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Everything posted by sorophx

  1. BG2 was huge, stellar reviews, dozens of awards. definitely wasn't small. it also paved the way for better games like Torment and IWD2
  2. we all know the answer
  3. only if the second player can join at any time (and the idea of a split-screen in ME is just horrifying)
  4. I thought you'd given up on BOone but I see he's still number one. that's true love, now I'm envious
  5. I didn't find it especially funny or fun. and we probably have different standards of awesomeness
  6. I thought Anachronox had gone way overboard with a lot of things
  7. highway robbery
  8. not a chance
  9. that's, what, 70 euro? oh boy...
  10. can the difficulty be switched back to normal, say, mid-game, or it can't be changed once you choose it at the start of the game?
  11. ahaha, what's wrong? getting tired of NV?
  12. this name doesn't suite him
  13. no. bah, forget it
  14. so, most people only buy a single game in a given genre a year? is that what you're saying? I used to go to a video game store every month with a shopping list with at least 10 titles on it. why would I only buy Diablo 3 if I knew it'd take me 3 days to beat it? what the hell am I supposed to do after I'm done with it? ah! that's right, I have Dungeon Siege 3
  15. exactly doesn't look like you control where to flip over to, looks like the regular "1. bind-actions-to-1,2,3,4-buttons 2. select target 3. ???? 4. PROFIT" scheme.
  16. hmmm. is it so dangerous to release a game the same day/week/month Blizzard does? doesn't make any sense to me
  17. but I have I actually have two copies of the game, one I bought and one was given to me as a gift and why would you expect the subway stations to look different? it's not Stockholm
  18. I tried it on two different XP machines (both SP2 though). I do have a laptop with Vista, I'll try installing on it too. the problem was it'd never even start up. after the installation it just gives a couple of errors when I try to start the game.
  19. they don't have to *look* different not like they looked different in FO2. besides, most underground facilities were made by Vault-Tek, they should look similar because of unification. they have to play different, which is what WD said, I think.
  20. I could never find the mudcrab capitalist in Morrowind
  21. oh ,man I still have my copy but I could never make it run on any of my PCs... maybe I should just find a working cracked version
  22. I didn't say "skill checks" I meant it as a synonym to your "interrupt". and I don't feel like elaborating, sorry
  23. Monte, I don't believe there are people here who haven't yet played FOT not sure about America and Europe, but in Russia FOT received quite a bit of praise from critics. but of course no sales figures, since there was no such thing as video games retailers in 2003
  24. "third option" kind of defeats the purpose of paragon/renegade checks.
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