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Everything posted by Azdeus

  1. I wouldn't have been dissapointed if it wasn't for the fact that I could, in theory if any were available, have gotten a 2070/2080. Since you've got a vega 64 aswell, noticed any oddities with the latest software & drivers? Mine randombly, now and then, though not under load, blacking out. Seems the programs keep running in the background, no keyboard response, no display. That is true, and could explain how the PS5 is going to run 2.0ghz on it's cores, it'd be promising, but I'm cautious about having too much optimism. Kind of got overhyped on Vega.
  2. Their current architectures does seem quite so, yes. Who knows, there might be some magic they can chant over the drivers and find something that increases performance some 30%, and then I'd actually be impressed with it, but as I said before their powerefficiency of RDNA is horrible really, that's likely why they make them so small. If they build any mammoths, like the leak about their next navi suggests, it's going to be 300+++ watts We can hope, HBM would also help solve the power problem a bit. People are fantasizing about them using a 512bit bus, but as buildzoid said... powerdraw would be immense Yeah, one can hardly call nVidia good value, but what can you do about a giant that noone can come close to? Especially when people are actually willing to pay those insane prices? It's not going to be better if AMD gets back on the absolute throne either, people will just use that as an excuse to buy nVidia on "the cheap". History has shown it before, people don't want to buy AMD they just want cheaper nVidia stuff. I do hope that their next offering does become good enough to be a valuable proposition next to nVidia, if they can manage to get close enough to nVidias offerings so that I don't feel stupid for buying AMD I might upgrade my AMD card, but if they can't bring out something good enough I'm going to have to get a nVidia card for the first time since the TNT2
  3. What are you going on about? NAVI does worse compartively the higher the resolution compared to other offerings, they're memory-bandwidth starved.
  4. And now I'm imagining Trump doing his decisions with a blank map... I'm going to sleep very well tonight
  5. He started a new topic. Again.
  6. It is because I've waited ten years for a real successor that I don't want to wait one more.
  7. Dear god, STALKER 2 on epic store would be my worst nightmare.
  8. Naw, just roll with it
  9. There were 4 directors in total from what wikipedia tells me, so no wonder.
  10. https://www.tomshardware.com/news/nvidia-ampere-gpu-graphics-card-samsung,39787.html Edit; ****, this one went all wonky..
  11. https://www.tomshardware.com/news/nvidia-ampere-purportedly-50-faster-than-turing-at-half-the-power-consumption According to that they're using TSMC mainly. Just ignore the unbelievable performance rumor bull. Sure, Jensen might have burned bridges, but TSMC is a company, they'll use that against nVidia and probably sell them less for more money, something that nVidia can afford considering their massive earnings. They've been selling everything at a premium and people are willing to pay it, so I don't think that'll be a problem, they just might not make quite the profit on the 3xxx series as they have on the earlier ones. Oh, I do love the fact that my Vega 64 matches the theoretical performance of say a 2080ti, but that 2080ti is 60% faster in rasterization performance. I mean, I'm lost for words! xD I honestly don't think they have much of a chance there unless they can pull some magical shenanigans with their console-dominance and have game-devs implement some form of programming that essentially doesn't work on nVidias offerings, but that is not AMD's style. nVidias too ingrained in peoples minds, it's been the same **** since what, the beginnings of the HD series when AMD was massively dominant in every way, and people kept buying nVidias ****. I mean, we have above us here that is part of the problem.. That said, from what I've read MCM videocards aren't going to be a thing really, programmers don't want to deal with it since they have to program for what is essentially crossfire/sli to get MCM GPUs to work properly.
  12. Last week for me, ctd'd People hate the Complete mod? O.o There was a great mod on the horizon from russia, you could add some weaponmods in on the fly basically, like different magazines, and he had attachable reflex sights and such. Then he got drafted and I never heard more about it. ._.
