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Everything posted by sorophx

  1. talking about mods, check this out: waiting for a fan Starcraft: Ghost to arrive any day now
  2. actually, the real figures on piracy look more like 5-10%, with some countries (China and Russia, hello) exceeding 80%
  3. mkreku just made me go look for Road Trip. and OMG Desert Bus...
  4. I bet it's gonna be NWN3 by Obsidian
  5. to hell with modern day RPGs, I want my cyberpunk games, so tired of playing Syndicate Wars over and over...
  6. I don't remember the game (games?), that had it this same way, but it was awful. you could unlock the camera and spin it around any way you wanted, it was pretty stupid. brought even more confusion into fights.
  7. and I always thought the key to tactical play was actually being able to see the whole damn battlefield
  8. good riddance. now let's just wait for Bio to approach Obsidian with an offer to make a fantasy RPG and save the franchise
  9. I can hardly wait for it to come out! that was one very difficult game. well at least that's how I remember it. never beat it
  10. oooh, nice, thanks!
  11. I remember the hype around Hellgate, and I saw Fate way back when it was released, didn't quite like it but I never really gave it a chance to fascinate me. need to check out Runic. anyway, my beef with Torchlight results from the fact it's so damn short. I could live without LAN support (whoo needs multiplayer anyway, when the game is so small). even the cartoonish look is quite nice (not like Diablo 2 was very realistic) and I always wanted to play a gunslinger in a fantasy game.
  12. it is one of the best clones (I haven't played Sacred or Titan Quest though). what I meant was that from the guys who had put the genre on the map I'd expect something else. I enjoyed it but now looking at it from this new perspective it doesn't look that good anymore
  13. well, elves are still humans with pointy ears. I hope their animations are totally different for every single action
  14. ugh, really? sure doesn't look or play better than the original, it's ok for a clone, but for a successor... I really hope they make it more like Severance only 10 times bigger this time around
  15. ugh, but Fallout 1 and 2 both were yellow. and it was cool. I actually missed it in F3
  16. read above
  17. ugh, what is this "storm of century+mana clash" you speak of? don't remember my granny having those
  18. ah, I should've made it more clear: that was on my second playthrough (or third...). the first time I did it by the book and it didn't provide a challenge. anyway, in my wxperience BG2 had a lot to offer combat-wise. maybe it's a matter of approaching the game from a certain point of view. it didn't work in DA for me. can't say BG2 felt like hack n slash. DA did
  19. only that's exactly what I did in DA, you know, there's a trait that makes knowlege count as strenght towards weapon and armor checks. well, I used it with both my mages and meleed all the way home. not sure why'd you want to neglect spells in BG2, there were a lot of kick-ass scrolls lying around just waiting to be used. mages are actually overpowered in most Bio games, always make the endgame a walk in the park. not the case with DA though, and that sucks
  20. well, it still doesn't mean Bio succedeed BG2 had a fair amount of tactical combat (IWD had a lot more, though, now there's a strategic game). but DA didn't even come close to that. I mean, I remember the epic battles I used to have in BG2 and it's expansion, and my custom-made party only made it all better. I can't say I had too many of those in DA. like I said I can only remember two (well, 3, but the third didn't involve a lot of tactics, just lasted for 30 minutes): the random encounter somewhere inside capital city during my first visit - with one of those lich-things popping out of phylacteries; and the battle with Flemeth. everything else in DA looked like this: you spot an enemy, send your whole team over there, keep switching targets - all enemies dead. not exactly what I'd call strategic gaming.
  21. I enjoyed it somewhat, but the fun stuff was scarce. I enjoyed it as a shooter. but it wasn't a RPG in it's true sense for me
  22. only Fallout 3 was by no means big
  23. only it's not a strategic game the only difference between action-rpg and plain rpg is the number of mouse clicks. if in traditional rpgs you click your mouse once to make your character kill something, in action-rpgs you click once for each action, hence the prefix. everything else is the same. today the "action" part is there to sell the game better. I like both and don't care whether it's ARPG or RPG, because you still can't jump in any of 'em
  24. they try too much to stick to the canon fantasy crpg, sacrificing originality again and again only to fail to provide the fantasy crpg players actually wanted to see. I hope this AD&D curse will be lifted by the time they're working on their next fantasy game...
  25. hope I'll still be able to kill people (and myself) with super stimpaks
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