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Everything posted by Drakron

  1. Its not official because it contradicts material that are higher in the EU food chain. The only thing that is official is the movies, after then its the movies novelizations and then come the novels, the comic books with the video games being at the lowerest rank. I would hope that KotOR fans stop looking at that series as anything but Infinities.
  2. I played it and its crap ... horrible camera, horrible control, empty streets ... And they are really not saying anything new, with the internet the gaming magazines taken a hit (its easier anc cheaper to find updated information over games) and struggles to remain. The same goes with the main review sites that need ad revenue to cover costs.
  3. Its not my job to tell how, I am not making a game after all but I could point out that in Star Wars d20 there are more skills (item craft for example) and they even affect force power with I would use on a Star Wars RPG. The issue is that skills are really not that required for characters, some characters are simply combat monsters that have a few skills that are not even much used (like intimidate) but on the other hand we have characters that are skill monsters being able to build a starfighter out of credit chips. But that happens because d20 system is a party based system, characters are expected to have roles in the party. Now nobody is going to use security skill if they can bash doors opens and that is were skills became useless, if bashing doors is not possible then people would use security. In the end its not skills that must be made more useful on a mechanical standpoint but the levels that muct be designed in ways to make use of skills.
  4. I dont see this as a "big issue", looks more like a bug or design flaw that have no much impact from what I read about the game. On my personal view the item creation would be depending on the PC/NPC trying to build the item, not the PC abilities only ... doing that is just another way to force skills into being useful for the player with is plain wrong on any system that is party oriented. A bigger issue would be that "all classes have the same BAB progression" with makes me really wonder about class balance among other things ...
  5. That is not a inconsistence, it due to the old age of one actor and the fact it was they breaking new grounds. First Palpatine says "the son of Skywalker must not be allowed to became a Jedi" with means Palpatine was ordering Vader to kill Luke. The idea of turning Luke for their side comes from Vader (the line "if he could be turned he would make a powerful ally") that did not wanted to kill his son. Luke only beat Vader in combat when he used the Dark Side, before it Vader was always in the advantage.
  6. I dont know how I missed this ... Who the hell is of Exar Khun? If you mean Exar Kun it been done and I doubt Black Horse would like to someone go there and recreate their work, not to say that Exar Kun takes a rule later after Luke created the Jedi Academy and bases it on Yavin IV.
  7. I always said they sould either use the Star Wars d20 system (that is more flexible, adds a better representation of Star Wars and even been revised by the autors) or they sould create a new system. Personaly I rather seen a new system, as it stands its too hard to use a table top RPG rule system since it never translate well into the cRPG medium and trying to "fix" some of the problems tends to create new ones that are overlooked. So dont go around lying over what I stand over the d20 system since the only strong stand I taken was when it come to epic levels were I said they would break the system without careful implementation (and I know that because I own the epic Handbook and seen how class progression in relation to almost evertything changes) since there is a reason why its the d20 system. But feel free to ignore my opinions that come from someone that used (and abandoned) the d20 system before KotOR was even when other people come out and expressed the same points that I did. Reading these replies remind me of GameFAQs fangirls calling me sexist and prejudiced because I said FF X-2 was not my cup of tea ... I love the fanboy mentality, reminds me of extremist groups.
  8. Marketing ploy really ... It does show how much effort did LucasArts put on the TSL project when they market it around KotOR. Now I have to disagree with the "bring up a new character", it could be done (in "Tales of the Jedi" they do that with Nomi Sunrider) but it requires to move away from the others main characters until they meet. Now that makes a lot of problems, one is you can forget about any character generation since they must be defined and second you can forget about that mad leveling up, at most the first games would put the main characters around lv 8-10 so they are not "godlike" in the final game(s). The issue is neither goes well with the "casual gamer" (at least the western one) since they want character generation and they want those characters to be able to be godlike. I am sorry but the BG experiance is unlikely to be recreated.
  9. You know, if I get control of that GDI orbital ion gun you can be damn sure my first target is not going to the White House or any of those landmarks ...
  10. For the record I am not against everything SW:KotOR ... I liked many things on the first (being a game I actually finished with is rare for me these days, I tend to get bored and start playing something else) but that does not mean I failed to see that game flaws. When TSL was anounced so were the game features and people that were here at the time remenber how much I blasted the epic levels as well as many things, I had some expectations but with the release information about it they were not meet. As for making a "gaming site" ... its something that crossed my mind but I know myself and I would end up neglect it, not to say I would need to invest time to learn website construction, find a host, writting in a way that does not muder the english language as I tend to do ... too much effort for little gain, people are just too fanatical about gaming these days with is a sad truth.
