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Everything posted by Labadal

  1. I was out running when it started pouring. It had been great weather with scorching sun all day, so I said to myself that it would be a great time to go out and move my *** for a while. I wasn't surprised at the rain, just the amount! Even my boxers got wet! I feared the worst for my phone, but it survived. I even got two calls, but I was never going to take it out of my pocket. :D Oh, and I've lost 13kg since Christmas.
  2. I watched two or three episodes. Anyway, tomorrow is predicted to be the hottest day of the year so far. Today had great weather too. I love the heat!
  3. Darksiders II Why the hell are they turning this into a shooter? I didn't ask for this.
  4. Two stabbings in the neighbourhood yesterday, but I promise that I was not involved. I prefer unarmed combat.
  5. The artwork looks good, I'll just wait for in-game footage to see how it looks and plays.
  6. Playing with the editor because I have nothing better to do. I'll probably get bored in a few days.
  7. I use that one a lot in BL1 as the Soldier because we almost never buy healing kits. Two shots with the shotgun and my teammate is fully healed.
  8. Borderlands on PS3. It feels like I keep getting quests in an endless loop and I still have three of the DLC campaigns to complete.
  9. Ran through the last two missions today. I might do another adept run because it was fun playing as one and I totally wasted close to 20 karma points.
  10. Fallout: Project Prosper The name actually works!
  11. Just died after playing for an hour. I was doing the Renraku mission but my Decker died so I had no one to do the hacking. Is it possible to wait before I do that mission or will it disappear if I do the other one first?
  12. As an Adeot, can I only have two spell slots? I don't know what I'm doing wrong, but it feels like more slots should have unlocked by now.
  13. My cousin visited over the weekend. Hadn't seen him for a few months, so that was fun. I might visit him in a week or two since the planned vacation to Greece got cancelled. Stockholm is nice during the summer.
  14. Lamplighters are real, you know.
  15. After playing for roughly four hours, I can say that I'm a happy backer despite some flaws. Knowing that I'll get the Berlin campaign for free and user created campaigns makes it even better. I am happy with all kickstarters I have supported, borh backed and purchased.
  16. I'd still love it if the game was voiced. I understand why they didn't, however. I have had 2 decker opportunities early (although one I think just bypassed a puzzle), as well as some etiquettes (that I didn't have) as well. I like the use of character abilities going forward I've seen those options. My Adept has used a strength option twice in dialog as far as I can remember.
  17. I know nothing of character building in this universe. I'm just randomly picking what I think will work.
  18. Brutus the Troll is killing stuff with his fists. That's the only way to do it (for now). I wasn't sure a Physical Adept would work out, but I've gotten a spell that improves unarmed damage and another one that gives me magic resistance. My new armor will make me an even better bullet sponge.
  19. I'll sacrifice a cat in his honor.
  20. I like what I have played so far, no doubt about it. But, the lack of looting enemies and manual saving will be a minus in my book. I like the graphics and the writing is better than I though. I haven't delved deep into combat yet, but the few fights I have been in have been good.
  21. Another two hours over here. I hope I'll enjoy it despite not being happy with some design decisions.
  22. Completed the 4th Penny Arcade game and pre-ordered the new X-com game.
  23. A very interesting update. It is great to read about one of the things I enjoy most in your games and how you implement that in your games. I'm very happy to read that we'll have met all party members before the halfway point. Many games give a character very late in the game and it can be an annoyance at times. You've spent so much time with your other characters and learned about them and done their quests, but here comes another one and there are only a few hours left of the main campaign. Getting your characters early on can also help with how you can approach combat later on. It gives you the option to better adapt your companions to create a better combat party synergy. Companions reacting to one another, factions and the world in general is a also great to hear, but I guess this is one thing I was never worried about. I also hope we get to see party banter when we explore. I wasn't always a fan of this, but I've changed my mind. It can add further depth to the characters if done right.
  24. Sales ends, spend €42 on Mercenary Kings 4-pack. Bravo, lad, bravo.
  25. Titan Quest multiplayer. It's really fun to explore this vast world and just kill (almost) everything that gets in your way. I'm playing a theurgist (sp?) and to my surprise finding it fun. I usually go melee, but my companion went melee this time.
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