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Everything posted by BruceVC

  1. No I understood your post perfectly, but my point doesn't require a deep understanding of the sex industry. Its kind of obvious, I would think this would be clear Your issue around discussing hookers was based on the fact you said you only knew about them in the Netherlands. My point had nothing to do with that...stop being cheeky TN
  2. I won't go into too many details but lets just consider one point, how do you think anyone would feel about having sex for money.....yes you may enjoy it but what would the emotional and psychological impact be?
  3. What is your favorite cheese and do you enjoy the cheese that comes from your country? It must be awesome living in the Netherlands and being able to eat Old Amsterdam or living in the UK and getting 5 year old mature Cheddar. You Europeans are so lucky I am crazy about cheese and have spent years eating and learning about them, I love blue cheese like Stilton, Roquefort and Gorgonzola. Also there are some excellent blue cheeses that come from Germany and Denmark. I make an excellent Cheese Fondu using proper Swiss cheeses like Gruyere and Appenzeller.
  4. Western civilisations are primarily your Western countries that follow ideologies like democratic elections Hahahahaha! Every season the plebs are forced to choose between Statist A or Statist B. If you're in a parlimentary system, you might occasionally get Statist C. Nothing more satisfying than lending legitimacy to a false choice. Western civilisations are primarily your Western countries that follow ideologies like democratic elections, respect for human rights Hahahahaha! Every State reserves the right to rob you and either throw you in a cage or kill you should you refuse to comply. The US government even reserves itself the authority to murder anyone on the planet at any time for secret reasons based on secret interpretations of unspecified laws. The British routinely throw children in a cage for thought crimes on social media. Many examples of other violations abound. Just because women aren't forced to wear burkhas does not make "The West" respectful of human rights. Western civilisations are primarily your Western countries that follow ideologies like democratic elections, respect for human rights and Capitalism. Bwahahahahahaha! EVERYTHING in The West is regulated and taxed. If it's not, then it's illegal and they will kill you over it should they find the need to. Who can make what, where, how, and sometimes even how many is ruled over. Even the who, what, when where, how, and even why are regulated when it comes to sale. This applies to everything from bubble gum to mammogram machines. Western countries are superior to other countries because they offer their citizens the best quality of life and opportunities to achieve economic succcess We dont want it ever to collapse because of all terrible alternatives that exist like how Russia and some places in the Middle East are governed After a certain point, it's hard to even cynically laugh. Russia & the Middle East are just slight more progressed forms of Neofeudalism. Russia actually has significantly less regulation and taxes, but corruption is open. The Middle East even more so. The main difference is that in The West corruption is codified by law, and shake-downs are done "for the good of the people". Which would not be difficult to do. Why do you think Ghaddafi is dead or Saddam Hussein? Gold. Oil for gold. That would crush the entire petrodollar system. That's why Iran is where all warpaths of the USA lead to. Any triggers of the Credit Default Swap system would cause every bank in the entire world to become insolvent overnight as well. They have hundreds of trillions in derivative liabilities, which is banking code for gambling on insurance policies for worthless collateral that you are not party to. The USA government and many of its lackey states in Europe would see the world bathed in nuclear ashes before allowing that to happen though. That's what this whole business about Syria, Russia, and Iran is about. Mr. Magniloquent, I must apologize for not responding to you earlier as I notice you always go into relatively great detail with your posts I'll be honest and I hope you don't get offended but I avoided debating with you in the past because you are such an extreme conspiracy theorist and we have so little in common, I know many people like you and we cant ever see any middle ground. But its nothing personal You see all these strange reasons for Western intervention in world affairs and political developments, you believe things that just make no sense to me. I could dispute many things you post but I know it wont change your mind, and thats fine as its good we all have our opinions on things
  5. They are a tiny minority of middle to upper class college educated women who have the luxury of not being dependant on the job and a greater capacity to leave. Keyrock, Barie is right Porn stars are not necessarily exploited and many of them achieve financial success But Hookers, no dude. If they aren't mentally dysfunctional when they start most of them do deteriorate mentally for a number of reasons That doesn't make them bad people but its a most unenviable lifestyle. They are victims of their job and lifestyle and face many obstacles from society on different levels
