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Posts posted by Azdeus

  1. Ah, I did'nt think that was an actual word, thought it was an autocorrect gone mad :blush:


    I don't have actual double glass windows in my house so we have inserts instead, we usually put some cotton strips and small decorations inside them to make it more festive. :)

  2. I hate christmas, so I'm going to do what I try to do every year; Avoid people, with the exception of my father since we share the same view of alcohol.


    New Years eve I'm more torn about, I don't like hanging around my friends when they are drunk, but I do want to meet them.

  3. I hate smoking in every shape or form. It's disgusting.


    You'd approach that nice looking woman and then when she breathes, you'd be like: Aww sh**, smells disgusting, I need to vomit!1one



    I'll be honest, I'd rather smell that than perfume. I've never come across one that does'nt smell like chemicals.



    • Like 1
  4. duckduckgo


    It does'nt really have a nice ring to it, does it?



    i'm thinking too much like a GM, sorry.


    Force Defence as a Free Action, and generally massively high saves on force users makes it a pain to land a hit and a waste of Vitality points. :geek:

  5. As an American who has also only heard it (from what I can remember) from the WoT books...I don't think so. It sounds like it could be British...or maybe deep South American? Not sure!


    I actually just heard it from Jeremy Clarkson from Top Gear, funny how you seem to notice things like this everywhere when you start to think about it. :)



    Watching a documentary to wind down ... Noticed that Bill Nye is kinda my stereotypical idea of what an historical American looks like. Oblong face, with sharp features and a stroke of grey... 'Lincony' ..


    Bill Nye, eh? Wich documentary?

  6. I would say that a lightsaber NOT having a crossguard is very, very stupid. there's a reason swords have them - to stop someone from sliding his blade down yours and cutting off your fingers/hand.


    Any proper swords needs a crossguard. Now, it is stupid to be open from the underside. What the lightsaber in question needs is another crossguard just below the red lightsaber one to prevent contact with the hand. That, or a crossguard made from some magicla material that resist lightsabers.


    Allow me to illustrate:


    I'm not entirely one hundred percent certain of this, but lightsabres don't slide against each other, they "magnetically" lock or something like that.

  7. This one is probalby going to follow the prequel films in the endless flashy fighting acrobatics.


    I wish there were more actors that had real fencing backgrounds, like you had in some of the age old movies such as the Mark of Zorro from the 40's. That fencing is so much more neat to look at than the **** they give us in the prequels.

  8. Good work on not explaining it for the rest of us ignorant and lazy people. :p


    Yeah, was a bit tired and forgot to include the link. But it's when you pinch someone in the bottom. :grin:


    That's weird. Those books are where I first heard the term as well!


    Haha, nice! I would've thought it was a common saying. Might be more of an american thing maybe? :)

    • Like 2
  9. Today I learned what it means to "goose" someone, for some reason or the other I've never bothered looking it up before, mostly because the only time I came across it was in the wheel of time books. My memory of it is that it was literally translated aswell, wich does'nt work.

    • Like 2

    I expect them to be very enjoyable, but light on subtext. But overall I expect them to be a win. JJ Abrams knocked me for six with Fringe.


    The only thing I really don't like is the way people are complaining about a black stormtrooper in the teaser trailer. WTF is wrong with people? Stormtroopers wear helmets all the goddamn time. To quote Bill Hicks they could be bright green, have nine ***s and an elephant's trunk for all we know. The only thing we actually know about them is they can't shoot for ****.

    I guess they expected him to be a clone of Jango Fett.



    This is the only reason why I reacted, when I saw it I actually blinked twice. We know that Stormtroopers are supposed to be clones, but they might've abandoned that after the end of Ep VI or they've retconned it.


    I really, really think that lightsabre hilt is stupid though. Not just any stupid, but a proper Jeremy Clarkson "sssstUpid".

  11. Talking about Dark Heresy games while waiting for an elevator with strangers in earshot is perhaps not the best idea. Though I guess telling a tale of us torturing some elderly couple and then shooting their mutant baby with a shotgun was not the best idea (we were talking about cases when you make the DM give a "WTF" expression)


    What are you talking about? It is the best part of playing PnPs! :D

  12. http://www.pcgamer.com/elite-dangerous-will-no-longer-support-an-offline-mode/


    Elite: Dangerous finally launches on December 16, but it won't release with an offline mode. While the functionality was promised during the space sim's initial crowdfunding campaign, David Braben writes in a new development blog that it's not practical due to the studio's efforts to keep the universe consistent for all players.

    Backers must be a bit annoyed.



    ****. Atleast I did'nt back it and I'll save myself some money.


    This sucks, I was really looking forward to playing that game, I've been dying for something like it for ages.

  13. Today, after months of "personal affairs" attended to, I returned to the Obsidian fora. Hope everyone is well, I missed this crazy place. :biggrin:


    ...I see I missed the PoE beta start. Don't want to spoil myself, but I'll have to at least check it out a little.

    ...the only game I've tried in the past 6-ish months is Borderlands Prequel, and I wasn't very impressed.

    ...my black kittah is still adorable, despite his fetish for my feet and leaving torn paper shreds everywhere.

    ...hubby and I seem to actually be heading for early retirement. If you'd told me 15 years ago that this was even remotely possible for us, I'd have laughed.




    You've been missed! =)

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