  13. You have my sympathies, I do hope atleast that the sounds that trigger it are rare?
  14. Eh, their midranged GPU's that are on the same performance level as 2070 still doesn't have Ray tracing. Ray. Tracing. Seriously, it's the holy grail of graphics. Even if the performance could be said to be **** while doing ray tracing... it's still playable RAY-TRACING. nVidia is doing ray tracing at fairly acceptable performance at 12nm.. Twelve. Nano-meters. AMD is struggling to match them in basic rasterization. I've got a Vega 64, it's about 15% slower than a 5700xt. And the 5700xt is on 7nm... it's, honestly, pretty pathetic. And I'm saying this as someone that's gone from x800 in 2004, to a 5850, 7970, fury and then Vega 64. The ****. nVidia hasn't even announced a die shrink yet, because; They, haven't, had, a, need, to. If we look at the latest believable rumors, AMDs next offering is going to just about beat the 2080ti from nVidia while offering their own HW ray tracing solution. At the same time, nVidia has had time and money, experience and a die shrink to improve their performance.. The latest rumors I've read (Which has similar believablility as the AMD ones) offers atleast a 30% increase over the 2080ti... while AMD's latest offering is talking about matching a 2080ti in performance. Granted, if they do this in the ~400$ pricerange it'd be good, but I can't believe them putting their gpu in such a pricerange, especially on a 7nm node with that feature-set. And after speaking to a chinese coworkerd at work earlier today, and asking her to translate the original article for me and confirm what others said, that the new AMD lineup is twice as big and not twice the performance... we'll, the 2020 gpu horizon is going to be a massive dissapoinment.
  15. Anyone else here that is pretty massively dissapointed in AMD's gpus so far? The 5700xt series barely competes with nVidias offering with a die advantage, and their "new" gpu is said to deliver similar to 2080/ti peformance, with their own HW ray tracing solution, while nVidia still hasn't gone to 7nm in their process. Spent most of the evening trawling thorugh AMD reddit see, and I see a bunch of people thinking it's going to be the next brea.... best thing since sliced bread, and it's getting on my nerves to be honest. As much of an AMD fan as I am, I am going to have a hard time to justify being a fan of AMD hardware as it is. Honestly do y'all see any future in AMD's (currently, honestly pretty ****ty) GPU lineup or the rumored future? I mean a similar to 2080ti performance GPU? With a a die advantage? They can't beat a nearly 800mm2 die with 7nm, how the **** are they going to stay relevant when nVidia goes from 12 to 7m,?
  16. I'm getting those feelings of regret again f rom not finishing my educaiton in electricalengineering. Dammit, need more rum. Edit; Also, the combination of rum + no bloodpressure medicines lead to very vicios tinnitus. You have been warned. It's like bad situation+ bad situation. Should stay the **** away from it.
  17. Well, you try explaining things to an eastern european driver that doesn't speak Swedish or English. I'm tired of having to tell people what to do, see them do some absolutely stupid ****, curse at them and then do things properly. I do like to drive, but I've got to think about the bloodpressure man I mean last time I got so furious that I started coughing blood again, and blew out a bloodvessel in my nose. With bloodpressure medicines. Edit; He did look scared as hell though, so that was awesome
  18. Be prepared for Clear Sky though, mother of gods were there alot of annoying bugs in that game. That faction war system was utterly borked. I suspect you'll have to do some heavy modding to get it to work properly.
  19. I get exposed to it daily, but so far the only things I've learned are some simple phrases and many, many curses I'd havea real hard time managing it I think, since I'm hearing impaired, most words become a jumble to me. That would probably be a monumentally bad decision, first of all I'm hearing impaired, and second of all I despise the ruling people of russia Hope you guys get a monsoon soon Hoppas du håller dig i säkerhet!
  20. I'm thinking about learning russian. It'd help alot in my work, but I really don't feel like commiting even more to my current job. I mostly get by with pizdets and idi nahui, cyka. It's a bit crude though. But oh so much fun.
  21. Long suspected as much, even though I never really read anything about it. It'll be good to have something under my belt while arguing with Swedish Democrats that wants to "help where migrants are at".
  22. I'll admit that my general knowledge about the political status of Australia is pretty much limited to what Juice Media decides to show, but damn if there isn't a ****load of asshattery going on down-under.
  23. But yeah, it's a bit fun to hear people speak of it happening "now" ^^ Edit; I prefer taking a lawnchair and a cushion and go out on the fields here to get a good 360 view. It's really relaxing.
  24. Happy new year y'all
  25. You're going to fight an uphill battle with an intel cpu and an AMD gpu, you're going to be gpu-bound if anything. But I'm straying OT, nevermind.
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