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Everything posted by BruceVC

  1. A proper Chef would say "no" but for the average person its more about the taste so it would be a big fat "Yes "
  2. Hard to believe. Last year we had a really dark long winter, endless snow and completely overcast weather for 5 months straight. I think I counted 3 days that had a couple of hours of direct sunlight and temperatures often dripped below minus 20 celsius. Man, that made me feel even more miserable than usual, now in Scandinavian countries such winters are pretty much the norm, I cannot imagine anyone being even remotely happy under such dreary climatic circumstances. You have raised a good point about the weather, I hope our Scandinavian members will comment on the weather effect on there happiness
  3. http://za.news.yahoo.com/happiest-country-world-110907901.html Apparently the happiest country in the world is........Iraq !!!! Just joking its .....Denmark, and you'll notice the other Scandinavian countries are in the top 5 Well done Denmark for being a happy place for people to live
  4. Oh and I'm having Lamb Sausage for dinner with mash potato
  5. That's a cute story Hurlshot and you are right there is an art to making a proper Pizza I am enjoying your posting of the restaurants you visit, I like reading the menu. I am going to start doing the same. I went to Kitchen Bar on Saturday for drinks and dinner. It was very festive http://www.kitchenbar.co.za/Kitchen_Bar/home.html
  6. I agree but only if Syria adheres to the dismantling of all Chemical weapons in an effective and timely manner
  7. Or you can see it as many Americans have grave concerns around intervention in Syria and this has represented itself in the uncertainty on Capitol Hill This should be an example of the strength of the American democracy and Obamas presidency and not seen in any negative light.
  8. Watching John Kerry's original 'proposal' live was unintentionally hilarious, as you could actually see him pause half way through, wince, and think "oh asterisks, I've really screwed the pooch here, haven't I?". Yeah, give the Syrians stall room anyone could take advantage of, give any waverers on your side a bail out option and give everyone else another reason to advocate delay. And all right before you're going to have Obama going on tele to try and rally support. While I'm kind of glad they've been so cack handed as it makes intervention less likely it does rather typify the entire Obama administration that they cannot even get the basics of propaganda/ PR campaigning right. Interesting but if Obama had attacked Syria you would be saying typical "America warmongering" or " American Imperialism" But because Obama is asking for a vote, and adhering as closely as he can to the principles of Democracy, on a difficult and unpopular decision he is considered weak. So its a lose lose situation for him in your eyes hey Zor
  9. I think there is a real issue in Asia and the high number of people that have committed rape. We hear almost daily stories on it from places like India. The biggest problem here is there almost seems to be a cultural acceptance of rape from some sectors in Asia and that is what concerns me the most
  10. Wals they are NOT fighting for a descent future. They are fighting to replace one strongman with another one whose religion they like. I'll repeat, there are no good guys here. This is one band of savages fighting several other bands of savages who all want something different. And when it's all over the bands of savages who survive will start fighting the other bands that survived. This war will not end with the fall of Assad. And it's just not our problem anymore. It's long past time the rest of the world begins to exploit their own resources and wash their hands of the middle east. But not all the rebels are extremists and linked to Al-Qaeda. Also you can never wash your hands of the Middle East until your country isn't dependant on oil anymore. So like it or not the events of the Middle East do effect us so we need to care
  11. Your reputation on certain gaming forums would be irrelevant, all I would care about is your work ethic and can you code successfully
  12. Drowsy are you still bitter about the role that NATO played in bombing sense into the Serbs in there campaign of genocide against the Bosnians? Or is your dislike of the West and the important role that they play in this global world about something else?
  13. http://thegamershub.net/2013/09/wasteland-2-preview/ Guys another preview of this much anticipated game, some of the information you know about but this article should just add to the general excitement
  14. Wow that does sound delicious, when are you inviting for me lunch Walsie? I think our relationship has reached that level don't you think
  15. I love Oxtail, its also one of those dishes where once you have the ingredients you can almost leave to infuse with flavour on the stove while you do other things, like Boeuf Bourguignonne
  16. @ Prosper I have to say I admire your commitment to this game you want to build. Just to be clear are you working on a game or is this something you are interested in and want to understand the logistics and user feedback is part of that?
  17. But damn those Russian strippers and escorts are smoking hot
  18. There is a third BG but it was released to hard core fans and loyal Bioware supporters, its a big secret so please don't tell anyone !!! Ask Alan, he should know about it
  19. In response What is the minimum acceptable amount of dialog you want AI to have? I like dialogue so BG2 or Planescape How much does it matter to you that an AI has accurate and specific details about history? Not sure what you mean? In the game this should be relevant to the lore How many AI enabled NPC should there be in any NPC group? All of them, I want them to have there own personalities and views. I would like to choose who I can Romance but it must be interesting Is it acceptable for AIs to use their advantages to dominate you? Yes What matters more: AI that strives to be creative or AI that goes with the best strategy based on a situation? Creative for me Finally would you be willing to accurately process the AI enabled NPCs even when they are not visible to the player ? Not sure what you mean? I don't want to control NPC or make choices for them if they aren't in my party?
  20. I would like to get your review of the game later, this was one of the few games that I actually uninstalled after playing it for about 4 hours. I felt the game was very simplistic, the maps were walk from point x to point b with very little diversion. Also I got frustrated in the combat as I kept getting killed as I had apparently chosen the wrong skill set for my characters But saying all that I may give the game another go
  21. You seem like a really nice person but you musn't get sad over other peoples rudeness or lack of posting etiquette, or else you'll' be sad all the time If you feel someone is being rude then you must challenge them on what they are saying. I enjoy a good debate but I don't waste time with Trolls
  22. I second your post, lets keep the Risen series going as it has potential
  23. I gotta say you have some crazy and amazing nights Where did this happen at a club or bar?
  24. Monte I'll assist if you can guarantee chainmail bikinis and Romance in your book? That's all I ask
  25. Yes I'm also very interested in what fish? It probably sounds idealistic but I love the idea in the 21st Century of person actually going down to a river and being able to catch his supper. @GD How close are your neighbours where you live? Are you isolated and where is the closest town. I have this image of you living in the deep forest like some kind of ranger but its probably not accurate Oh I'm having Pizza for supper, Mexicana Pizza to be exact
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