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Posts posted by Azdeus

  1. Do you do that by bicycle? Doing it at night sounds pretty nice, actually...as long as there are no harsh winters to deal with. wink.png


    On foot, there are too many frequent stops for a bike and too many narrow gates and such. I'm glad I did'nt have a bike when they stole my cart. Having to run down a cart is bad enough, a bike would just be gone =)


    Hehe, it's good, I have'nt had to deal with any harsh winter conditions yet, but rain ain't too bad. The plastic cover on the cart that squeaks against the weels, but that's the biggest annoyance I have to deal with.



    I'm shocked people still buy physical newspapers!


    I'd rather read physical papers myself, no screen glare for one, and I don't have to worry about dropping it or breaking it.


    Sales are going down though, wich is why they are going to reorganize the districts to be bigger.


    Edit; I really have no idea why it's attributing Bartimaeus to Gfted1's quote. -.-


    Yay, it fixed itself

  2. I deliver newspapers and such :)

    It's decent enough, you don't get alot of hours in, but you get paid to exercise and I generally don't have to deal with people since it's nights. There's always a risk of drunken idiots though, but this is the first time in 6 months anything has happened.

  3. My shins are absolutely killing me.

    Decided to see how high an tempo I could keep while working yesterday, wich meant that I ran the vast majority of the time. Did'nt beat my speed record though since some asshat and his walking fleshlight decided to steal my cart and use it as an impromptu wagon. After thrashing him I had to get a new stack of papers from the loading bay since they were unfit to deliver - wich cost me alot of time.


    Anyway, did'nt know I could feel pain in this way. Walking is a awful.

    • Like 1
  4. My condolences as well, Azdeus. :( My grandpa is in for heart surgery on Monday, and they have to stop his heart for a short while while they do the procedure, and there's always the chance of him not waking up...so I'd like to see him before that, but I have the flu, and there's no way I'm taking the chance of bringing the flu into a VA clinic and possibly killing a bunch of old veterans. Praying everything turns out for the best...


    Thank you, I respect that you consider the vets health before - I know of people who would'nt. I would've liked to give my last goodbyes, but noone in my family saw it fit to inform me how bad her condition actually were (It was her sixth or so hospital visit this year, and noone told me she was in intensive care)


    Hope it works out for your grandpa. =)

  5. Thank you.

    She showed her sisu 'til the end, she went for 4 days without food, water or medicine before passing on. Wish the law would allow one to help people in a more humane way than that. :(


    Good track that, much appreciated - I'm going to remember it!

  6. Just came back from my grandmothers funeral, on the way home Black Sabbath Heaven and Hell began to play on the radio, so now I've decided to spend a few hours looking for the best "funerally" metal song I can find.


    Any tips?


    Starting with Hallowed be thy name.

  7. Yes, please do, my lower left ribs are poking out quite a bit aswell, need to know if I have to give up the job on monday if it turns out it is terminal! :)


    Was'nt Aluminiumtrioxid supposed to be studying medicine? Wonder what his thoughts are. :)

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  8. I agreed to dog sit for my sister.


    What I ended up with was an overlarge, rambunctious german shepard that decided to whine, paw me, and do the jiggy-jiggy dance to go out in the garden roughly every 30-40 minutes through the night. And of course he actually needed to pee every time, so it's not like I could easily ignore him from then on.


    Of course, that had me somewhat stumble-minded in the morning, so I put the kettle on for a cup of tea, decided to nuke a croissant, went to the toilet..and came back to find I'd put the croissant in for 2 minutes instead of 20 seconds..and I'd grabbed one of the plates with the metal rim to put it on.....


    You have my sympathies, I have had the same problem with dogsitting.


    Did your plate/microwave survive that ordeal? I know my friends microwave went bust after nuking a CD.

