so, most people only buy a single game in a given genre a year? is that what you're saying? I used to go to a video game store every month with a shopping list with at least 10 titles on it. why would I only buy Diablo 3 if I knew it'd take me 3 days to beat it? what the hell am I supposed to do after I'm done with it? ah! that's right, I have Dungeon Siege 3
exactly doesn't look like you control where to flip over to, looks like the regular "1. bind-actions-to-1,2,3,4-buttons 2. select target 3. ???? 4. PROFIT" scheme.
but I have I actually have two copies of the game, one I bought and one was given to me as a gift
and why would you expect the subway stations to look different? it's not Stockholm
I tried it on two different XP machines (both SP2 though). I do have a laptop with Vista, I'll try installing on it too. the problem was it'd never even start up. after the installation it just gives a couple of errors when I try to start the game.
they don't have to *look* different not like they looked different in FO2. besides, most underground facilities were made by Vault-Tek, they should look similar because of unification.
they have to play different, which is what WD said, I think.
Monte, I don't believe there are people here who haven't yet played FOT not sure about America and Europe, but in Russia FOT received quite a bit of praise from critics. but of course no sales figures, since there was no such thing as video games retailers in 2003