  11. I judged FF X-2 from the bits posted on GameFAQs. And from what I seen TSL does not have a great Star Wars story, it have the same story that PS:T with a Star Wars twist to it. I seen enough of the "bit and pieces" to make a judgement, it looks you do not since the story is not about "the personal story of a jedi knight's redemption (or fall to darkness!)", we are playing TNO except instead of mortality we have the Force.
  12. I disagree and point out that in KotOR and JK:A we have much diferent views of the same place, I doubt LucasArts actually checks things outside not allowing Lucas main characters from being killed and the like. So its seen LucasArts is like you, they dont care either.
  13. That is my idea too, seeing one comment from Bob of why we reached lv20 around the end.
  14. Fable ending is not just text over a picture, its a movie sequence displaying the ending mural of the chamber of Fate being zoomed out, pretty similar to all movies in Fable. It fits on how the game was narrated. As for Star Wars ... well a award ceremony was in Ep I and Ep IV, a "cliffhanger" ending was in Ep II and EP V and a celebration ending was in Ep. VI ... Now the question is what is a fitting ending, we could go over how Star Wars games end but there are too many of then and each done its own thing, TIE Fighter had a award ceremony as the expansions had a "end of campain" scene ... Dark Forces II: Jedi Knight had a "creating a statue/ destroy holocron" scene at the end ... I dont think the ending itself matters but the closure of the ending, if at the end we still have questions over what happened the problem is not the ending media itself but that ending failed to offer closure of the story.
  15. There are a lot of limitations in the engine, you can forget about real 3d since that engine only understands 2 planes of movement.
  16. I expected what we got. First not everyone loved KotOR, its a good game but hardly "lovable" and there are a lot of people that hate the game because of people like you, anoying fanboys that go around defending a game for god sake. Well I know what I am talking about, unlike the fanboys that are cluess over the d20 syste, and Star Wars itself. And no, I would not be "pissed" if this game would have done diferenty ... in fact I am not pissed at all because: a) I spend no money on it (I dont have it). b) I have no expectations over it. I always defended the system sould either be reworked or abandoned, one of the notable weak points of KotOR was the incredible easy combat system and the fact BioWare adaptation of the d20 system left a lot to be desired. That is why I dont like the story, its absurd and not Star Wars ... its PS:T all over again. Yes "Bigger and Louder" .... are you 13 or something because I left that age long ago. But other than that it was the same game as kotor jsut with new tricks, which i enjoyed casue it was Kotor with a twist and a fresh character and new worlds. So if u liked KOTOR Stop bitching unless u can back up ur opinion with solid fact instead of pure conjecture. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> With the same "facts" you presented ... right.
  17. No I am not, I judged FF X-2 before I played it and seen my judgement remain the same after I play it. I hate when some people go around saying "you cannot judge something before you play it" since for me it the same "you have to eat **** to know it taste bad".
  18. Sorry they are the same one, there is only one Valley of the Sith Lords that contains the tombs of the Sith Lords of the Sith Empire. JK:A based their level on the comics as KotOR did not, JK:A is the correct one.
  19. No, its not fair to FF X-2 since it lacks the many technical issues being reported by Xbox players. But there are some similarities of both game development but there are diferences, at least FF X-2 had a new combat system and was continued by the same developer. I cannot really compare both, at points one is better that the other and the other that is reversed ... FF X-2 story is hard to take at some times (like the peace concert ) and it was kinda "charlie angels" (except with a japonese pop flavor) most of the times as TSL (mind you I am a european and as such only know what been posted about the plot) appears to be a "Star Wars spin off" with concepts that make no sense in the setting, perhaps if they stop trying to rip off PS:T and TESB it might been better but I have no way to know it. For me FF X-2 is bad but TSL is worst.
  20. I have a very low opinion on humanity in the first place.
  21. KotOR II make out in a piggy ride of 3 things ... Star Wars name, KotOR success and the Xmas release. KotOR III have to live with the fact its a sequel to KotORII were they already decided what SW:KOtOR III story is all about and we are not getting sales figures at this stage, I ca say its one less sale that KotOR since I have no intention of being subject to that kind of plot, I have some taste when it comes to plot and universe intregity and I have FF X-2 to prove that I am right when it comes to have a decision if a game is good or not.
  22. Its more "stain" ... I cannot even think over "Force Vacum Cleaners" without think how that go pass someone checking for Star Wars intregity. And I seen worst that your sugestions (we all agree the engine is crap at this stage) with one that keeps pooping up from time to time is the one about how we continue to play the same character we played on the previous game. That always make me thing "there is no inteligent life on Earth" ....
  23. Why do you doubt? After all were is Sam and Max 2 and Full Throttle 2 ... both LucasArts games cancelled during production stage. Let me guess ... SW:KotOR is magical and pink vorpal bunnies of doom make sure the game is completed ...
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