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Everything posted by Chippy

  1. But do you blame him? Trump has unashamedly played the " Muslims are going to kll us all " card....and the mayor of London is a progressive Muslim who is also a committed UK citizen IMO we need more Muslims in the public limelight who are supportive to the Western country they live in and are vocal about it, part of the perceived criticism towards some members of the Muslim community is they lack loyalty and don't want to integrate And remember there is lots of misinformation about Muslims from some of Trumps supporters. I watched this week a women walk out of one of Trumps conventions and they interviewed her about what she thought of Trump She honestly said " Trump is right, Obama is a Muslim and he wants to destroy the USA " How can people still be thinking Obama is a Muslim ? I don't follow Obama, but it seems he is pretty far-left and my experience with leaders of that type is that they put their ideals before the law and justice. As far as the mayor of London goes: http://blogs.spectator.co.uk/2016/05/is-it-islamophobic-to-draw-attention-to-sadiq-khans-links-with-extremists/ An excerpt: "Khan himself gave evidence to the House of Commons Home Affairs Select Committee in which he said ‘there is a consensus among Islamic scholars that Mr Al-Qaradawi is not the extremist that he is painted as being’. "So who is this Muslim scholar, who was warmly welcomed to London in 2004 by Ken Livingstone? Among other things, he’s the author of a book called The Lawful and Prohibited in Islam in which he justifies wife beating and discusses whether homosexuals should be killed. Most notoriously, he condones ‘martyrdom operations’, i.e. suicide bombings, against Israeli civilians, which he describes as ‘God’s justice’: ‘Allah Almighty is just; through his infinite wisdom he has given the weak a weapon the strong do not have and that is their ability to turn their bodies into bombs as Palestinians do.’ In spite of holding these views, Qaradawi is not an ‘extremist’ in Khan’s eyes". Also, his family have ties to extremist groups. Pretty concerning to me. I once lived at the same address as a person who had committed minor fraud and while banking online, the internet timed out - for which my bank suspended my account for 3 months while they went through my entire finances with a fine tooth comb - all because the fraud was tied to the address, so find it kinda funny that the mayor of London gets a pass on the above and other questionable links to extremist groups. As far as Trump scaremongering goes - I just see it as how leaders measure risk. They know more than we do concerning threats, and public opinion is turning in Europe. In London, extremists can stage a march, walk through the streets with signs saying: "The police are the terrorists", "Overthrow the government", "Kill the Prime minister", "Sharia Law for all" and nobody bats an eyelid. When a bunch of white guys stage a peaceful protest at being below 10% of the population in an area their families lived in for four generations and stating that multiculturalism has failed because they're physically at risk walking through these areas - they get counter-protested and their lives are threatened by the Muslim citizens to the point of being escorted to safety by the police. I always look for what leaders prioritize - Louisiana floods, Obama sends memo stating people shouldn't discriminate during the crisis and continues playing golf. Trump wants to instigate a security based migrant system, fix the economy of the USA and Hilary Clinton calls for 550% increase in migration and talks about minor stuff like shutting down Brietbart. And the Mayor of London is the same as Obama and Hilary Clinton - concerned with Trump, online policing of hate speech and bikini body posters, when there are Muslim patrols threatening anyone who walks through areas they're families have lived in for generations because now it's 'a Muslim area'. I hope the mayor of London brings people together, but leaders need to get their priorities right.
  2. Watched "The Walk" recently about the french artist Philippe Petit doing a wire walk across the Twin Towers in the 70's. Amazing story of human achievement, including the construction of the towers.
  3. Our mayor in London is criticizing Trump for his views. He's only been serving for about 5 mins, I think he's on the way to America to meet with other mayor's to discuss what they'll do (when I hope) Trump becomes president. Interesting times.
  4. All this stuff about Hillary Clinton's corruption and the way they make their money... amazing the way people just gloss over it, and that just seems like the tip of the iceberg. If I was an American, I'd vote for Trump.
  5. I think some games are ok with it (DA:O), comes to mind, generally I've found heat movement is better so the single card isn't running hot/loud. But yeah, it looks like they fudged it and I'll probably go for the single card.
  6. As the title suggests. I've got an older rig: i7, x2 amd5870's, 6GBDDR3 ram, but outside of Kickstarter haven't really bought that many mainstream games. My system runs hot with some Unity titles (Satellite Reign more than others), and am assuming the bottleneck is the video cards first, and system ram second. My next AAA purchase is likely to be Dawn of War: Warhammer, and don't think my system can make it. So really thinking of upgrading cards, but might go for the sli option and crossfire to save a bit of money, or I might shell out on a single powerful card (but mostly interested in how quiet it is). But it seems to me that developers haven't really been taking much notice of multiple GPU's and glitches often occur in games that support them... Anyone had different experience?.
  7. I've got a 24" display, but felt that I really needed several of them around me (like the master in Fallout 1), with a chaos granted huge contracting eyeball grafted to the back of my head and a series of tentacles moving the monitors around - as my face twitched and spasmed between them like the super fast shifting of head and face that occurs in horror films... ...if I had any chance of following the camera in that game. I thought it was poorly done.
  8. I know it's all about the blood ravens and chaos, but there should be some continuity with the other races as well - with regard to hero units.
