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Everything posted by Azdeus

  1. Be prepared for Clear Sky though, mother of gods were there alot of annoying bugs in that game. That faction war system was utterly borked. I suspect you'll have to do some heavy modding to get it to work properly.
  2. I get exposed to it daily, but so far the only things I've learned are some simple phrases and many, many curses I'd havea real hard time managing it I think, since I'm hearing impaired, most words become a jumble to me. That would probably be a monumentally bad decision, first of all I'm hearing impaired, and second of all I despise the ruling people of russia Hope you guys get a monsoon soon Hoppas du håller dig i säkerhet!
  3. I'm thinking about learning russian. It'd help alot in my work, but I really don't feel like commiting even more to my current job. I mostly get by with pizdets and idi nahui, cyka. It's a bit crude though. But oh so much fun.
  4. Long suspected as much, even though I never really read anything about it. It'll be good to have something under my belt while arguing with Swedish Democrats that wants to "help where migrants are at".
  5. I'll admit that my general knowledge about the political status of Australia is pretty much limited to what Juice Media decides to show, but damn if there isn't a ****load of asshattery going on down-under.
  6. But yeah, it's a bit fun to hear people speak of it happening "now" ^^ Edit; I prefer taking a lawnchair and a cushion and go out on the fields here to get a good 360 view. It's really relaxing.
  7. Happy new year y'all
  8. You're going to fight an uphill battle with an intel cpu and an AMD gpu, you're going to be gpu-bound if anything. But I'm straying OT, nevermind.
  9. Like reading the chatlog on WoW RP servers once Bloodelves arrived. xD
  10. LOL, it weighs 1.3kgs XD Or you could just not buy an overpriced CPU that needs a 1500W industrial cooler?
  11. Heh, my friend tried to get me to go to Amsterdam today, for the red light districts and coffee shops. I turned him down though, I'd blow through several months savings in a single evening. Well, when I say 'I' would blow through...
  12. Been there, I know the pain. I was close to quitting again around spring this year, but then broke some fingers, a coworker quit and my boss reassigned me to a mindnumbingly boring job position. Needless to say, I basically started chain smoking since there is nothing to distract me from my cravings. Applied for 50 days of vacation, starting April 16th, and while my boss told me it'd be ok, I've yet to gain confirmation on paper. Got to pester her a bit on thursday.
  13. True, true Think I'm on my 6th cup now. And probably umpteenth cigarette, lost count an hour ago.
  14. Nightshift left a mess for me at work, even though they worked overtime until 9. Now it's 9:39 and I've cleaned up their mess and done all the work I can do to prep for the day. Time to sit back and wait until 14:30 when the rush is supposed to come.
  15. DC continuously going through the hands will cause the heart to stand still, a DC charge will clench the muscles aswell, it's just that if you're unlucky you will clench on to whatever the source is instead of jolting away. It's less dangerous, but still lethal if you're unlucky. I've been lucky, besides handling electrified fencing and shocking myself to make sure it was was working. I did get a lightning strike through a power outlet when I was young though, lower back through my right heel into a radiator. No real damage done though, not even a scar
  16. Nitpicking here, but 0.1A AC will kill you hand to hand, you're more likely to survive at 0.5A because the heart clamps and stops while the lower current will cause your heart to go into ventricular fibrillation. Also, while nitpicking, DC is quite capable of killing you aswell.
  17. Bethesdas modding community never ceases to amaze me!
  18. https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/21872 Appoint a leader for a settlement that takes care of the general buisiness, manage it if you want or leave it be. I usually just appoint a leader and leave it be, and it's nice to have some use of Preston. The only annoyance is that you can only appoint followers (In the base mod atleast, from what I remember - though there are more mods that fixes the mod), otherwise you plonk down a desk, appoint a leader and then watch a cutscene where the mod outlines the buildings then connect wire to the recruitment beacon. I think you might have to connect powerlines, but I'm not 100% sure about that. Also, the settlements evolve over time, so it gives them the appearance of growth too. It's a dang cool mod, I'm very impressed by it. Edit2; Forgot to mention, there is a rather small downside to the mod, the mod needs to clean out the settlement in question of all placeables, so it will wipe your own efforts before it rebuilds a new settlement for you.
  19. The actor does a great job with what he is given, that he has been badly written is a different thing.
  20. Haha! Even so, that's not a bad perk, I had to splurge 1200$ for my Vive Pro That said, it's definetly not heavy! Not that I really have much to compare to, I've tried my friends Rift once, but this one is less sweaty I think. I'm hoping the SteamVR basestation I got was just a bad production example, but according to Vive's own forums I may be out of luck there. It was one thing I didn't check up on to be honest, and one I'm kind of regretting now. I'd have gone for the Cosmos instead if that was the case.
  21. I love it too! I've always loved that theme song, so I get that nostalgia happiness aswell ^^ Which headset do you have?
  22. It's pretty cool, there is a way to superimpose avatars ontop of your body; That said, you need to put tracking markers on your legs and hips if I remember correctly. The further you swing your controllers, the higher score you get. There is a really bad stage made for the Doom 2016, one guy played it through and hit 1217/1217 notes and got a C-rating, it's impossible to do anything but play though the wirsts instead of the elbows though so that's probably the best score anyone can get. I've been playing it on "campaign" mode lately, and there is a stage that blocks me from going forward since I have to swing a total of about 600metres, one of my SteamVR lighthouses died (Steam fails me again, go figure) so it doesn't track properly, which is annoying as hell since I only lack something like 50 metres on average from finishing.
  23. Well, both leave me sweaty, broken and dissapointed with my performance
  24. Well, I did beat my meat at the end, I was getting kind of uncoordinated XD On a more serious note, here's BeatSaber;
  25. I spent about one hour playing beatsaber, and now I can't feel my arms XD
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