2 character on Taris. Just have Zaalbar tank for you with Canderous and you can stay back and take everyone else out with concussion/frag/plasma grenade combos. You can even win the Gladiatorial battles in the cantina at level 2, again by moving around and timing your grenade throws. Its not cheating. Actually it takes a fair amount of skill to properly use grenades.
  21. Because i think I'm a nice guy I hope my dialog options permit cameos of all the former characters to return. I wouldn't necessarily want any of them in the current party however. Well...maybe except for the droids. I hope the former NPCs help you throughout the game, or you can help them. HK47 as many have speculated will be sent to assassinate you...I hope. I think it would be incredibly funny if HK kept botching up assassination attempts throughout the game due to unpredictable factors surrounding the PC. Like a pedestrian crossing your path might suddenly be shot, and off in the distance you can faintly hear, "Stupid Meatbag!" and catch a glimpse of HK running/rocketing/flying off into the distance. I want to meet up with Jolee and Juhani back on Dantooine and help them fight off a massive invasion force of Sith or Mandalorians. It would be fun to run into the Genoharadan again except this time, they've turned into this master smuggling ring, after Revan nearly destroyed them. After going through some interesting missions, discover that Mission is at the head. Carth, we would obviously run into on Telos, along with Dustil. Zaalbar has his own ship and is battling slavers throughout the galaxy. Canderous = Mandalore? Bastila's fate is intertwined with Revan's so we'll find out what happens to her when we discover Revan's fate.
  22. Wasn't Sadow's spirit/form/presence/ghost destroyed at one point or the other? Just like Exar Kun destroyed Freedon Nadd's spirit? I think I read that somewhere.
  23. Guardian then Weaponmaster for me. In real life I like talking through problems and being a diplomat. But once I start a nice RPG, I turn into this sword wielding maniac who hates talking. Not that I kill everything in sight. My characters act noble for the most. Just when I come up against enemies I usually choose, "DIE!" as my option as quick as I can and chuckle in satisfaction when I ever I get a critical. Personally I'm looking forward to seeing Yoda and Sidious going one on one. I'm pretty sure they're evenly matched and Palpy's lightning attacks seriously wound Yoda, but Yoda's retaliation also turns Palpy into that somewhat crumpled and pasty figure we see in the OT. Or that could be just age.
  24. Revan. I don't think he would have directly manipulated events in K2. He did have a heavy influence up to those events so no doubt his presence will be felt. I think likely he'll have a pivotal role in the events that transpire in K2. I'm really curious and look forward to meeting him again in K2. It'll no doubt send shivering feelings up and down my spine when that happens. I'm seriously contemplating purchasing an XboX just for K2. Must resist until Feb! And I thought my 'go without food to buy latest games' phase was over when I graduated from college....apparently not. Microsoft does not wholly own me yet.
  25. I don't think anyone is really, we're just having fun talking about lightsabers. I really don't think its a particular form that makes you stronger. Its how much you practice with said form and how much understanding you can get from that form. Many martial arts have differing styles, though a particular style doesn't mean its superiority. Its how much you practice and how much you learn, how much you overcome your physical limits. Though I sometimes wonder who would win if a fencing master with a rapier went up against a traditional Chinese swordsman or a Japanese Samurai with a katana.
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