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Everything posted by sorophx

  1. oh, btw I kinda enjoyed Awakening because it's so much shorter than Origins
  2. to me it's obvious and I can't understand why it isn't for everyone else. NWN2 was an improvement over NWN and KOTOR2 was in it's turn an improvement over KOTOR. both writing- and design-wise. now you say Bio's games are more polished and better produced (looks like it's the first thing people mention when talking about Obsidian games - lack of polish), well it's just logical. Bio has an established reputation in the industry and it's games don't get butchered by publishers. Obsidian had a streak of bad luck (or bad decisions, call it what you will), but it's all in the past now. Bio on the other hand keeps effing up with each new game. not that their games are bad, quie the contrary. but they're not what I expected and turn up to be the biggest disappointment of the year.
  3. in case of JA2 I don't think it would be an improvement
  4. Obsidian's writing is a lot better imo. it's not an innovation but it makes all the difference in a videogame for me. which is recycling 10-year old ideas. way cool
  5. my point exactly, and don't think anyone in his right mind would want to do that to JA2
  6. yeah, I mentioned Frozen Synapse. I think it's pretty cool of a game. but I think it's still not enough to expand the fan base. it'll be a game strictly for the original JA2 players. and we can live with turn-based. change it for the sake of changing?
  7. Such as? as noted above I don't know how (or don't have the necessary skills) to control 4+ characters simultaneously. you either rely on AI or bottle-neck the enemy forces so the player could relax a little. a tactical game presumes careful planning and in a real-time game you just don't have time to do it. Rainbow 6 had a pretty smart system, but it was a tactical shooter. how do you do it in a game like JA? pause? without the possibility to make stacks of orders it'll become a nightmare. or just make the game very easy and dumb down the adversary AI.
  8. SWAT 4 was the only squad-based game I've played in a long time so I'm not an expert or anything, but I can't see how it is possible to make a good tactical game other than turn-based. real-time won't work for a couple of reasons. maybe make it like Rainbow 6 or Frozen Synapse? still I'm afraid it's too complicated for casual gamers and consoles.
  9. huh? it's like they're admitting, "we suck at making games". wth, I love JA2 but I don't want to replay it all over again for the, what, fifth time? anyway, isn't there a JA3 already? I thought I saw reviews and stuff...
  10. you cheated on the ability scores' rolls! I never had the patience to re-roll 'til I'd get all 16-18's
  11. no I'm not I still play Diablo 2 from time to time. and earlier I already praised D2 so I thought it'd be clear
  12. I hope you can find the implants or research them (like in F2), not just buy. and since it's initial announcement I thought it was pretty obvious that Obsidian ars gonna include as much Van Buren material as they can. seems logical to me. and I really do hope they get to develop Fallout 4... fat chance though
  13. that's exactly what I meant, sorry, should've made it more clear
  14. I don't like his new haircut
  15. check out the gameplay videos. he looks a little different. and I liked the old look more
  16. man, Sierra Army Depot was my fav location in the whole series. thanks for the translation
  17. Total War games are a lot more realistic than Starcraft, and on the other end - Civilisation. Starcraft looks like a mash of the basic ideas from these two. and I find them more enjoyable. SC is all about defense, who in the world would like that kind of game?
  18. isn't Starcraft 2 free in south corea? I guess Blizzard makes money off TV broadcasts there?
  19. oh, right, Troika's? gotta check it out
  20. oh come on, a sci-fi turn-based game with micro-management in-between missions? I'll take two! mostly because no developer could repeat the wonder x-com was (and still is for me). turn-based games stand strong still. plus, I've read somewhere that the average gamer keeps getting older with each year. I think grown-up working type guys would appreciate a good TB game a lot more than a horrible tunnel-crawler, even with a pause. I liked the idea about making more RPGs like Shadow of Colossus, I'd love to see the new x-com or jagged alliance game with thousands of lines of dialogue, different possible endings and a solid base system similar to SPECIAL. huh? what does ToEE stand for?
  21. me too for teh seks of course 9at least the ones I know do). same goes for ME, all they care about is the who slept with whom
  22. they'd have to make ME3 turn-based
  23. I'd appreciate if we were given more direct control over the character's actions during combat. I'm getting tired of clicking on the enemy and watching my party swing their weapons.
  24. The Witcher had a very good combat system, somewhat similar to Blade of Darkness. I hope DA2's combat is more action-oriented like in ME2. because this might force Bio to revamp the level design.
  25. looks like Diablo 2 more than anything else. I wonder what Torchlight 3 will be like
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