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Posts posted by Azdeus

  1. I've been working my friends mail district for 11 days now, and I've got some 20 days to go before my friend goes back to work as normal and I've been trying to keep the pace up as high as possible. It's gone reasonably well, actually managed to jog most of the time and run up the stairs (where it does'nt sound much), except that my left achilles tendon is starting to hurt something fierce. I've been forced to walk most of the time now wich feels kind of ****ty. =(


    Did have a slow day today, but for the past two or so weeks we've been playing PnP rpg's almost daily, Dark Heresy, Rogue Trader, Eon(Swedish low fantasy game, 4th edition), Neotech (from the same people as Eon except cyberpunk), Star Wars and Shadowrun. Loads of fun and tears =)

    • Like 1
  2. Just ordered another lens for my camera, a Rokinon 12mm F2.0 NSC. Its probably one of the best commercially available wide angle astro-photography lenses which is good for extreme shutter speeds without star trailing (thats where its wide angle comes in handy).  That thing is so good I could (with a few tricks) make breathtaking shots of the milky way in the middle of a brightly lit city. 



    I expect you to do just that ;)

  3. If i'm correct in gauging the "outrage" over Fallout 4, isn't the "problematic" content showing the male protagonist in a dress?


    How exactly is this "problematic," previously womenswear would automatically morph into menswear in the Fallout 3d engine when worn by a man, and vice versa. Isn't the fact that now Bethesda has allowed men to dress as women and the other way around a blow for transvestites, cross dressers and such? Seems counter intuitive and frankly petty and not well thought out as a complaint.


    Edit: Being pilloried for implementing greater representation, seems that developers can't win.



    Seems they think it was put in there to poke fun at transvestites, from what I read and understood they first require, a trigger warning, and following that an fullscreen announcement that Bethesda are for diversity and promote the ability to dress your character what way you wish.

    Because unless you spell something out for them you're making fun of them.


    I'm laughing at the whole situation in the same way that I laugh at rear view mirrors with stickers that says; "Warning, object in mirror appear behind you". Special snowflakes.

    • Like 1
  4. Ah, sorry if I came off as excessively snarky. I wasn't familiar with the idiom "segway" and one definition I found online was "non sequitur". I tend to insert my big bro sales pitch at every possible chance so I'm used to people lashing out with sarcasm.
    No worries, I did'nt think so, it would've helped if I did'nt **** up the spelling of segue :p
    Should'nt trust spelling one sees on the internet I guess.
    I've stopped trying to warn people about big bro tactics from corps, noone I know cares because they've "got nothing to hide" >_<


    I don't know if it's glitchy or if it's that way by design, but it's definitely not user-friendly. I have to go into BBCode mode to work with quotes 95% of the time.

    Anyway, I've derailed the thread enough.


    So... what I did. I "went" (as much as falling off the bed can be considered "going") to work. And will remain here until midnight. I can foresee a posting spree coming.





    I've been trying to tidy up my place before I piss off to my mates place for a month, going to cover for him at work. Yay me, moneyz!


    Ofcourse, this could also be translated as; For the next four to five weeks I'm going to play PnP RPG's for hours every day, then work for a couple of hours, then sleep. :dancing:

  5. Maybe I should elaborate; I thought it was common knowledge that companies will happily provide any information they have gathered about you to the gov't. You explicitly agree to this by using their devices and services (I can't read Swedish but I figure it's more or less the same):



    To whom do we disclose your information?


    Other Parties When Required by Law or as Necessary to Protect Our Services. There may be instances when we disclose your information to other parties:


    - to comply with the law or respond to compulsory legal process (such as a search warrant or other court order);

    - to verify or enforce compliance with the policies governing our Services; and

    - to protect the rights, property, or safety of Samsung, or any of our respective affiliates, business partners, or customers.



    So you pay for an expensive device that records everything you say, and this info is passed along to law enforcement when they require it. Pretty much what you were describing. In addition, those TVs have a "facial recognition" camera, which -unsurprisingly- has been hacked in the past.


    I'm not making this stuff up, mate. ;)




    Röstinformation - t.ex. inspelningar av din röst som vi gör (och som vi kan lagra på våra servrar) när du använder röstkommandon för att styra en tjänst. (Observera att vi arbetar tillsammans med tjänsteleverantörer (tredje part) som tillhandahåller tal-till-text-konverteringstjänster å våra vägnar. Den här tjänsteleverantören kan ta emot och lagra vissa röstkommandon.)



    It's there, I don't disagree with you on any point here, but it was a GREAT segway! Awesome flow.

    You took my little jab about invasion of privacy with a camera and pointed this out, smooth as silk! ^^


    Anyway, there's also this bit:


    Genom att använda eller delta i en tjänst och/eller tillhandahålla oss din information godkänner du att din information samlas in, överförs, lagras och behandlas utanför ditt uppehållsland (t.ex. till Sydkorea), i enlighet med den här personuppgiftspolicyn. Observera att dataskyddslagen och andra lagar i länder som din information kan överföras till eventuellt inte är lika stränga som lagarna i ditt land.



    Wich points out that the collected data about you might be sent out of the country to places that does'nt have as strict "information protection laws". Good stuffs.


    I'm massively against any form of passive surveillance, be it speed cameras, DNA, data mining or this.

