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Everything posted by Drakron

  1. Problem, the Sith are belived to be gone for over 1000 years and the Jedi never disclosed what they knew in Ep I. Also Vader title meant little outside the Sith Organization and Palpatine was Vader Master. Unless George explains why Vader have that title he messed up with his own work, the rule-of-two was his own creation and a needless one (along side with "Anakin is Jesus" and teenage elected Queens ... ) Bingo.
  2. Oh? Explain "Dark Lord of The Sith" that is Vader title, not the Emperor title then ... Geoge contradict himself.
  3. BioWare decided to be lazy and not make especific models for those droids, understandable since they would be only used on one time.
  4. Not very bright are you .... First Xbox games can only run on a Xbox, so PC owners cannot run it unless a working Xbox emmulator was released. Second most games are region locked so a PAL XBox cannot run a JPN copy of a game, in some (rare) cases (Fable if not in error) they are not region locked but then price/time comes into the equation. Third many online retailors have a shipping policy towards certain items, Amazon.uk for example have such policy. So only a total LOSER would buy a US XBOX and a copy of SW:KotORII:TSL since the cost would be over 200 euros just to play a few months before the rest.
  5. ... yes, someone shopping list. Real important.
  6. Wizards of the Coast publishes the Star Wars RPG that uses the d20 rules. Hades is a little wrong, Vader is lv18.
  7. It says you played the Xbox version. The turret minigame was a regular complaint over the PC forums since it was too dificult unless we used the exploit of start fire when the game was loading.
  8. 15 is high level, lv 10 under the d20 system is considered powerful and most jedi would be around lv3-lv8 In Star Wars there is little to do after lv15 since only a few creatures are above such level and in skill checks alone a lv15 could build a starship out of junk. Epic levels were designed for D&D because AD&D had 30 levels and there was a lot of stuff that converted from AD&D to D&D would pass the lv20 barrier, also D&D is full of muchkins that like that kind of crap.
  9. Like in VtM:Redemption we did not started as us playing a morta ... " The "World of Darkness" that Vampire is part of also have other parts ... Werewolf, Mage ... its quite a list. In Vampire the system is set for vampire players so playing a mage in the Vampire system is not a good idea since the Mage system is the one intended for Mage characters, there are mages in the Vampire system but there is diferences of those and the information in the Mage system. Star Wars is more that lightsabers and Jedi ...
  10. Germany have military forces, they are a full member of NATO and have a standing army/navy/air force. Been this way since Hitler rejected the WW I armistice treaty (you just got the wrong World War), the only diference is that we had two Germanies after WWII until the unification when the Berlin wall come down. The reasons Germany does not "help" the USA military occupation of Iraq is because they dont want to get into that situation with is their right.
  11. Mods are not usually done for cheating, my own KotOR mod was just switch the models used by the scoundrels and scouts. Hardly a "gameplay altering" effect ... As for Mira ... well I know the d20 enough to realize this kind of things are "out of window" but then again epic levels in Star Wars are even more out the windown. Actually I do consider such skills displayed by Mira as "cheating", what remains to be seen if the player generated character is just "adverage joe" around the gifted (meaning, no special skill of his own and sorry being "created by the player" is not special skill) with is something I disliked on SW:KotOR.
  12. I posted the EU anwer to the question and then it was pretty much ignored. It says a lot about certain Star Wars fans ...
  13. It does for me ... peudo character generation again ...
  14. I sould be getting paid for this. There is only on source, the "Tales of the Jedi" comics line, written before Lucas come up with the "Jedi cannot love" for Ep. II ... In the much older days the Jedi have no such restrictions, marriage and the existence of Jedi lines were common. -Nomi Sunrider was married with Andur Sunrider and she had a daughter of him, Vima Sunrider. -Sylvar had a mate. -Ulic and Cay mother was a Jedi. So before people shoot off their mouth about things they dont know about they really sould just reserach on the subject.
  15. SW:.KotOR game is full of BS when it comes to EU. So in reality Jedi are much allowed to make a familly, Ulric Quel-Droma comed from a long line of Jedi.
  16. I don't like usernames is pretty much on the money, also its common there is a subtitle language choice of english, french and german (italian and spanish also tend to be options) so they have to translate all the dialogue and implement the "select language" system.
  17. I abandoned Black Isle forums before it reach the state were I would be given one. Some of us remenber what happened around the time BioWare put up their forums up in Black Isle forums, it was not pretty. And Servent of Eru, those kind of things are not "contacts" since its relative common to companies to invite sites to their special events, let alone a E3 booth. Also I dont think they PAID for her voyage and staying that some companies (such as EA) do with means is "if you happen to be here we let you watch stuff" ... and its certainly not "lets send progress reports".
  18. No, s/he dont. S/he is just someone that OE (keeping up Black Isle tradiction) made a moderator, they dont disclose their project status to s/he and neither does LucasArts. If the Xbox version was completed it would have gone gold since its ONLY completed when the golden data disk is sent to the copiers, until then its always unfinished builds of the game subject to final aproval. Having a mod tag means nothing, Bladk Isle given those out like candy ...
  19. What are your sources? I fail to see a LA or OE tag under your avatar picture ... First the Xbox version is not ready, when it is ready the "gone gold" is anounced and we are TWO months from the supposed release date of the North America XBox release date.
  20. Just look at "Star Wars:Republic Commando" release date ... the same as the PC and Xbox international version. So get this, they are going to release two Star Wars games exactly on the same month unless one is delayed/push foward.
  21. One you could kill Dustril, he was at Korriban Sith latrine duty/force training/lightsaber training/overall sith stuff/archeology academy.
  22. It was very foolish to post that. I am really not affected by this, I own a PC that can handle SW:KotOR relative well and a Xbox. But I live in europe. I expect Activision to handle this game with means everyone will finish it 10 times before its put in my country stores ... such is life. However you must realize you are saying to people to cave in to a despitable tactic that is buying a 150 euros piece of hardware to play a 50+ euros game that I doubt that more that 50 hour gameplay, I personaly advice people to buy a PS2 over a Xbox since I own both if they want to buy a console. The point is LucasArts decided to piss PC players with a rather idiotic decision after their PR was to assure PC players would not be screwed over as they were in SW:KotOR, they fully deserve all the hate they get. I am very inclined to give this game a miss, I already did not had much hope for this game and this LucasArts PR fiasco is not really help then to sell their game to me.
  23. Not the point. They advertised a all system release on the same day, now out of the blue they said "PC version is delayed 2 months". If they were honest and said "Xbox version is likely to be released first" we sould complain but deal with it, being LIED about it on the other hand make us very pissed off about it. False advertisement is a crime.
  24. Origin, Bullfrong and Jane's. I never forgive then from not seeing the last Crusader game or another Wing Commander.
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