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Everything posted by Grand_Commander13

  1. I want an expanding spear (which shows up in the grenades section too, so I can throw it) like the Predators have. Something sweet with an awesome animation as your character extends it for combat. Maybe 5-20 damage with a +3 attack bonus? Does double damage if used ranged (and can be retrieved from their remains after they die, but you see it sticking out of them while they're still alive). I also want to see whips, but the only way to make them good would be to make them the energized kind that people shoot other people for suggesting. Aside from that, I want single-wielding a lightsaber to be worthwhile.
  2. Don't know. Don't care. So long as the game is good when it comes out.
  3. Is anything being done to make the single-saber path (with Dueling) more worthwhile? I mean, as opposed to dual-wielding or using a double-ended saber. And other than the x1.5 str bonus to damage (not too much of a factor, but it helps).
  4. Whatever. When I said it had fanfiction written all over it (the original post, I mean), I meant to write fanfiction because it sounded like a good idea for fanfiction. So... Be happy!
  5. Yay! I love you guys! Now all I need you to do is implement my suggestion in the "Saber Styles" thread in the Suggestions forum (it wass Legend's thread, but I stole it) so that single wielding can be worthwhile, and I'd buy a $50 with nothing in it as long as Obsidian made it! But I need to have KOTOR 2 first.
  6. Ah Slayen. I didn't know that. Well... Now that I think about it, there are several ten-level PrCs in the DMG, but I always viewed d20 Modern as being somewhat cooler, which may very well be where I got the idea from. And anyway... Yeah. I just want to see some preliminary statistics on these prestige classes; that's all I'm asking. Even if every other line they inserted a big bold WARNING: THIS CONTENT SUBJECT TO CHANGE!!!, I'd be happy.
  7. What is this garbage about all 52x CD-ROM drives being $72? I see prices ranging from $30-$40 for normal CD-ROM drives, with CD Burners and CD/DVD drives being more up in the $50+ range. Then again, the DVD drives aren't much more expensive. Just don't go saying that CD-ROMs cost more than DVD drives. And I'm sorry to say it mkreku, but Far Cry's box says it's a CD-ROM game (or at least CompUSA's version is). Anyway, I wouldn't mind just one DVD rather than four CDs, but some non-DVDers may be pissed that they need to buy a drive just to play their game (and as such, won't buy). Give it a few more years before you start releasing games on DVD. Heck, by then, we'll NEED to release them on DVD.
  8. Because they're called Prestige Classes, which is a DnD term for a five-level class (there are only five levels of it, then you're done) you can take once you meet its requirements (typically a certain base attack bonus and a certain level in a certain skill or skills, though the requirements can be anything), each level granting a new ability. And anyway, a level cap of 20 would be alright, since you'd have to choose (though I think most people would go 15/5 in one class and another). The 30-40 level cap is what is confusing me now...
  9. I think Dueling should tack +1 on to the critical threat range of each weapon (after Critical Strike/Sniper Shot and Keen are taken into account) per level. Also, it should be +2 to hit per level. The +1 defense is good enough though. Two-Weapon Fighting should have the penalties increased by -3/-3, and to get to the level of Master Two-Weapon Fighting NOW (basically, to have the penalty as -2/-2), you'd need a feat available only to the Marauder/Weapons Master classes. There. I have balanced single/dual/double-bladed sabers. You're welcome. :D
  10. Ravok, you and your spam get out of my thread! Get out and stay out! Go spam other people's threads to bump your post count! I think 20/10 Jedi/Prestige class would be perfect (and a level cap of 30), even if regular prestige classes are only five levels. I don't know how they'll make the level cap above 25 though (especially the 30-40) unless you can take multiple prestige classes (all of which are ten levels), or you can go above twenty in your original class.
  11. Ravok, stop this spamming. You just copied "I like this idea" and pasted it into like ten threads. Why don't you actually contribute to the discussion (all of which had passed beyond the "I like/dislike this idea" phase)?
  12. You know, if you look at that part on the trailer, it really does look like his saber is really while. So why the terrible edit job?
  13. And from my understanding of prestige classes, there are only five levels. They gain a unique ability at every level. But that's in DnD. Obsidian may very well decide to change that (I'd like to see ten-level prestige classes). Anyway, DnD prestige classes are more about customization (that's why there have ended up being so many of them), but in KOTOR 2 they seem to be natural extensions of their base class (even moreso than the Jedi classes are extensions of the non-Jedi classes).
  14. Hmmmmm... I hope Marauder/Weapons Master don't remove access of force abilities you've already gained. I wanna bust out a saber-twirling force-lightninging bad boy!
  15. I like number four the best. Though it would be Star Forge IIS and Star ForgeIIM respectively, methinks. Number three comes in a close second, with number one as an honorable mention.
  16. Canderous: Best. NPC. Ever. HK-47 comes in a close second. I like Mission and Juhani because they're hot fetish-chicks (twi'lek and fur fetishes), and think Carth is alright (though they didn't write his lines well; he came off as too emotional [but then again, him being emotionless woulda sucked too]). I don't really care about T3, Bastila, or Jolee. Zaalbar was a huge mistake. Even though his story was neat, he was useless in combat.
  17. Totally rightious plot idea. I doubt it's what Obsidian has decided on, but that doesn't mean it's not a good idea. It also has "fanfiction" written all over it. Get on that. B)
  18. Besides, most games try to retain a sense of believability. So in fantasy games, your enhancements come from magic (which is an established force in their game world). In KOTOR, they made some bull-crap reasons for the bonuses to str, dex, con, will saves, etc... I don't think they could REASONABLY explain a rise in wisdom or charisma (intelligence, the ability to acquire and apply knowledge, was slightly more forgiving in explaining its enhancement).
  19. I hope that this game is less buggy than KOTOR 1... KOTOR 1 was more buggy than the un-patched version of Fallout 2. That's terrible. And please, rape the GeForcers rather than the Radeoners this time.
  20. Doesn't sound like him at all. This one dude has an exoskeleton, while we can see Darth Scion's skin clearly.
  21. Well, we could get more exp from fighting enemy Jedi. I never did think it was right to get less exp from a Sith Apprentice than I got for killing a Sith Trooper...
  22. I ask him because he's not me, and I know that I don't know anything useful. And yes, I know LA is a bunch of thieving... er... illegitimate children, but wallpapers pwn. Especially mine. Or at least they would if I could draw them... Hmmmmmmmm...
  23. Oh, can you answer just one question then? Your public loves you so much, and they need attention! Is the game done to the point where you aren't adding any more force powers, or are you receptive to cool ideas still? I kinda got onto the KOTOR 2 scene a bit late... Also, a non-game question: Who do I submit ideas for wallpapers to? Sorry about that sickey thingie though. You're all better now though, right?
  24. I'm not whining for it; I just love to rub the thing in people's faces since they seem to think it would ruin a game, yet they seem to think that their stupid ideas won't. And besides, I could have sworn that I said KOTOR 2 would be just fine without the concept of carry weight. Am I going batty in my old age, or were you just too busy waiting to pounce on me to pay attention?
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