  9. I believe a person should be allowed to leave a legacy of wealth for their family after they're gone. To be specific - I'm only now starting to get to the point my great grandfather was at over a hundred years ago (before my family lost everything they had twice over two generations), and I'll be lucky to know half as much as him, and to achieve half as much as he did if I live to 80.
  10. The camera in WL2 should never have made it past the community testing. I'm selfish in that I don't want to be exposed to spoilers, but what the hell was the community smoking when they didn't complain about that camera? I blame the codexers - I thought they had this stuff under their critical eye.
  11. I remember being able to almost solo the game (expansions) as a necron lord, in comparison taking the demonic upgrade as chaos, and effectively being turned into a giant Bart Simpson (those scenes where he was wacked/peppered by snowballs to comical death). Hopefully they'll expand on the 'rpg system' in DOW 3 and you can excel in playstyle areas. But I'd prefer the gameplay of the first DOW over a type of D6 system where everyone does equally, or progressively more damage.
  12. Yeah, I've been trying to work out if Obsidian have an agenda to curtail my freedom of speech over the past few days - and I'm starting to see it happen now. I wanna express myself as a mechwarrior in my home made ****pit, sitting in a pea**** chair with a ****tail at the ready while wearing a ****-comb hat, and you guys are preventing it.
  13. All of it dude. But my sentence structure, grammar, and spelling sucks as well (public school education from 80's to 90's in England), but your humor makes up for it - apply for Boris Johnson's job...good things will happen I'm sure.
  14. Even in professional mode that developer couldn't hide that slapped bum face all mechcommander player's make when their pilots take a PPC through the ****pit. Edit: Hey, this site wont let me type ****pit. You know, that thing pilots ride in battlemechs and planes.
  15. I knew that dude, I can pick up on most different types of humor - it's just your English that sucks
  16. It would be an interesting mechanic to introduce if the eldar were more individually powerful than other races, and pulled out of a battle due to losses. I remember in the first DOW, screwing up, allowing the eldar to build themselves up and setting up this perimeter of gatling guns around my base with over a hundred space marines mowing down about 10 eldar per second, while my hero units assaulted their base. I made it, but it was a bit frustrating. And I kinda felt bad, because I probably killed so many eldar it permanently changed the colour of the planets topsoil.
  17. British people generally don't get upset unless you seriously mess with them. If there's an extremist march on with banners saying "kill all police", "overthrow the government", "implement stoning as punishment for adultery", etc, the average response is: "Crap, there's a traffic jam and delays around westminster". But in trying to avoid the jams and people start jumping the traffic queues, or driving over 3" potholes through side streets - then the average British driver/citizen is fired up and ready to commit murder. Suppose it's what happens when you live in a country where either everything is relatively ok, or the media doesn't really tell you everything from a fact based point of view. It's great material for some black comedy though.
  18. Have put my playthough of this on hold until I can forget all the criticism of it at launch. Considering how long it takes Beamdog to patch their games and get mandatory stuff working (I've given up on working soundsets after almost 6 years) it'll probably be next year or so.
  19. I need to get this but expect an i7 processor, 6GB DDR3 ram and a HD5870 vid card wont be able to handle it.
  20. There's been some concern that it's not gritty enough in it's art style. Looks good to me, still a long way from final (can't remember the state mentioned at first video release) but referring to that vid.
  21. I started out as a console player when I was a kid - eventually getting into PC because of Syndicate Wars as a teenager. Hopefully console titles can do the same for the current old school CRPG games. Hard not to use the phrase 'reach a wider audience' there, phrase has become synonymous with AAA bad publishing.
  22. I'm confused by this statement - are you saying that people who voted to leave the EU are either racist, or are voting for other reasons (such as protecting their economy) and are now reaping what they have sown with tension rising between communities? Thereby being responsible for the actions of racists because of their vote?. How's it going for you in Sweden? I hear there are now roughly 50 or so 'no-go' areas there where the police are afraid to patrol, need to escort ambulances, and wear bullit proof vests while doing so. Assuming you are white (and clearly not a racist) I expect you would have no trouble walking through these areas with female family/friends? I'm sure they'd have no trouble in summer western clothing, mixing with the locals, proving they arn't racist. The obligatory disclaimer: I'm a former teacher who dedicated his life (successfully) for 5 years to inclusion and diversity, working with adults from all walks of life, and from every corner of the globe.
  23. Camera was #1 on the list for me. I've only replayed DA:O 3 times as every time I think about it I get that negative feel about the camera. But then along came Siege of Dragonspear, and I realized just how many games I have in my library (with the IE games at the top of the list) that just simply made you feel welcome in the world. It's like an unspoken thing between developer and player similiar to a host and guest. Siege of Dragonspear failed utterly at that, and I'd take a crap camera over that specific failure any day.
  24. An oriental, Shogun Total War type RPG with all of the climbing, and height advantages that Total War 2 provided. A Transformers RPG incorporating the millions of years of history that IP has. Isometric would be good, but I'd settle for the Fall of Cybertron Camera. A Mechwarrior RPG with a mercenaries campaign, featuring a world and company economy, as well as a comprehensive salvage system and R&D system similiar to Syndicate Wars.. First person for your controlled mech, and isometic for multiple lance control. Another chapter in Baldurs Gate with Milo Yiannopoulos as the protagonist.
  25. Are there any further patches planned? I think I read somewhere that these latest were final. Thanks
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