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Everything posted by Azdeus

  1. I'm honestly quite curious how much of an effect the reduced travelling will have on CO2 emissions and similar...
  2. Otterly adorable
  3. The Swedish Civili Contingencies Agency wants our Swedish Work Environment Authority(SWEA) to allow Skyddsmask 90 for police, ambulance and firefighters, but SWEA refuses because the mask isn't "CE" compliant since it was adopted before the european union. Monumentally retarded decision, they actually work for ****s sake.
  4. Why haven't I heard them before?! This is right up my alley!
  5. You know exactly what I was thinking of! xD
  6. I think even Mick Foley would be hesitant!
  7. People are stupid, they ought to buy adult diapers instead. My workplace stopped handing out loan cards to drivers, meaning they won't be able to use our toilets and showers, and we don't hire in outside extra workers until this is over.
  8. On the 17th of March, at noon, I get the theory books and simulator time allotment, then they expect us to start driving about two weeks to a month later, then a 4 week period of practical training for the certificate that actually allows me to work as a truck driver, and not just drive around for fun. The school expects this to take about 15-25 weeks, and the workplace expects us to be done before June, in about ten weeks. XD
  9. You're lucky Seriously though, thanks
  10. Imagine if she smoked weed aswell? Dream waifu, right there!
  11. I fleel the same way about Firefly to be honest, the plans that they unveiled afterwards for that series had me glad it was ended when it was actually good.
  12. Got the news that we're having a meeting on friday about the procedure for the truck licences, timeframes and all such things. I'm nervous as hell for some reason XD
  13. Oh, you're in trouble, they'll be coming to your house with tar and feathers in less than 39 hours! Haha, yeah, that was the one! I haven't watched any others of her, so I can't tell if she cries easilly or not I don't disagree that it was bad form to ask someone like Anette to sing songs she could never match, she's great in her own way While I absolutely am a Floor fanboy, I would never claim she can do the operatic songs aswell as Tarja could who was trained mainly as an opera-singer, but I think she does damn well with many of them while still maintaining a width that Tarja never could come close to. I'm of the opinion that it sounds even better with Floors contrast. If memory serves me she was ill while recording this aswell, so it's not her at her absolute prime. Not to mention that she can growl aswell if she needs to! She pretty much nailed Phantom of the Opera when she performed it on Beste Zangers so she definetly can do opera if she wants to. I do think she doesn't want to "imitate" Tarja too much either, she doesn't want to be Tarja 2.0 in a way. She wants to make the songs her own. I assume, I'm just purely speculating on how I'd feel myself in that position. Edit; It's taken me 3 hours to write this, soo many interruptions, and not to mention that I got stuck listening to both Floor and Tarja singing songs!
  14. I haven't seen any reaction video for this particular one, but I did watch a couple of reactions to their old songs, in particular one where they had to stop for a couple of minutes so that the girlfriend of the recorder could finish crying. If I remember correctly it was Ghost Love Score, and I'm not ashamed to admit that that can happen to me aswell It's good to hear Angela again
  15. Ahh, I see, I've never heard that term before so I was wondering Definetly easier said than done, haha! I'm hoping that it'll get better once I get my truck licence, I'm mostly annoyed at my bosses for not recognizing that there is a huge demand for blood, even though it was higher in December. Then I feel bad that I haven't quit this place yet
  16. I don't know why, but there is just something about this song that makes me really happy ^^ Looking forward to the new album in April
  17. You should totes go look at the movie to take the edge off.
  18. Well, it's more investments than just making MP Battlefails, they'd have to hire quality voice actors and story writers.
  19. I don't know if it's true/works, since I'd be a great gay porn star if I could be arsed to get an attractive body, but when they did an bronchoscopy on my lungs they gave me a spray to numb the gag-reflex. Told them to try without, since I couldn't drink for two hours afterwards, and had to sit there thirsting and waiting for the non-effective sedative to "wear off"... Acute rehab? Que? I've wanted to start giving blood for ages, since I'm an universal donor, but my boss won't let me off work early to go. They only have open hours during the day when I work, and close before I have a remote chance to get there. =/
  20. Well, I do love guns, cars and hamburgers
  21. Good to hear you're ok, Hurl Pizza is technically bread, so I had bread for breakfast! First snow for the "winter" is here, and everyone is suitably perplexed by the white stuff on the road, and suddenly forget how to drive. And then there's me https://gfycat.com/joyfulflashyfirefly-snow
  22. Well, it was definetly something. Nothing positive though.
  23. I know that feeling too well, you have my sympathies
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