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Posts posted by Azdeus

  1. Looking into start up costs of a new business venture. This will be selling/installing/maintaining elevated obstruction lighting. Tower lights, FAA compliance, etc.


    Hehe, that sounds like fun. Tower lights. You've got enough time to write your memoirs and will before you hit the ground. :x


    Hope you get it going :)



    Photo session with Steampunk models at a really cool location, finally I can put my new camera through tis paces. I'd rather be in the mountains making panorama shots though, I hate taking photos of moving, babbling and arrogant subjects. 


    I do hope you will share! :biggrin:


    Which is strange, I actually like him. 


    Hmm? in a cartoon evil kinda way like him?



    He is kind of charming in the same way as Goldfinger. Not to mention all the "badass" meme's that surrounds him! He's a prick through and through though.

  3. Today when I woke up and looked outside, the world was completely white. It's snowing heavily in Tokyo today.


    Not that I'm a big weather person. But it's a good reminder to appreciate the little things in life.


    I've taken two turns outside this night to keep the driveway clear, it's much easier to brush it away now than wait until tomorrow and have to shovel it instead.

    But still, it's lovely to look at.


    Now, some well deserved bedtime and gather energy, for tomorrow I GM Shadowrun and it has to be glorious!



    The ol' water heater started leaking last weekend, reminding me yet again that it's overdue for replacement.  It was dripping very slowly around the pressure relief valve, which had a fair amount of visible corrosion.  The unit itself was 18 years old, which is a fair bit beyond the estimated lifespan of such things. 


    I got a local company to come replace it yesterday.  I'm not daring enough to attempt this kind of thing myself-- I'm generally OK with simple plumbing stuff, but I get nervous when gas lines are involved.  Plus, it's a 75-gallon unit, so just moving it is a 2-man job.  So we got some recommendations from the neighborhood email list and picked a local company.  I took the day off work and stayed home with the baby to supervise.  As I think I've mentioned here previously, the little guy's daycare is in the building where I work.  That's fantastically convenient on most days, but it means that, if I'm not going into the office, I have to either be watching him or find somebody else to do so.  Also, my employer's leave policies are generally friendlier than my wife's, so a father-son play-day made sense. 


    I'm glad the heater we have is still working, and simple enough that I can mend it myself. It is terribly inefficient though. :(

  4. The alternative is to grow a beard, then you can handle any cold, any where, any time. :grin:


    Finally out and meningitis free - 10 days of IV and clean, boring hospital rooms have left me a little mentally unstimulated. Just glad I can read and play games etc without getting a massive headache.


    Good to see you're out and about :)

  5. I find it interesting that nobody mentions air pollution. Its the number 1 thing I notice when entering a concrete jungle. My throat starts to itch and I notice a slight decrease in lung capacity after wandering around for a couple of hours.

    And I do not suffer from asthma nor allergic bronchitis.


    I doubt that the air is that bad in your cities, I'd have an easy time believing you if you were talking about one of the cities wich has notoriously bad air quality, but to me it sounds psychosomatic or similar really. Unless you're talking about standing next to an motorway in rushhour. :)



    Listened to Martin Luther King's speech again.



    Always worth a listen.


    That's copyrighted? The ****. And people wonder why I vote for the pirate party.

    • Like 1
  6. I don't like big cities either, I'm far too used to the countryside. I really feel crowded upon in big groups of people. The nearest city is decent, but it's a small town with lots of villas and very few highrises.

  7. I might be getting some work soon, saturdays only, but still. Yay!


    The local buscompany stopped running weekend buses to my area three weeks ago. ****. My. Luck.


    I'm really not looking forward to sleeping on my friends couch either, it's a tough bargain between that and walking/cycling back and forth in the middle of the night.

  8. The last couple of months I've been around 97-100kg, at 185cm. I'm a power lifter and not a bodybuilder but I still hate fat and as a fanatic cyclist I cannot afford carrying around too much useless weight. 


    I don't mean to sound... well, mean, but have you perchance crossreferenced with any other scales? I mean, you look massive in all your photos. Are your bones hollow? Or is it that you have your own gravitational field that is somehow interfering with the scales? ^^


    Then again, I'm 193 and your weight.. :p

    • Like 1


    As it was pointed on a different thread, the situation in Sweden has been exaggerated and the 55 'No-Go' zones are not hotspots of an anarchic dystopia.


    Which demographic commits the most crime in Sweden? Or Norway?


    You'll have to ask the Swedes.



    Swedes. And Norwegians.

  10.  but standing up and peeing is allowed, although there are some kindergartens that have been trying to make boys sit and pee (presumably good for avoiding problems with your prostate gland. I prefer to stand, tyvm).


    The risk of them missing the bowl is infinitely smaller than when sitting aswell. Something that seems to be a common problem throughout the ages to be fair. Atleast a friend in daycare mentioned this when it was brought up, never has it been about a feminist agenda.


    I'm all for it, I hate seeing those "mysterious" wetspots infront of the toilet. :p


    I have walked through one of these areas (Husby) repeatedly at about 0300 dressed neatly and nothing has ever happened to me...


    Working with removing grafitti and gangmarkers I quite often got attacked with nasty mean words. ;_;

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