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Everything posted by BruceVC

  1. I had to share their these two funny and true stories A man in SA has been sent to jail for 8 years for having sex with a dog, its classified as bestiality and animal abuse. Someone phones in on a talk show and honestly asks " but how do we know it wasnt consensual " My SA family is starting to travel internationally again, I cant wait to go to London again. None of us have travelled internationally for over 2 years because of the lockdowns. My stepmom was at the airport last night and she said all the Chinese people flying back to China are wearing full Hazmat suits Can you imagine having to walk around and fly on a plane in a full Hazmat suit. Only the CCP would demand that kind of virus protection
  2. Its more symbolic and people do give up their troops accused of war crimes, it happens in Africa. Remember Charles Taylor and also war criminals in countries like Croatia and Serbia were sent to the Hague to be prosecuted But part of me wants to agree with you, it would make things much easier when the West is involved in conflicts in places like the ME and Afghanistan to throw the Geneva Convention out the window in some cases But it will set a very bad global precedent for other wars so its probably not a good idea
  3. None of that means we should ignore the Geneva Convention and not charge Russia with numerous examples of war crimes. Do you agree Russia should be charged?
  4. Its to stop and deter illegal immigration, we passing similar new laws in SA about renewal of visas and taking other actions like deporting illegal foreigners (thats what they known as in SA ) but its a little too late in SA
  5. Mamie are you sure the Ukrainians are not using black magic, shouldnt we wait for confirmation before we proceed
  6. This is a very good and articulate post, well said Monty I hope 2133 responds, I would like to see what he has to say
  7. Its a joke Gorthfuscious, remember when we use to laugh sometimes The reason that doesnt happen anymore has got nothing to do with liberals or the left ( this is not one of those valid things we can blame them for like violent protests being allowed ) Its mainly because the global security situation has changed and I doubt US NAVY would feel safe with dozens of people waiting to high-five them at the docks when they disembark Also geopolitical conflicts like the War on Terror are a serious thing and the arrival of a US Navy ship wont necessarily create happiness and may even make people feel anxious
  8. Monty I originally thought you were from Sweden and you were a little embarrassed to mention that but you said you werent from Sweden So I am going to guess, you from Denmark? Am I right?
  9. Those were definitely the good old days when locals came out happily to greet the US Navy ....another thing liberals and the left has destroyed
  10. https://www.thedailybeast.com/they-deceived-us-at-every-step-south-ossetian-troops-blast-russias-war-in-ukraine?via=twitter_page A good read highlighting some of the failures from a " on the ground " perspective of Putins War from Russian soldiers
  11. Wormie !!! Stop being naughty You breaking our solemn code, you remember the code? You and I never disagree with each other when it comes to games.....we always like the same games I like BG3, you like BG3. I like Elder Scrolls games, you like Elder Scrolls games. You like DS games, I like DS games The code has existed since the dawn of time and we cannot break it. Gamers globally rely on us to adhere to the code. Without it their will only be chaos and we dont want that
  12. But Gfted1 dont leave me hanging, surly you know me by now Why are they the kindest, what happened that you remember this so emphatically ...their must be a good story their? Its a women you met right, I dont blame you. South American women are really beautiful
  13. This is my point, its another indictment on the Russian army where you dont want to be taken alive
  14. The Ukrainians have apparently turned the underground bunkers into a militarized area Its going to be very costly for the Russian army especially because the Ukrainians know its likely if they captured alive they will get killed anyway I would think like that if I was one of those Ukrainian soldiers...rather die in battle than be executed or abused as a prisoner. And we know their are several cases of captured Ukraine soldiers being executed so its very likely
  15. Russian soldiers have apparently entered that Steel factory in Mariupol. I imagine the Ukrainian soldiers left will make a final stand, I admire their bravery and sacrifice in the face of tyranny for the freedom of their country
  16. Yes I agree, I am sure it will be overturned. Its a Conservative aligned SC and the US is going through Culture Wars so its almost guaranteed Its just this particular reason I heard on CNN I find strange
  17. When you were in the navy which countries did you travel to and how long were you at sea for before you had shore leave? And how long was shore leave, I have always though of the Navy as a good choice for military service. It always sounds such fun, especially the shore leave
  18. Gfted1 you making me blush, you never took any right because you dont believe in sex before marriage
  19. Post some links tomorrow, I want to see if we missing anything in SA where we have a huge problem with teenage pregnancies from 12 years up
  20. Great read. I wonder if the Donbas campaign will succeed and even if it does how are the Ruskies going to maintain control?
  21. Its interesting to me how some men in SA and on forums like Codex blame women for falling pregnant and say things like " women fall pregnant in order to trap men" and " men are victims of devious women ". These views are more part of the culture wars and what I find incredulous is if you worried about being " trapped by devious women " use a condom and take some personal responsibility as a man. But whats your view on the whole argument that R vs W can be legitimately overturned because the word abortion doesn't exist in the Constitution. Does that make sense ?
  22. https://finance.yahoo.com/news/eu-proposes-banning-russian-oil-065832312.html?fr=sycsrp_catchall More Russian banks are going to be cutoff from SWIFT and further moves to end EU dependency on Russian energy Great news, the sooner the Russian economy collapses the quicker Putins War will end
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