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Posts posted by Azdeus

  1. I haven't been ill in nine and a half years so I guess I must be doing something right.


    Luck, fitness and genes I'd suppose. I have'nt gone nine a half months in my life without some illness or the other. I really do envy people that rarely get ill :)

  2. Thanks guys, and no Azdeus seems I have to be in here for at least 10-14days. So all the infection is killed.


    Man, that sucks, here's to hoping that atleast you get cared for by many pretty nurses! :)

  3. Hope I'm not posting old news, but I might very well have missed it in all those quotepyramids.



    We are concerned at the increasingly frequent use of the Internet to fuel hatred and
    violence and signal our determination to ensure that the Internet is not abused to this end,
    while safeguarding that it remains, in scrupulous observance of fundamental freedoms, a forum for free expression, in full respect of the law.
    With this in mind, the partnership of the major Internet providers is essential to create the conditions of a swift reporting of material that aims to incite hatred and terror and the condition of its removing, where appropriate/possible.


    I'm surprised it took them this long to put something like this out there.


    This did cheer me up though;

    Syria Strategic Communication Advisory Team (SSCAT)


    They really did'nt think that one through, did they? :facepalm:

    • Like 1
  4. Happy new year good peoples! =) 


    I've had my years worth of drinks, got a good buzz going, and now I've got go to bed. I've had to endure people bantering about the walking dead for the past two hours, but the hours before that made it worth it.

    Also met a rare person tonight, what I would call a real gamer girl, and while I did'nt agree with her taste in games, she had a great amount of knowledge that I didn't expect! More than my other gamer friends atleast =)

  5. bullet drop? maybe, but it doesn't change the fact ballistics aren't very good. I have to say, though, I only really played Call of Pripyat. but things like not being able to zero your weapon (especially the ones with optical scopes), not being able to shoot through stuff etc. maybe I just wasn't paying attention and it was all there. the thing is, I played Arma 2 ACE2 at the time, maybe it was the contrast between weapons in that and CoP that made CoP look bad. 


    I remember getting to the point in CoP where you have to go to Pripyat, and one of the last quests I had was to clear some factory of bandits. I had a Colt AR-15 with something like an ACOG attached to it, that whole fight annoyed me so much, that I uninstalled the game after I had fought off all the bandits. I don't remember the exact reasons, but it was something about the AI and the gun that ticked me off 


    Sure, some objects can't be shot through, like paper thin metal, but you can pop people through trees, wood and such from what I remember. Just load up some AP ammo and you should be good.


    Looked up ACE for Arma 2. Looks fun if you're into that thing, but it does'nt give any thought to actually being a game. :/

  6. Two Steps From Hell


    I could link them almost all day.


    They're awesome, I'd add in audiomachine aswell, they've got some great tracks.


    If you don't mind remixes of game music I would recommend ocremix.org they've got some great tracks there.



  7. Gratulations Calax! :)



    Funny, got pretty much the same hair cut. My sides are getting very "fluffy" fast, which looks crappy and annoys the hell out of me... so I let 'em getting cut that short at least every 3 weeks.

    Had super long hair just a few years back, but I started to get bald (yay...), so everything had to go. All in all, I think my head looks a lot better with short hair, but the balding still doesn't help it really. :>

    Yeah I hate it when my sides grow too long which happens in only a couple of weeks, thats why I used to sport and undercut for a while, I simply completely shaved the sides and annoying areas on my scalp every three days. No fluffiness whatsoever! I already miss that hairstyle.

    Also I'm pretty scared about balding, every single hair that leaves my scalp gets its own funeral ceremony, followed by a massive panic attack.  crying.gif 
    I suffer from severe hair loss paranoia / hypochondria because I had a completely shaven head in my military service time.....and I hated it.



    Pfft, real men have long hair, even if they start to go bald! :)


    I will admit though that I have a bit of hair loss paranoia aswell, I have alot of bumps on my head and I really look like **** without hair. I do miss easy maintenance though :p

  8. Nice rifle Woldan :)


    Was supposed to go to a friends party today, but I did'nt get any sleep so I had no energy for that, wich was sad but not as sad as that I don't have enough energy to watch the Geminids shower and that the camera I was supposed to borrow was fecking broken so I can't set up any timelapse photos. First time in years that I have clear weather and time.

    But I did manage to see a few meteors atleast during the 15 minutes I stood and watched with a nice pint of tea in my hands. :)

  9. If you don't mind me asking why do you hate Xmas?


    Well, it's extremely commercialized. It's all about spending money and consuming, buying stuff for people because you are supposed to, because it's a tradition. It has a "false" feel to it for me.

    And I don't like my family particularly much, they never stay off the booze when they are together. Listening to them rant about how the muslims are invading, getting welfare and stealing our jobs while talking about how to best cheat their way around taxes and such will get me in a furious mood that I will have to bottle up.

    Then come New Years Eve and if I go drinking... :p


    I'm also against religion and I don't like being reminded about it time and again.


    There are upsides though, Top Gear christmas specials are fun, some of the seasonal food is awesome; Glögg and vörtbröd for instance.

    • Like 2
  10. Ah, I did'nt think that was an actual word, thought it was an autocorrect gone mad :blush:


    I don't have actual double glass windows in my house so we have inserts instead, we usually put some cotton strips and small decorations inside them to make it more festive. :)

  11. I hate christmas, so I'm going to do what I try to do every year; Avoid people, with the exception of my father since we share the same view of alcohol.


    New Years eve I'm more torn about, I don't like hanging around my friends when they are drunk, but I do want to meet them.

  12. I hate smoking in every shape or form. It's disgusting.


    You'd approach that nice looking woman and then when she breathes, you'd be like: Aww sh**, smells disgusting, I need to vomit!1one



    I'll be honest, I'd rather smell that than perfume. I've never come across one that does'nt smell like chemicals.



    • Like 1
  13. duckduckgo


    It does'nt really have a nice ring to it, does it?



    i'm thinking too much like a GM, sorry.


    Force Defence as a Free Action, and generally massively high saves on force users makes it a pain to land a hit and a waste of Vitality points. :geek:

  14. As an American who has also only heard it (from what I can remember) from the WoT books...I don't think so. It sounds like it could be British...or maybe deep South American? Not sure!


    I actually just heard it from Jeremy Clarkson from Top Gear, funny how you seem to notice things like this everywhere when you start to think about it. :)



    Watching a documentary to wind down ... Noticed that Bill Nye is kinda my stereotypical idea of what an historical American looks like. Oblong face, with sharp features and a stroke of grey... 'Lincony' ..


    Bill Nye, eh? Wich documentary?

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