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Everything posted by BruceVC

  1. You joking about pirating W1 right, please tell me you joking? W1 was great but to be fair to CDPR it was their first game so I also remember some issues and jankiness...but the Romance cards were a nice touch, nothing like my Oblivion Viconia adult mod but a nice touch But what an improvement in game design and mechanics from W2 and W3 onwards. W4 is going to be epic I still need to play cyb2007, I think its relatively stable now ?
  2. Kanie its time to take a bold step and start modding your games like W3 I know you said you arent a huge fan of modding but they improve mechanics and gameplay. I can guide you with suggested mods managers and also we can tailor your experience to what you like, let me know if you want some input
  3. Russian propaganda is so ridiculously unbelievable you can only laugh Yet people believe it Which makes me wonder where Comrade is? Does anyone know where he is, he has been quiet for ages ?
  4. Well yes, you could make the point the AU does a decent job If you consider calling about publicly racism on the borders of Hungary and Poland and then saying war crimes committed within the Tigray region as legitimate as decent then I agree
  5. https://abcnews.go.com/International/wireStory/african-union-ethiopia-acted-legitimately-tigray-74839944#:~:text=African Union says Ethiopia acted legitimately in Tigray,min read 3%3A25 On Location%3A April 15%2C 2022 https://theowp.org/reports/the-war-crimes-of-ethiopias-civil-war/ @Zoraptor @Malcador I wanted to simply make my point about the numerous failures of the AU around its own policies and its inconsistency with its own comments The first link states the Ethiopian government acted " legitimately ", the second link highlights the war crimes But both sides in this current Ethiopian conflict are guilty of war crimes but its much worse from the Ethiopian army side
  6. Lol yes I realize you dont think much of the purpose and creation of the AU but it can do lots For starters it can be consistent and follow its own rules which include ensuring that all members states follow the AU manifesto that they are agreed to when the AU was founded in 2002 . In just the last 2 years we have several coups, civil wars and blatant cheating and clamping down on free and fair elections like the appalling disgrace of the Uganda " election " last year Their is no unity or meaningful AU condemnation of these developments from the AU. So if you serious about the African Renaissance you start with that. All military missions are funded by the UN anyway once the conflict is acknowledged. Which raises another criticism towards the AU, where is a AU reactionary force and the reality of African countries funding their own military missions that Africa has been waiting for over the last 20 years? And their are African countries with money and resources but their is no political will My concern is not just about Ethiopia, its the overall goal of the real transformation of the African continent. It can be be achieved but not when institutions like AU do nothing to address the problems created by some countries who have no interest in Democracy or uplifting the lives of their citizens We cant expect the West to always fix the problems in regions like the ME and Africa which are often self-inflicted by poor and failed leadership
  7. More importantly we didnt need a war declaration, it already is a war so whatever propaganda came from Putin makes no difference to the reality on the ground
  8. The pirated version is designed to do that, rather just pay for your games. Its the right thing to do
  9. Thats a nice story wormie, I admire that kind of commitment to gaming How long did it take you to finish W1, it must have been frustrating being only able to play W1 once a week?
  10. You set such a low bar for Africa when you make comments like this, it is possible for the likes of the AU to resolve its own problems and not expect or rely on the West to have to address internal conflicts All it takes is political will, effort and consistency around the manifesto of the AU.
  11. It is dire and the AU as usual couldnt really be bothered to intervene meaningfully Do you know Ethiopia is the HQ of the AU
  12. I also dropped the difficulty level and it made no difference, the AI was also cheating in your game as well Im glad Im not the only one
  13. Yes, obviously I watched it. Putins War is one of my interests at the moment You cant comment on something like a speech if you dont watch it But I was surprised you were suggesting that CNN may not broadcast it? All mainstream international news channels broadcast the speech.
  14. I see their are R vs W protests outside Kavanaugh and Roberts houses....in the streets outside their houses On CNN commentators were handwaving this with comments like "yes people are angry " I think this is unacceptable and creates an appalling precedent. So what would those same commentators be saying when right-wing groups or Conservative protestors decide to start protesting outside Democrat's houses or left leaning judges or any politicians that they dont agree with ? Would the response really be " yes they angry, its okay to have January 6 people protesting outside your house ". Somehow I dont think so This is not how you should protest and it goes too far
  15. I agree, their was no doomsday plane
  16. So I watched Putins Victory Day speech and the parade and it was everything I expected The parade was a vainglorious, false and grotesque display of Russian military efficiency and well disciplined Russian troops But the speech was classic Putin propaganda 101. It had everything you knew would be in it. Nazis, nukes, NATO wanting to invade Russia through Ukraine, defense of motherland and of course unconvincing comparisons that the invasion of Ukraine is the same as the threat faced towards the USSR in WW2. But he didnt mention the word war and it doesnt seem to be any additional mobilization? The one thing I did like about it was Putin recognized that the families of killed Russian soldiers would be compensated and wounded soldiers would be looked after. That does matter because you would expect any country to respect its soldiers killed in any war
  17. Why? Malc I thought you were opposed to fake news and propaganda? What have the Russians got to celebrate ? Yes it will be covered, despite the shutting down of all independent Russian media houses CNN and other international news channels do still broadcast within Russia so we will get to see the theater of well disciplined Russian troops and well maintained tanks and other military hardware on parade with everything looking good as usual....nothing like the reality of the Russian army but we will get to see it
  18. Thanks for the detailed response, I dont know much about the Canadian political system and your post has raised some questions I would like to get your feedback on about the reality of Canadian politics and how it all works and also some of the issues that Canada has gone through recently. Like that Truckers protest But I will go through your post in detail and get back to you later
  19. Yeah, its called political survival and expediency. Most politicians globally dont want to lose their jobs within their own parties. Welcome to the real world I can understand GOP politicians flipflopping on supporting Trump, I would have done the same if I was Ted Cruz...its just politics But when he fled like a coward to Mexico during the Texas electricity crisis in 2021 that was unforgivable and irrefutably demonstrates his lack of integrity
  20. Witcher 3 is my second favorite RPG of all time. I spent 300 hours playing it and back then I didnt use to use mods, imagine how much time I would have spent if I had mods The only thing I didnt like was my battle with Dettlaff in the Blood and Wine expansion, I couldnt defeat him and stopped trying after 5 hours or so Wormie dont you hate it when the AI in a game cheats and you CANNOT win an end boss fight? I cannot wait for the release of W4
  21. Wow, what a good read that 1945 link Particularly interesting what it means for the Ruskies military campaign and the blowing up of bridges and also the high numbers of casualties amongst their special forces I wonder how this happened? Was it due to hand to hand fighting with Ukrainian soldiers or artillery or something else ?
  22. If you dont mind sharing, why dont you respect the current UK government. Is it because of Partygate ?
  23. Sure but thats why I said predictions, its just a guess
  24. https://news.yahoo.com/russias-victory-day-may-9-190200441.html?fr=sycsrp_catchall Tomorrow is a big day for Russia, May 9 and Victory Day Their is a view that Putin will officially declare " war " on Ukraine due to the numerous problems with the overall Russian military strategy So predictions? Will Putin announce changes to Putins War and troop deployment For me it doesnt really matter what he announces, either way the invasion will continue one way or another until Russia retreats or they are defeated militarily
  25. I was joking, thats why I used the
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