  6. Western civilisations are primarily your Western countries that follow ideologies like democratic elections, respect for human rights and Capitalism. Western countries are superior to other countries because they offer their citizens the best quality of life and opportunities to achieve economic succcess We dont want it ever to collapse because of all terrible alternatives that exist like how Russia and some places in the Middle East are governed But if you seriously wanted it to collapse you would have to bankrupt the Western banking systems to highlight how the system is fundamentally flawed..but of course this would lead to a collapse of the worlds banking system. But the result of this would be an irrevocable change of belief and loss of confidence in Western ideology and many people would look elsewhere for ways to govern there countries
  7. Guys take a look at some of these stunning screenshots from Skyrim https://www.flickr.com/photos/andrewcullphotography/galleries/72157649981365792/ https://www.flickr.com/photos/andrewcullphotography/galleries/72157646036805270/#photo_14657699052
  8. That sounds like some prudent and reasonable fitness goals, I hope you succeed in them
  9. I would say you are mostly right, for me ToB was the best fantasy RPG I have ever played. Plus I got to Romance the lovely Viconia
  10. Sounds intense, good luck and keep us updated around your progress
  11. How is Yoga? I am very interested in doing that, do you think its a good cardio workout? I wouldn't think so but I never seem to see overweight Yoga people What would you say are the benefits?
  12. Okay I'm going to drop the discussion about Volo's niece, sex workers and GTA removing hookers I don't think I "lost " the discussion as TN alluded to but I also don't think the discussion is relevant to this thread. But Volo is the one who keeps on asking me "why I don't want his niece to play GTAV" which was something I never, ever said. So I'll just ignore this type of question from him in the future
  13. So its NY and many of us are embarking on new and exciting fitness programs. I am interested in what training programs people are doing and what is the objective, is it because of goals like weight loss or just a desire to improve your cardio fitness? I use to do an hour of cardio 4-5 week but 6 weeks ago I injured my ankle and that impacted my running on the treadmill. But my ankle is 100 % now so I'm back to my regular training which is cycling, rowing and running at the gym My goals are to improve my fitness and keep my weight at the level its on Lets hear about your training
  14. A hooker is a perfectly acceptable job (where legally permitted) for someone of age. I do not know the age of Volo's daughter, but if she's underage then suggesting she's a hooker is pretty ****ed up. I will give you the benefit of the doubt of it being a joke, although one with a certain lack of tact (talking about someone's potentially underage child). Really, so you think if Volo's niece was 18 he would have no problem with her working as a hooker? Most people who have a reasonable outlook on sex workers know that there jobs in almost cases are both demeaning and degrading This is the original article that I support that discusses removing hookers from GTA http://www.polygon.com/2014/12/10/7364823/gta-5s-vicious-misogyny-ought-to-be-addressed-not-ignored As I have said several times I play the GTA games and enjoy them, but that doesn't mean we can't ask for some changes around gameplay And finally the suggestion that I should apologize to Volo is ludicrous. Volo has been calling me a Nazi for several months now, thats right..a Nazi. Now the Nazi's had an objective of achieving white Aryan supremacy and were responsible for the genocide of millions of people. A Nazi is the antithesis of what people like me who believe in SJ causes stand for and believe in. But you don't notice me expressing "outrage" and expecting an apology. Even though it is an offensive term So I'll tell you what, lets see Volo apologie to me for calling me a women-hater and a Nazi and I'll consider apologizing to him
  15. That is quite despicable with what Bruce wrote. The least Bruce could do is apologise. You know Bruce, you can admit you are wrong. I think the best solution is for Bruce to admit he is wrong and apologise to Volourn. I'm confused by the inconsistency in these posts and the basic contradictions around some views When we first spoke about hookers and removing them from GTA I was accused of censorship and told " a hooker is a normal job, just like a hotdog salesman" Are we now saying that in fact being a hooker is in fact a demeaning and abusive job like I mentioned in the beginning? Are we now acknowledging that in fact by nature hookers are actually victims of their own jobs in many cases?