  9. Haha, as if psychology needed any more scrutiny as a "science".


    Funny, though. "Almost two thirds" is roughly the same acceptance rate as for the bogus papers in the "Who's Afraid of Peer Review?" sting. I'm thinking the concern shouldn't be as much about the science itself as about the standards of the journals in question...


    I heard about this from the Skeptics Guide to the Universe and also about a peer review scandal a while back where alot of articles were retracted, so there are good proper journals out there aswell. That peer review sting was focused on journals that get paid to publish from the authors. I'm not terribly surprised about the findings really.

  10. Just got a letter from the workplace (Delivering newspapers and some mail/packages) where I work sundays to cover for my friend (So that he can get pissed on saturdays) about the restructuring of the districts they are going to do, and it's about as bad as the rumors said.

    The districts are going to be nearly 50% bigger, wich is'nt so bad for me on sundays, but everyone that works the weekdays when there is a full compliment of papers and mail, and that are already done late with their deliveries are'nt going to be done until 10am (supposed to be done at 6am)...


    Fortunately I got a call today from another company I've contacted and was called for an interview one wednesday, woohoo! :dancing:


    I was hoping to get a district on my own at the other place, but with this new restructuring I'm not interested anymore. I love the free time you get from working there, the new place is utter ****e when it comes to that though since you work during the afternoon and more hours per day. You do get weekends off though. And slightly more money, wich I don't give a **** about overall - I'd rather have the free time.

  11. 32 Celsius room temperature and today is deadlift and squat day. Not funny...


    Did you get out last night to grab any pic's of the Perseids?


    I got a couple of good looks, some whose debris hung in the air for several seconds afterwards, aweomse stuff! But I could only watch for an hour and a half before some really thick fog invaded. Wich was awesome in another kind of way, but not what I wanted just that night. :/

  12. I wouldn't have survived your childhood, eventually I would have died from cumulative head injuries.  I don't know why you still haven't enlisted into the Swedish Navy to become a submarine sailor, you spent your whole childhood in one!  :w00t:


    Pfft, I'd get spoiled. Would'nt be able to sleep in my own home anymore due to claustrophobia. :<


    Past few days, I've had a really, really sore throat, and today it is becoming a full cold. One of the worst ones I've had so far, I cought it from a friend that had been to Turkey so possibly it's because I've never encountered this virus before.


    I hate it, and I want to exterminate it. Mostly by gurgling whiskey and drinking tea. Or was that gurgling tea and drinking whiskey? o.o



    Bah, bit disappointed in my father. Tried to get him to lend his camera and stand to me for the night, since I'm going to watch the perseids. But no luck. :/

    I've been trying for a week to get him to do so, but he just plain refuses.


    Anyone else going to watch them?

  13. And I nearly broke my skull on a low door frame. It never ceases to amaze me how small people were just a 100 years ago. 


    I've grown up in a house where the door frames are at mouth height, I've lost count of how many times I've smashed my head into them. Not to mention that the kitchen bench is knee high. :p

  14. Been playing PnP RPG's, as usual on the weekends really, and I'm beginning to feel like a grognard when we play.

    I don't mind that people are slow on the uptake, that you forget things and so on. But for ****s sake. One of the guys I play with has been playing with us for two or three years, and he can't remember the basic rules for any of the games we play, and half the players completely lack the concept of meta-gaming. It annoys me to no end.


    Things get so slow when you have to explain the rules to players every time a roll is needed.


    And don't get me started on ****ing smart-phones. I've half a mind to act like a fricking school teacher and confiscate them when we start playing... Atleast the other GM/grognard in the group feels the same. :)

  15. No it is significant, especially if it is rare in your area ?


    Well spotted 



    I've read that their populace is going down, but I don't know. I do know that I rarely see them nowadays, while I saw them all the time a few years ago. 

  16. Saw a bumblebee.


    Does'nt sound like much, but it is. I've rarely seen any lately and this one sat on me for a while. I picked it up with a glass and piece of paper and let it fly away outside. 

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