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Posts posted by Azdeus

  1. Sounds the same here, we get 1 cm of snow and the city falls to chaos. We're due for 30 cm, so it will be hell

    Love the sound of that, I love walking around in the woods after snowfall and just enjoy the view.


    Not that I would be able to do that in my current state. My fever has gone up slightly, and I can't fall asleep - because I need to find my way out of that frigging labyrinthe before being allowed to sleep. Love fever hallucinations when one is trying to sleep...

  2. I have a pretty large yard to clear unfortunately, but if there is a snowstorm there's no reason for me to go to work. Hell, if there's a bit of sleet lorries seem to stop running so we get nothing to do at work. Last time there was snowfall we spent 6 hours cleaning the building.

  3. Bit late to the party, but saw Deadpool a couple of weeks ago. It was awesome! First time in over a decade that I went to the movies, the sideeffects were exactly what I thought, massive headache from the high volume, and the seats were'nt the most comfortable.


    Still worth it. :)

    • Like 1
  4. I'm home with illness. Don't know what, but possibly influenza. High fever, bit of a runny nose, and one hell of a cough. It's not a constant cough, but I do get fits where I almost vomit and the pain in my chestmuscles is epic.

  5. Was eating dinner today at work and talking to my workmates, and the topic of good TV shows came up. Everyone was arguing back and forth between varying shows and when they asked me what my favourite show was, I simply replied; "Firefly." I did'nt expect anyone there to have seen it except my RL friends, no "nerds" were present besides me and the two of my friends that I work with.


    Everyone at the table agreed. Not one word of dissent! Everyone was equally suprised as me. Amongst a group of 18 people between 20-40 years old and many different backgrounds, everyone was just angered that there was'nt any continuation of the series.


    Good day. :)

  6. Turned up the heat for the first time this half of the year. Which is unusually late.

    The winter here is incredibly mild, worryingly so.. about 10-12C (+50F). For one it's not a good sign in general and it spells a wet and stormy year to come.


    It's been the same here (Not really surprising, but still).

    We had one day with below freezing temperatures here, but other than that it's been really warm. It's uncanny having temperatures of +8C during the nights in december.


    Just came home from my grandmothers funeral, was... awkward. That side of the family has always been a bit pretentious, it was in the same chapel as my other grandmothers funeral, but the mood and atmosphere was very different. Much more rigid and heavyhanded with the churchiness. Wich came as all wrong, because my grandmother was atheistic as ****.


    I'm thinking about contacting a lawyer or something and making certain that my own funeral is lighthearted easy going. Going to have clothing as "klädnad; Valfri" wich translates to "what you feel like" but can be interpreted as "optional". Anyone that comes naked gets a cake.

  7. Someone cut me open and stitched me back up on friday and kept me captive until last night. Not feeling too great. :p Got my deviated septum undeviated - so there's that, but there's stuff in my nose that I don't want to describe lest any of you are eating.

    You broke your nose? :S


    Hope it's healing allright!


    European immigration policies are... foolish, inconsistent, insensible, and irrational


    Among East Asians, (i.e., Chinese, Koreans and Japanese,) immigration to Europe is widely known as being extremely difficult. I know plenty of East Asians who are high-skilled scientists, engineers, university graduates, (and they are atheists and fairly Westernized,) have tried but were unable to immigrate to Europe. I have met and worked with plenty of them.  The only Asians I know who have successfully immigrated to Europe (including my own sister) were Asian women who married into the countries.


    Yet the excessive immigration hurdles faced by East Asians in Europe are not uniformed across all different groups.  Muslims, Arabs and Middle Easterners - who are also called "Asians" in Europe, IMO incorrectly and confusingly so - are welcomed into Europe without much immigration hurdles.  So this is what East Asians think of Europe when the topic comes up in our discussions: Europe does not want high-skilled East Asians who are generally peacefully, do not make troubles, do not adhere to any teaching that encourages its followers to bombs or kills dozens or hundreds of people at a time, do not use sword - or guns and bombs - to spread a homicidal religion.   Instead, Europe wants Muslims who have a religious agenda, want to immigrate but keep their own religious belief that does not mix well with European cultures, and want to convert Europe into Islamic when they have enough masses.


    I do not understand what Europe has been thinking, but I think their  immigration policies are f---ed up.



    I think you've got immigrants confused with refugees here.

  9. Thanks everyone, I really appreciate it.


    Going to stay home for another day and deal with things, but also to make a dentist appointment, there was apparently a bit too much gnashing of teeth yesterday and life saw it fit to remind me I'm alive with a chipped tooth.


    Joyfull days. :)

  10. My grandmother on my fathers side just died, and this one ****ing hurts. She's the one that I really liked, and spent time with, she was my daycare when I was a kid and I tried to return the favor when she started to get dementia.


    You will be missed Lorié.

  11. Yep! And the beautiful thing is the pads are warrantied for life. So I go buy the new pads, change them out, and bring the used pads back for a full refund. Ive got it down to a science to so it only takes ~10 minutes per tire.

    Nice! That's a nice warranty, I'm never going to make enough money to buy a new car so I'll have to pay such things out of pocket - wich in my case also would mean save up for improved calipers and such. I'm impressed by your speed, I usually take 30 or so minutes if not more. :)


    The filter is the usual culprit. Ive never seen a fuel pump go bad. Maybe dump some system cleaner in his tank when hes not looking the next time he fuels up. laughing.gif

    Yeah, it usually is, but this car has been standing still for the past 8 years and in those cases I've noticed that the pumps sometimes get bad from not being used at all. The filter is probably also full of all the gunk you get from petrol sitting still for extended periods too.

    If I'm going to have something stand still for a long time I make certain to run some Alkylate petrol through it beforehand, it does'nt sediment.

    • Like 1
  12. And I too feel old and achey from changing my brakes on Saturday. Aging sucks. :(


    Brakes on your car? I'm surprised, I did'nt think anyone did that themselves anymore. I'm the only person in my social circle that actually knows how to do stuff like that, sadly that includes changing a tyre properly... And I don't even have a licence yet.


    I've been annoyed at my friends refusal to let me have a look at his car. Every day when we go to work, we head up a steep 11 degree incline and his car nearly stalls and we have to creep up at 30km/h, no to mention how jittery it gets sometimes when he's trying to accelerate. I'm thinking fuel pump/filter, bad spark plugs or bad fuel injectors, but I can't do anything but guess since he trusts his brother in law when he says it'll fix itself. It's been over a month. -.-

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