  16. It bothered me having skulked about stealthily for the first hour or so of gameplay and seeing lots of guns lying around dropped by dead looters that I was unable to pick up because apparently that was not something the engine knew how to do. Had to wait for a cutscene. Later it became apparent that you can only really play the game by being stealthy all the time and it gets tiresome. You start dying because you get bored and start running around nosily to cover ground faster. The game never takes it to the next level and lets you fight an alien. The most you can do is to scare it off briefly. It's like a horror movie in the buildup waiting for the big scare moment, only it's like that the whole game. After the first few near heart attacks you get immunised pretty fast. That doesn't sound like a good endorsement and has put me right off buying this game But I prefer honesty to someone sugarcoating what is bad about a game
  17. Volo I really thought we had resolved this and you were happy with my response? I am sorry your niece works in the sex industry but there is no judgement from my side. And I have no issue with her playing GTAV You don't seem sorry at all, and given the vulture like timing of your post, you might want to check if Polygon is hiring. Might be right up your alley. "vulture like timing" My, my ....how dramatic, what theatre I responded to a question that Volo keeps saying I haven't responded to. How is that " vulture like "...please explain ?
  18. Volo I really thought we had resolved this and you were happy with my response? I am sorry your niece works in the sex industry but there is no judgement from my side. And I have no issue with her playing GTAV
  19. Nothing of it matters. Only shards are worth something and to open the doors you must collect ALL OF THEM. Mosaics and bottles are useless. Hi Cultist "waves " Where have you been?
  20. What's wrong with black Annie? There are lots of potential lore issues with female Thor so I get that, but I thought the new Annie was a new version of her altogether. I think the new Annie is adorable. Nothing wrong with the old version, but I don't see anything wrong with the new version either. Funny enough I can understand why people would object to certain changes like a female Thor. Thor is an iconic character that many of us grew up on so its quite reasonable for someone to feel uncomfortable about something we identify with Why not create a new female character similar to Thor instead of changing the original? And before someone points it out .." no this isn't the same as a suggestion that people who want more inclusivity in games should create there own games"
  21. So tomorrow is NY and I mentioned I'm going to a psy-trance dance festival We are only going for tomorrow night as its a 3 day festival but I'm going with a smoking hot lawyer friend of mine who is recently single so it should be a real blast
  22. The problem is with the totalitarian nature of SJWs which see everyone outside of their belief system as the enemy, if you're not a feminist then you're a misogynist, if you doubt or question the story of a victim because the story doesn't make sense to you then you're victim blaming, so on and so forth. They are as bad as the troll, racists and misogynist they claim hound them, except that they believe that is all for the greater cause of equality. Also, no one cares about gays in games they've been there for years now. Games had a transsexual woman since the SNES era and that has been fine with everyone because games are not real. The only ones that got offended where the damn SJWs; some of which don't even play the games, they are being led by the nose by liars and con artists and they buy into the whole thing because of their problematic ideology. Really, what the **** do people care if we have prostitutes one GTA or if DA has gay dudes? But no one asked Target to remove DA because it might lead children to commit acts of sodomy. Really, when your people are so pro censorship how can you in good conscience say that it's about equality? Or are you pro censorship as well? Like exampled before with Sweden, it generally isn't the Internet SJW that make problems but the ones that have real influence. Which result in some pretty darned things like Thor being a woman and black Annie. Whereas if someone decided to remake Black Dynamite starring a white dude they would be decried as racist. Its the double standard which reveals that leftist equality disguises sentiments of anti-masculinity and anti-white and you cannot defend yourself because resistance means that you're a misogynist racist. I don't support censorship unless its really warranted, like a group of people on a forum just verbally abusing someone because they are a minority I want to ask you something before I respond, do you feel that there is a covert and orchestrated campaign from some circles to attack and discriminate against white males in modern society Before you answer what would be reason for this, for example Neo-Nazis aren't suppose to like blacks and jews because they are inferior to white males but "control " certain sectors of society So if we as white males are the victims of bigotry from certain groups like rad fems what would be the reason? I just think certain people dislike males..not just white males ?
  23. You see I wasn't focusing on the words " venatorsexual flytrapkin" I didnt know what it meant initially and thought it was some Dutch term so I was expecting TN to then explain how he felt marginilized by the media
  24. I can never tell with Bruce. Oh I get it .... I didnt get it initially
  25. From your perspective how do you feel misrepresented ? Can you give examples
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