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Everything posted by BruceVC

  1. Is it the fact that this generation can't get it or is it the fact that this generation believes that the days of companies benefitting from socially unacceptable themes, like sexism and racism, won't be supported by people anymore? Politically unacceptable you mean. From your political point of view. I don't understand people who want to drag politics into every aspect of their life and even impose it on others, proclaiming that a certain thing is suddenly "socially" unacceptable. Just because it's a humor you don't understand, doesn't make you the king of all people to rule out what is acceptable or not. All sexist/racist/cripple/dark humor is acceptable by me, it's not your place to deprive me of fun by labeling it as "socially unacceptable". Murder is socially unacceptable. Humor is ok. If you don't understand or like it - just don't play it. The more people say this or that is socially unacceptable, the more "rules" we're going to have against this or that. I hate it. So basically you argument is that its s a game and if I don't like the content then I shouldn't play it and I should stop trying to enforce my view on others? What I don't get is end of the day this type of game is actually an insult to people like you. You just don't realize it. The developers are appealing to the whole "shock" factor instead of creating something of substance. We are living in an age of profound creativity and genius. We have games that bring us to tears and games where people create websites where they spend months designing mods just to enhance the gaming experience. So in this all greatness and this ability to truly inspire people what do some developers decide to do? They create a game with a character that makes a mockery of very important social issues. Its lazy and pathetic and insulting to what fans should expect. You should hold Daedalic studios to a higher standard than that Unless of course you really a bigot, in which case you would get some vicarious joy from playing this game. But I doubt you are
  2. RPS does it because they care about social justice and won't be silenced! And other crusading nonsense. Not doing it for hits really, they feel by doing so they're making a difference and such. Sometimes though, people bring up misogyny just to bring it up, it being the cause of the year. I thought that you have finally seen my point around RPS but then I realized you were being sarcastic Because that's exactly what RPS does do, they care about certain social justice issues and they have decided to make a stand. I respect them immensely for making that difficult decision because Malc let me assure you of something, its much easier to not say anything around cases of bigotry or to challenge the systemic issues around sexism we see in certain parts of the gaming industry Personally I would be very annoyed if RPS was making a social stand just for ratings and hits. In fact I reject this notion completely. Unless someone can provide links to support this view?
  3. Its more the principle, the game seems to have a total disregard for social issues that create unhappiness for many people who are victims of discrimination and bigotry. I have no reason to believe that RPS would exaggerate how bad the game is as I know they take these things seriously. Saying that the only way I could truly judge the game would be to play it myself but I really don't know if I can put myself through that Yes on occasion, its okay. The humour isn't really my thing. First thing is, that lot of current jurnalist are bringing up the "sexist" card only to get more hits on their site, which brings them more revenue. Be honest, how many of you, who do not frequently visit the RPS, clicked on the link and read the article, just because you wanted to know how sexist is the game? And I asked about Two and Half men, because many "white kinghts" are depicting the series as an prime example of how sexist is our entertainment... What makes me laugh everytime I see it, is that it is one of the favorite shows of my sister... She does not feel offended, because she is intelligent enough to see the difference between parody of relationships in modern society, and sexism. And she loves How I Met Your Mother, too.... And not despite Barney, but mainly because of him, because he and his "girlfirends" are a nice example of parody of modern relationship in our society as well... So let the strong women, which know how to protect themselves from harm, decide what they find funny and what not by themselves... Only damsels in distress need white knights to protect them... Thank you... You make some good and reasonable points but we mustn't kid ourselves. Sexism is alive and real and we need to reject it when we are confronted by it in society, especially in a game where there are so many other things a developer could focus on
  4. Surly in a place like Austria there must be loads of Mountain Climbing groups and societies, you could find one and join them can't you?
  5. The first game was great. The drag queens seemed like a reference to certain movies. The second one turned into one looong dumb gay joke. Every discusssion with every character made jokes about the main character being in a gay relationship with the wierd scientist guy. Probably "bashing" is a strong word. But when the joke is repeated ad nauseum, it stops being an unfunny punch-line. Thanks for the input, another game to add to my list of " not to ever play"
  6. Generally I will also load a previous game if one of my main characters dies, especially if its someone I'm Romancing...
  7. Is it the fact that this generation can't get it or is it the fact that this generation believes that the days of companies benefitting from socially unacceptable themes, like sexism and racism, won't be supported by people anymore?
