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Everything posted by Azdeus

  1. I don't remember reading that short rests are applied after every encounter, from what I remember you have to make a dedicated "short" pause to actually rest undisturbed for a while. There are some more hardcore people that run days as short rests, and weeks as long rest, but the Challenge Rating system isn't tuned for that at all. Suddenly all guidelines in the Dungeon Masters Guide get's thrown out the window, but that said I do like the idea. Oh, you can break the game something insane with Warlocks. Google Coffeelocks or Cocaine-locks... Granted, they take a bit of effort to get going and your DM might come down hard on you if you do that, but theoretically they can have an unlimited number of spells given time. If i remember correctly, the gist of it is you take a multiclass level Sorcerer, they can convert spellslots into Sorcery Points and sorcerypoints into spellslots. There's actually no Rule as written that you have an actual limit to the spellslots, just how many you get per day, so you convert your warlock spell slots to sorcery points, and your spell points into Sorcerer slots and repeat. You would have to avoid long rests though as they ruin everything, which can be fixed with a quick snort of 100gp worth of diamond dust each day to cast restoration on yourself as a Divine Sorcerer or Celestial Warlock to cure the exhaustion... Hence Cocaine-lock. The one downside to warlocks are the few spellslots that you do get, max 4 spells in the end, and generally speaking locks don't get free 6+ level slots the same way, they're called Mystic Arcanums and are limited to once per long rest (Thankfully!). A level 9 Warlock has two 5 slot spells per short rest, but depending on playstyle/campaign that can become a ludicrous amount. Generally speaking though Wizards and Clerics reign as usual, without twisting the rules. I hate 5e. Both as a gamemaster and player..
  2. Well, because of the proficiency system they have in place in lieu of things like Base Attack Bonus, up until level 5 an Eldritch knight(Fighter) is as good as a mage (If he's proficient in his melee weapon) in a swordfight, the Eldritch Knight can summon two different "bonded" weapons from thin air, and that's pretty cool I suppose. At level 5 the fighter gets two attacks, and at level 11 three and 4 at level 17, which gives him an edge. Heh. Hehehe... A popular "mix" is a Hexblade Warlock that can make weapon attacks with his Cha bonus(And later add Charisma bonus to damage) and two levels of paladin. Warlocks get their (Very limited number of, but full caster level)spellslots back after a short 1 hour rest and slots aren't exclusive to your class, meaning you can use your warlock spell slots for your low level paladin spells. And at level 2 paladins get an ability called Divine Smite, which let's them do 1d8+slot level extra Radiant (Very rarely do monsters have resistance against this) damage. Normally paladins get 5slot spells at level 17, warlocks get them at level 9...
  3. Well, AMD claims RDNA2 will have a 50% increase in perf/watt, so the clocks might actually be fairly conservative for what we know which would help with temperature alot.
  4. You have my sympathies Shady, sounds like the worst timing ever.. My bosses has started to regret offering me a licence for lorries, noone seems willing or able to take on the tasks that I have besides the normal gatehouse stuff. xD
  5. I'll be honest, I'm not certain if I'm happy with my governments "inaction" as it is, they're helping out restaurants, cafe's, bars and whatnot, but it really feels as if it's buisness as usual except that at work 5 out of 8 people stayed at home from work/went home from work. Then again, I'm not really for a pointless show of force/action from politicians either.
  6. You generally don't want to multiclass in 5e, there's not much to gain really. You either multiclass for flavour or because you found something cheesy, for example multiclassing your Paladin after level two or five into Sorcerer, Warlock or Bard (All Charisma based casters) to get more spellslots to use for Smite. Spell casters sacrificing a full level of spell slots for two levels of fighter for Action surge to be able to cast two Action spells in one turn. Cheese to put it simply. Challenge Rating 7, I'm fairly certain. Dragons roam the breadth of the spectrum. Challenge rating doesn't really tell it all though, even though CR7 is meant to be a "medium" difficulty encounter, if you only have one enemy just pure Action Economy will make it a piece of cake, even with Legendary Actions/Lair actions.
  7. 3 people + one boss called in sick this morning, meaning more than half the dayshift is home sick. It's going to be an awful day. Edit; Oh, right, the on-topic stuff that I forgot because of my whinging. Since the medcare officials decided that no hospitals should have a stock of equipment but be served by a central storage "at need" we're running really low on equipment, and since many borders are closing, stuff we've ordered years in advance "for contingencies" has been seized by the government of the country where they were produced. Really clever idea that. The **** were they thinking with this "plan"?!
  8. NSFW and all that
  9. You want a secret handshake with that aswell? What are we, the shriners? And yeah, AP without the shadow of a doubt. It's unique.
  10. We don't know how the mechanics will work exactly, I'll know wether it's a FPSLARP or FPSRPG once I sit down and discover what's most important, my skills or the skills that the character in the game developed. Heh, I'm getting flashbacks to Fallout 3's development boards... Yeah... definetly having flashbacks XD
  11. On a different note, I wonder why most of the people I know of that are interested in getting telescopes are lorry drivers, or in my case a prospective one. There are three drivers at work that has built their own little observatories. I couldn't agree more, especially after having a small taste of it!
  12. I've got that on my little wishlist, but they're fricking expensive to be honest.
  13. Spent 6 hours last night by the lake, small fire, lots of hotdogs, a couple of glasses of rum and just chilling, listening to a really quiet night, no car sounds, no birds, no wind just the light crackling from the fire. Got up when a helo flew over and disturbed the "moment" or I'd probably have sat there for hours more. I need to do that again. Thanks for the tip GD
  14. Haha, I do love the cold, but we've had record rainfall and heat, neither of which are particularly to my tastes :p
  15. I have a little light pollution to the north-north-west where a town is and to the south-south-west whenever there's a football game, but other than that I'm golden.
  16. Double post, but... I got inspired and checked the weather for tonight, looks like it'll be clear for once, so I might take inspiration from GD and relax away from everything for a couple of hours atleast and head into the woods, maybe bring some nice hotdogs and buns, some dry firewood, and head to the windshelter I built a couple of decades ago on a piece of promontory by the lake in the woods with my gramps. It's 15 days to go until it's been 20 years since he died, but the timing will be good.
  17. I'll admit to being jealous, the weather here doesn't allow anything close to that
  18. I'm honestly quite curious how much of an effect the reduced travelling will have on CO2 emissions and similar...
  19. Otterly adorable
  20. The Swedish Civili Contingencies Agency wants our Swedish Work Environment Authority(SWEA) to allow Skyddsmask 90 for police, ambulance and firefighters, but SWEA refuses because the mask isn't "CE" compliant since it was adopted before the european union. Monumentally retarded decision, they actually work for ****s sake.
  21. Why haven't I heard them before?! This is right up my alley!
  22. You know exactly what I was thinking of! xD
  23. I think even Mick Foley would be hesitant!
  24. People are stupid, they ought to buy adult diapers instead. My workplace stopped handing out loan cards to drivers, meaning they won't be able to use our toilets and showers, and we don't hire in outside extra workers until this is over.
  25. On the 17th of March, at noon, I get the theory books and simulator time allotment, then they expect us to start driving about two weeks to a month later, then a 4 week period of practical training for the certificate that actually allows me to work as a truck driver, and not just drive around for fun. The school expects this to take about 15-25 weeks, and the workplace expects us to be done before June, in about ten weeks. XD
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