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Posts posted by Azdeus

  1. Aha, Gremlins! I didn't consider those, now everything makes sense!  :p 

    Or maybe I accidentally brought some angry elves form Iceland, who knows. I've heard they are masters of subterfuge and sabotage. Bastards.


    Hmm... that is a concern, you did'nt go rock climbing on any outcroppings or any other such Elfhill did you? If you did, you just might be fecked until you build a little home for them to stay in. :<

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  2. Went cycling, it was cold, windy, foggy, and very wet. 

    And I totally crashed, funnily at the least dangerous part of my route. Don't know what happened, suddenly at 50 km/h or so on the straight my front wheel was instantly thrown to the right and before I could do any counter steering or breaking I was already doing somersaults down a slope into the woods. Luckily I didn't hit a tree, but the skin on my legs and arms itches and burns because a million nettles cushioned my fall. I could drive back home so I guess I have not broken any bones.


    Funny, I can have a million accidents but I never get hurt, not even a bruise or a scratch. 


    My bike however, front brake is damaged, handlebar is bent, chain is damaged and I think my front wheel is losing air. ;(

    I'm not sure what caused the accident but it could have been a technical defect. Very strange. 


    A rock on the road maybe? Gremlins? Hearing what sometimes goes on in your home, maybe they went for a ridealong?

    Good to hear you're in one pieces atleast. :)

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  3. My last remaining grandparent passed away today. I wasn't very close with her so I don't feel very bad, but I feel like I should.


    My condolence.




    I just attended a party celebrating my a friends birthday, she was very happy and very drunk - just as everyone else. I did, however, clearly feel the absence of one of my best friends that moved to Stockholm last week and wasn't at the party, it was a sad affair for me, since he was actually one of the few people that I could talk with whenever everyone else went on about their filthy nasty depravities. Wich means I basically sat and listened more than spoke to people. Very meh. 

    I know they are doing it on purpose as well, since I can't help but blush when they get going.


    Atleast I got alot of free drinks and I'm well and truly drunk right now, so I've got that going for me, wich is nice! :p

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  4. Interesting ''Neger'' in German is the racist term for black skinned people. I guess its something made of dark chocolate? 


    It's very much the same here, but people don't really care that much what you call them. :p






    Oh; And the image does'nt necessarilly represent what I made looked like >_>'

  5. As far as I know and they say, all my friends are all for gender equality, but most don't call themselves feminists and they consider the majority of feminists to be idiots.

    The people I mention are people that identify as feminists and even vote for F!, and they do behave that way.

    Not even the radical feminists that were around my school during those years now, but adults in my age, near their 30's.

    The only reason they are in my social circles are because they are boy-/girl-/-friends of friends and it's impossible to avoid them too long.


    And as I said, damn near, some of them are moderate but somewhat ostracized from their circle when debates come up.

  6. Five feminist myths




    There is also an admirable human tendency to be protective of women—stories of female exploitation are readily believed, and vocal skeptics risk appearing indifferent to women’s suffering.


    This little tidbit explains a whole lot.



    What is this suppose to be? Is this is a real statement and  are these the real responses that the women received after being raped? It reminds me of something Volo would say and smacks of anti-feminism propaganda :yes:


    As far as I know it's a letter from a woman detailing her experiences as a feminist, and frankly; I'm not one bit surprised, becuase that is the behavior of damn near every feminist I've met or spoken to personally.

  7. You should start playing the oboe. I've seen on TV that it helps, so you totally should. *Nods sagely*


    Read a post by BruceVC, while I had a craving for sweets, so I made myself some Swedish un-PC "negerbollar". They are tasty.

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