    I wish more people voted for the Pirate Party. :(


    Edit; I really don't like the quote function on this board, glitchy as hell, or I'm just absolutely useless at using them.

    • Like 1
  6. Because that would be impossibly expensive, most likely. If, on the other hand, each family were to pay for their own eavesdropping device...


    That's a great segway! Nice one! :w00t:


    The fun of digging out an annoyingly evasive ingrown wooden splinter out of my finger with an extremely dull pocket knife. Lots of blood, lots of collateral tissue damage and no success.


    Note to myself: sharpen blades goddammit.

    No small needles?

  7. Why not install cameras everywhere in your bedroom and whatnot aswell. :p

    You might commit a crime there afterall, and your DNA in your home is'nt much evidence, now is it?

  8. Yeah a party which has public announced that it wants:

    to force immigrants to stare at naked breats

    to ban sattelit tv in ghettos

    to exile an entire family if one member commits a crime (even if it's 3 generations since they moved here)

    to ban the colour green, since its associated with Islam

    every citizen in a DNA register.

    to send Syrian refugees to Kenya

    all religious holidays to conform to school holidays (which incidentally means every religion here should conform to christian holidays)

    to publically fund healers at hospitals (yep that new age bull****)

    20% of public foods (schools, hospitals etc etc) should by law incluce pork - so muslims can feel extra exluced, for giggles and lulz I guess.

    to be able to use "Nødret" or a kind of marshal law - bypassing our constitution and parliamentary law - when they have to "deal with muslims".

    to put a tax on all written english words - to save Danish.

    to force immigrants to speak Danish in their homes, by law.

    to force radios to play at least 50% Danish music.

    to enforce a "minimal sentence" so no matter the context, criminals always get punished.

    to reintroduce coporal punishment (it's been illegal to beat your kids since 1964)

    homosexuals should be classified as "unnatural" and "handicapped". When sex marriage was written in to the law their speaker on families said "what's next, should it be legal to marry dogs?"



    The list goes on and on and on with one more ridiculous proposal after the other.. and it pains me so much that such an biogted party is even allowed to exist, let alone be the second biggest.. ****ing disgrace..


    But then again, I'm just being a sore loser :) so take it with a grain of salt.





    to force radios to play at least 50% Danish music.




    Dude, that's just inhumane...


    • Like 2
  9. This is gonna make me a game-hipster I know, but they were cool when they were a small studio in Denmark with fun ideas, before they got massive international recognition and their games had to be "accessible". The last game was so annoyingly arcady I literally got a headache 10 minutes in from frowning.



    The only thing I remember clearly about that game, was Latex Nuns.


    And I'm not opposed to the idea, but the execution was worse than bad. Iirc, there was a scene in a fetish club in one of the earlier games where that stuff made sense. This though? I can't frown deeply enough to convey my annoyance and confusion about what went on there.

  10.  ...which I don't believe what happened at all but still made me excited for another fallout from Obsidian. Personally if there won't be another spin-off it'd be cos of Bethesda's ego and pride after all that - which game is better talk - over the years all over the interwebz. Or they might just be thinking Obsidian's not up to par after all the layoffs. 


    I'm willing to admit I'm not one to keep up well with game news lately, but what does MCA have to do with Zenimax that would make someone come to that conclusion?


    see, another luker from there and probably RPG codex


    and you can smell the Hypocrisy from those years



    You seem really butthurt over something from those places, either you were banned and/or you were demolished well and proper.

  12. I mean that dude even admitted he was out to reduce the number of sales...no agenda here. A true honest broker.


    You need to reread what I wrote, that last part is a bonus and not my motivation. In the same way that someone that enjoys Bethesdas games would see it as icing on the cake with increased sales.


    I do remember death threats, but they were in the same way that anyone that is really annoyed with someone gives death threats. The only threat of NMA to Bethesda is revealing their bull****.

  13. The game isn't even out yet.  If you hated Fallout 3, why would you even waste time talking about the next one?  Being excited about an upcoming title and talking about it in a thread designated for the game is hardly the same as that. 


    Because I'm human and wanted to hold out some semblance of hope that they were'nt going to go this direction, but go more for the New Vegas way. Also, because I enjoy debating and analyzing things.


    And even the remote possibility of one less sale is a good thing.

  14. Ps. If you've already said, in this very thread, how much Bethesda/Fallout 4 sucks, feel free to not comment again. If you think it sucks, you've already said everything we need to hear from you. Saying it over and over with slightly different wording is just trolling.


    No I wont, and no it is'nt trolling. Your uncritical hype contributes just as much to this as the opposite.

  15. yeah thats problem with games which are skill based and turn based moving into FPS game - no point in skills.


    Yeah, since you've removed player/character separation you might aswell get rid of the playground "cowboy and indians" disconnect aswell.

    "BANG! You're dead!" "Nu-uh! You missed me!" "No I did'nt, I was aiming straight at you!" etc.


    I personally did'nt mind it in Vampire Bloodlines or Mass Effect for instance, but alot of friends did hate it.

  16. "no skills"


    gotta love how quickly unfounded rumours spread.


    wonder what will be next.


    Because all through the demo of the pipboy, there are no tabs called skills, and in the showing of their Ubisoft Gunmith ripoff there are references to things such as "Req; Science! rank 2", and reading all the Special texts there are no references to skillpoints on the Intelligence allocation at 3:14.

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