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Everything posted by pmp10

  1. Perhaps you could provide a complete lists of pros before proclaiming that judgment? Right now you seem to blame organized religion for every evil it was connected with during it's entire history yet refuse to give it credit for a single thing outside of day-to-day charity.
  2. Just tried Two Worlds 2. Was the first part really worse? It can't even do half the things gothic 2 got right.
  3. And the inquisition? That was misunderstood as well in your mind I suppose too. Inquisitions practice and results have generally been grossly misrepresented in modern culture. Especially compared to death toll in wars of religion, which are conveniently ignored.
  4. pmp10


    Take it and protest to your allies. South Korea has simply no military options at it disposal as any retaliation will be opposed by major powers.
  5. pmp10


    There is little point speculating about NK reasons as it's completely closed society and we really don't know. You can speculate weather it's a part of a power struggle, a power transfer ceremony, dissatisfied military, protest against SK maneuvers, attempt to strengthen negotiation position or a ploy to grab international attention. In the end we don't know due to nature of that country. And nobody claims that every single North Korean is evil. But they work for a regime that employs questionable policies.
  6. DKS. Isn't Gothic 4 the story of a king going mad tormented by demons as opposed to a generic save the world in DKS?
  7. pmp10


    That is unfortunately a very big if, assuming this is even possible. Just recently South Korean naval vessel was sunk and uranium enrichment plant was open in North Korea. Neither action sparked international interest. It will take a much more aggressive actions on the part of North Korea to get major powers to even consider opposing China on economic front, especially outside of UN.
  8. Those clothes have a weight of one and can be changed instantly with hotkeys. I really wouldn't call their use any more extreme than magazines. The only problem is finding them in game but if you played fallout 3 you'll know where to look.
  9. But why wouldn't you take comprehension? Seeing as it saves you 10 skill points per skills in which you have even a minor investment in. That's almost a level worth of skill points, and non combat skills checks are plenty. Except with the magic clothes and comprehension-boosted magazines you can.
  10. pmp10


    China does not need to start a war in defense of North Korea. It's economical influence is such that it can punish those deemed responsible for undermining it's interests without resorting to warfare.
  11. Except the new xbox360 dashboard update has been out more than 5 days and isn't cracked yet. Not to mention the 3.5 firmware update on PS3. But the real point is consequences. Such modifications on closed platform are usually detected and lead to banning from all forms of online activity. What are the typical consequences of PC piracy? Even failed attempts will result in nothing more that an error message. Maybe because it is the difference in piracy rates between xbox360/wii and pc/psp that is significant. Also I never encountered any "whining" about 360/ps3 piracy rates. The point isn't that are not essential, it's that people are developing a sense of entitlement. And it's not a question of economical conditions. People able to afford PCs/console are not on a verge of starvation. It's a question of responsibility. If pirates feel entitled to free software (especially newest/most expensive) they will strike hard against anyone proposing changes to the current situation. The result are exacly what happend when ubisoft tried to implement server based DRM with AC2. Organized DDOS attacks were launched on the company, partly in order to stop legitimate customers from playing the game. Such actions only show that they believe their "rights" were being threatened and that was the most logical solution to influence the situation. They certainly couldn't boycott the product because they never bought it before and nobody was going to assume anything else can make them change their mind.
  12. pmp10


