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Everything posted by lychee26

  1. I think the problem with having a lot of voice acting is that it cost money, and because this game doesn't exactly have a large budget having all that voice acting isn't really feasible. It also restricts how maeny lines of dialogue you can write, because of the cost and the time it would take to record, which is something they wanted to avoid, Obsidian wanted their writers to have a free reign when it comes to dialogue.
  2. Just so you know I'm fairly certain that their going to producing a rich story heavy game. They have talked about how they want to do companions (i.e deep characters with their own motivations and things like that. The reason why they've been focusing on gameplay is 'cos its less prone to changing over the cycle of development, plus we don't really want too many spoilers, and plus plus we have to wait 2 years for this game... We don't really need to know the whole story already do we? Plus what's wrong with IWD being a inspiration mechanics wise, seeing it had better combat that some of the other games. Why only focus on the story, when you can have a good story plus good gameplay.
  3. Well, I've never liked anything on facebook before, but what the heck, anything for a good cause.
  4. That doesn't sound like something you should need a specific class for. Otherwise I might need to start campaigning for Warlocks, because the default Wizard archetype isn't abrasive enough. Bard has enough unique going for him that I can't dismiss him similarly. But the name priest or fighter can kill that a bit, plus other people in the world would react differently to a paladin than a priest. I'm sure LordCrash will play his paladin character even if the class doesn't exist, but I'm sure it would be greatly preferably if he didn't have to act like his priest of fighter was a paladin, but rather, was simply a paladin. But yay for bards and being unique... (I actually don't play paladins, but I do usually play as bards)
  5. But that attitude is what makes the character of a paladin. Priests intepret what the gods say, Paladins follow what the gods say. There's a big difference there...
  6. Well... if druids, rangers, monks, barbarians and ciphers(psionics) can be in the games I don't see why paladins and bards can't be in as well. What's wrong with more choices??
  7. How are bards not interesting? You can have them use song to cast spells, which is already different from other classes. They can sing songs of war to bolster allies, sing songs of doom to weaken foes, and of course make loud noises to distract people. I find the act of using music to battle enemies to be highly satisfying... but maybe that's just me.
  8. I think a lot of it is that the names priest and paladin have very different meanings, that while related do create different characters in peoples heads. You can dress a priest up all you want, but it's still a priest inside.
  9. I think they're pretty good. I will say the last two monks sorta look like they forgot to put on their pants thouigh... sry, but the other roughs look pretty good though I will say the rogue's gun looks like it would be awkward to pull out, probably should sit higher so you can grab it properly while you take it out.
  10. That's what I was thinking of as well, still keeping the old system, but just changing the part that didn't work as well... hopefully it's something close to this
  11. Honestly while the whole boob-plate thing does bother me, what jumps out at me more is the orange in the hair that doesn't really fit in with the muted colours of the rest of the image. Because it's so disconnected colour wise, I keep seeing it as a wig... I know it's probably just me but I just can't get over it...
  12. Yeah... I don't think that's going to happen in an oldschool isometric game like this , where you're not really close enough to see anything like that.
  13. Well, I thought what he meant was how in some games you can just ask NPCs a bunch of questions that a person wouldn't actually ask, just to act to give background information on the world, which could be discovered through other means. I mean in some games I end up aksing all these questions that I actually basically know the answer to, just because the option to ask is there and because I get uncomfortable if I don't ask everything possible. Like asking about something that is going on right next to where the conversation is happening - it doesn't really add anything except artificial playtime. Plus, how often do people start talking to strangers, in real life, about the world and everything that's going on in town. Exposition in dialogue isn't really necessary for characterisationand plot, which is more important for dialogue, there are other ways to find out about the world... I think anyway (though I'm not saying it shouldn't be there, just not all the time and in every conversation you have)
  14. I would prefer a more D&D system. I prefer when classes remain a bit more distinct from each other, otherwise some classes simply become obsolete, like rogue classes who often rely on skills.
  15. Wow! you go to sleep for the night, and when you wake up, what started as a few posts on a thread has turned into 16 pages of people joining... I should try to sleep less. Zee - Shadow of the Obsidian Order
  16. If you're playing as Reinhart, then your belt is one of his weapons.
  17. I sort of wonder why your on this forum then. It seems to me that the only reason your here is to try and tell everyone you think Obsidian sucks and that everyone should think that too. Not everyone thinks the same as you, so stop trying to force your point of view down everybody's throats. Let people like the things they like without being harrassed like that. If you stop doing that, then people will stop trying to argue with you, and then everyone will be happy.
  18. IIRC the purple orbs only extend the effects of defensive skills to the whole party. Actually I think all defensive abilities do use 1 purple orb. You use 2 if you want it to apply to the whole party. But it didn't look like it took that long to charge it up in the videos.
  19. Well it's technically 9 skills with 2 types of proficiencies, 1 mastered version (depending on how often you use that ability), and 1 powered up version using the purple orbs. And then some of the Talents also seem to affect some of the skills. And you have two basic attacks which can also be powered up. So while there may not be as many skills as the first two (though I don't remember there being that many truly different abilities in the first one) there is still quite a few variations within those skills depending on how you play your character. I mean, I seem to remember that in the first two, a lot of the different spells a lot of them were essentially the same thing with slight differences.
  20. Well, you never know if one of her costumes/armour covers her up more or not. I mean there's probably at least one that covers her up a bit more.
  21. You do know that Anjali, in her fire spirit thing form can chuck fireballs, and set the place on fire and stuff, and I think she can summon something at higher levels. Isn't that magical enough, and close enough to what a combat mage does anyway (minus the choice of element). Plus we don't know what the last male character does. He probably covers the nature mage aspect of dungeon siege magic, while Anjali covers the combat mage.
  22. Has anyone noticed that the girl in the 4th picture has the same silhouette as the girl with two guns on the official site?
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