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Everything posted by Leferd

  1. 13, I think you have to look at the design decisions regarding KotOR and the Fallouts. Fallout was designed with the hardcore rpger in mind. To be in character with the game, you had to think like a survivalist. Make decisions on what to carry and what to barter away. KotOR was designed to be a fun and cinematic rpg with an emphasis on adventure. BIO tried to do away with the tedium factor that is associated with more hardcore rpg's. Apples and Oranges.
  2. Ever been in a fight? You're in much better shape if you have your opponent on the defensive. The key to a good defense is anticipation. Attack before your opponent completes his attack.
  3. Single. All others look too gimmicky.
  4. Wil Wheaton apparantly did an impromptu audition for KotOR II.
  5. Actually I wasn't singling you out. But you're right...Cat-girls....Raaaorrrrr!!!
  6. *not surprised by the hateful homophobic remarks* You do realize that there was a gay romance in KotOR right?
  7. re: item crafting Is it still that only the pc can do it? Or can another party member with a higher repair skill be the 'tools monkey'?
  8. Can you give us any further assurances regarding skill balance/usefulness? Like: awareness, security, and others. Thanks.
  9. but...wouldn't that imply that Herve Caen is an incompetent CEO?
  10. No! No! Make it like Planescape: Torment's manual!!!
  11. Originally there were only two colors: blue and red. For ROTJ, the filmakers decided that green looked better against the desert backdrop of Tatooine.
  12. LiKe, no way bro! That SupersHadow dude so totAlly lays down the smack! And that's a fact Jack! www.supershadow.com THE IZZY ON THE PLIZZY! WORD.
  13. no i actually read it somewhere but i think it was fan fiction tho. i still cant remember tho. sometimes i do a google search for star wars stories and fan fiction. wait i think i found it on www.supershadow.com history of the jedi and sith. but from what ive heard that sight is not to be trusted always. but ya im pretty sure its there DUDE! www.supershadow.com is like so totally the most super awesome star wars site. EVER!
  14. These are some very good points. To add on to that, I think that Force Whirlwind was is one of the more cooler looking animations. That and Force Waving everyone to death does get boring...
  15. Repost: It's not so much that our suggestions could make an impact on KotOR 2, but whatever we suggest now could plant seeds into the ideas of future Obsidian games. Our ideas and debates with one another could very well spark debates within the developer ranks on how best to approach game making. So lets keep the debates going.
  16. It's not so much that our suggestions could make an impact on KotOR 2, but whatever we suggest now could plant seeds into the ideas of future Obsidian games. Our ideas and debates with one another could very well spark debates within the developer ranks on how best to approach game making. So lets keep the debates going.
  17. Non-lame jokes will always come across as offensive to someone. Otherwise it wouldn't be funny.
  18. "Honestly, I thought Master Uthar was a much more effective villain than Malak. Cold, calculating, but not Chaotic Stupid." I agree. He's a great villain.
  19. I have to give two answers: Jolee and Yuthura Ban. First Jolee. He is a crotchety old man....aww heck, click his bio. Simple put: Jolee is one of the more complex characters in the history of crpg's. A badass, mazzerruckus of a brotha who has his own personal demons to conquer. He is seeking his own small scale redemption within the larger scope of Revan's redemption. He has done much. He has lost much. He has conviction. He doesn't blindly follow the Jedi Council. He sticks to his guns. It's called integrity. On top of all that, Jolee is a character who can be funny without being over the top like an HK-47 or a Minsc. (although I think they're great characters too) Yuthara Ban. If you followed her own redemption plotline and heard her true story, then I don't need to say much. Mostly I like them because I'm a David Gaider fanboy.
  20. Interesting. So far two votes for Jolee because he seems to be the least annoying. Starwarskid. Are you sure Revan isn't your favorite? You seem to not dislike jedi characters who wouldn't have the audacity to question your (Revan's) methods/choices/manhood. I ask because I really am curious.
  21. "Ur favorite KOTOR jedi or sith besides Revan..." "BESIDES Revan" I missed that part. Was Revan really your favorite? Why? Just curious.
  22. Sounds like you like him because he was the least annoying to you.
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