  8. Its more the principle, the game seems to have a total disregard for social issues that create unhappiness for many people who are victims of discrimination and bigotry. I have no reason to believe that RPS would exaggerate how bad the game is as I know they take these things seriously. Saying that the only way I could truly judge the game would be to play it myself but I really don't know if I can put myself through that Yes on occasion, its okay. The humour isn't really my thing.
  9. Game looks sad, I won't support any game that has such an abject and complete disregard for social issues and discrimination I am surprised you would wont to play this game Malc?
  10. Don't you think some older games are best kept in the nostalgic archives and never revisited in case the gaming experience isn't what you remember it to be?
  11. A little guilty? I'm surprised that someone of your maturity and intelligence can actually make a post that you are enjoying SR4. I would take a very deep and introspective look at the psychological reasons that you would enjoy this type of game, after that I would consider some kind of therapy. You can be saved but only if you act quickly. Your post clearly demonstrates that you are ...you are.,..you are....human ?
  12. Do I acknowledge your command to ignore you, thereby doing the OPPOSITE of ignoring you? Or do I pay attention to you, thereby obviously not ignoring you? AHHHH!!! *rips out hair* funny
  13. Very interesting update around the logistics of creating a game
  14. "Did you see a Steamboat come floating down the Mississippi while you basked in the sun Huckleberry?" I love the things you can do during the day GD, it reminds me of some romantic novel. I only read about the things you can do on a daily basis
  15. Hi Indira You've been a little quiet lately? Where have you been
  16. To be fair, it is a pre-Alpha build, right? I know exactly what you really mean Monte, you wondering where are the relationships and romance options. I was thinking the same thing but this is more about combat than the exciting interpersonal party interaction that we will see in DA:I...so don't get disheartened
  17. No, bad luck is encountering furries in any aspect of human life. Same goes for bronys. I remember my first day at university, I saw a rotund female wearing a velvet cape. I thought that was bad. I reassessed my opinion after seeing a guy with a picture of his fursona safety-pinned to his jacket with some sort of fake animal ears attached to the hood. The latest offense is that there's a brony with rainbow-dyed hair who exclusively wears MLP T-shirts and carries a MLP backpack wandering around campus while I wait for my microbiology lecture. Speaking of which, the lab's only worth 30% of the final grade even though missing more than two gets an automatic F. Attendance/participation are only worth 5 out of that 30. Insert Jerry Seinfeld reaction here. I don't have a problem with bronies. Their particular fandom is unconventional but they don't strike me as anything else than obsessive geeks. Plus, while I'm obviously not the demographic for that show and I'm not a fan, I have to objectively say that it's a show with quality writing and characterization (I'm an animator and I give any animated show at least a couple of episodes). On the other hand, furries weird me the hell out and I rue the day someone explained to me what yiffing was by googling it. No idea what you guys are talking about but it sounds scary....like mutated creatures that have escaped from the depths of Chernobyl !!!
  18. Do you guys think that's a real picture? If seems far too out of proportion to be real...
  19. it's called evolution of discussion. after a few pages we will move to something else Correct we evolve and refine our discussions on this forum, besides since when do we ever adhere 100% to any original topic
  20. For 99% it's the latter. Exactly my point, I question if people REALLY restart an game after spending 50 hours + playing just because they got killed. This would be the ultimate exercise in futility for me
  21. I'm not sure I understand what you saying, are you saying if you have been playing a particular RPG for say 60 hours and your main character gets killed you are fine starting the whole game again? Or when you say reloading you just mean restoring a previous saved game?
  22. Exercise works better against depression than any meds. Exercise also has no adverse effects, dramatically improves your health, makes you feel and look better. Its the best thing a depressed person can do. Considering that a common cause of death among exercise enthusiast is heart problems due to overexertion, I wouldn't go as far as saying that it has no adverse effects. Everything in moderation even the excesses. Other alternatives to fight depression are arts and crafts or just getting a hobby. Well duh. I'd say excessive gaming is at least as dangerous as excessive exercising, both will kill you if you go crazy about it. Remember that reports of people dieing from exhaustion from playing too much WoW? I'm siding with Woldan on this one. Of course there are examples of people dying due to cardio training when they sick or having undiagnosed heart problems and that leading to heart attacks when training but end of the day cardio and fitness training can only improve your overall wellbeing. Its a silly argument to make that enhancing your fitness is in anyway a negative thing
  23. Weird. Someone with a 'legend' fixation? Or IRGC undercover? That is a tragedy, sorry to hear
  24. That kind of stupidity is funny, I'm surprised that you see that from Danes? I thought you guys were generally well informed
  25. That's interesting, what obscure language if you don't mind sharing?
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