    Can't do that, Krez. Not without a UN resolution. Because we all know that the UN is a pure and noble institution and would never haver over such an important issue. Didn't the Korean war have a signed letter to go kill things from the UN, or was it called something else back then. That worked only because USSR was boycotting UN meetings at the time.
  13. Even hardware DRM gets cracked or bypassed. Battling PC piracy by any means is simply a lost cause. Only producer specific platforms will manage to have some success due to cost-effectiveness of solutions used.
  14. And Western countries don't oppress their people? Can you show me a Western Country where the people are free and not oppressed by degrees of tyranny. Tyranny is a form of absolute rule of a single individual who usually wrestles power from more legitimate government. Since democratic institutions are by definition opposed to such abuses of power I'll say that various forms of representational government do not tyrannize their people. In the end the concept of rule of law and representation implies that any action strongly opposed by people will lead to a change of elective representatives and by extension their policies. No such possibilities exist in the likes of China. If you honestly believe that the difference between democratic and autocratic/authoritarian government is insignificant then I doubt it's possible to change your mind by the means of discussion.
  15. No that's funny. Microsoft no longer forces me to pretend I live elsewhere to sign up for Live but won't take my money in their store. You'd think they care more about the latter.
  16. In short, we believe you are oppressing your people and that's not right.
  17. 75% of South Korea population are eligible voters. 80% in case of Japan. China communist party membership consist of 5% of population. I'd call that a significant difference. Among the likes of North Korea population of which suffers chronic starvation and Somalia which is fighting it's second decade of civil war. I don't see how it is a point in their favor. Unless people are considered merely a resource to be extracted and spent as government deems fit some compromises to laws and institutions should be acceptable in order to keep your population fed. What you consider excess others percive as a consequential execution of ideological authoritarian policies. The ones that deliberatly keep population from free access to information, ability to freely debate or pacefully demonstrate their opinions. In short anything that may in any way threaten the ruling party.
  18. I'll agree as to dictatorship as technically the power rests with the party but the state is definitely authoritarian. As to repressive - it sees fit to ban even such a trivial service as twitter. China attitude regarding various websites certainly leads to it being labeled as such. By that reasoning Russia should still be an absolute monarchy or in the very least a dictatorship. The political system found there didn't so much evolve as was a result of communist party victory in a civil war. There was no predisposition towards it. Chinese people had just as much experience in democracy as they had in communism. People Republic of China came into existence some time before communist takeover. Despite the fact that it's power is now limited to Taiwan it's laws and institutions are similar to what you would find in a western democracy. As for decentralization - federalism has been made to work for some states. It would have to be shown why would it be a certain failure in the case of China.
  19. Except without updates new games won't run. In the end it's just not as simple as on PC.
  20. Yeah, no. Not anywhere near the scale that it exists on the PC at least. It is just too easy to pirate on the PC, whereas console piracy has more hoops to jump through. Not if you can buy chipped console right out of the box, even with 2 years guarantee... Which is easily possible in more countries, than you can imagine And what do you do when anti piracy updates are rolled out? Send it back for a update assuming one becomes available?
  21. Just finished Divinity 2 expansion - Flames of Vengeance. No sure what made me go through it as that part of the new game edition is a mess. I'll never understand what drove the developers to remove everything that showed promise in the original campaign.
  22. Eventually it will - it always does, when millions of voices demand to be heard. That's a very optimistic outlook. Countries like Saudi Arabia show that wealth and modernization of society does not necessarily lead to a rise in democratic tendencies.
  23. Of course you can melee Deathclaws. It just takes few perks and a sensible weapon. In fallout 1&2 it required a power armor but now that it is meaningless it easier than ever. I watched a friend of mine melee a deathclaw to death in FO1 with a knife and the leather jacket. Which one? The respawning ones near gun runners would kill player in 2 criticals and attacked up to 3 times per turn so that would take plenty reloads for sever criticals to occur. If you mean the quest releated one in hub then he was wounded at start IIRC.
  24. Do you have any idea what "pax romana" involved? Today societies are a lot lighter on institutional enslavement, crucifixion and massacres. If it's safe anywhere to voice negative opinions of Japan then it's in China. Given their history there seems little love lost between those countries. Said protesters are much less likely to suffer legal repercussions for attacking Japanese than the woman in question for making fun of them.
  25. Of course you can melee Deathclaws. It just takes few perks and a sensible weapon. In fallout 1&2 it required a power armor but now that it is meaningless it easier than ever.
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