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Posts posted by Azdeus

  1. Written requirements, man. I'd bet £200 on finding the words "quirky humor" in the top level design document for this game.


    It's been a while since I read this, so I have to paraphrase, but I do seem to remember their examples of quirky humor from Fallout 3; "You chop off the old ladys head and then put it on the counter and talk to it - that's dark humor to me"


    Anyway, massively dissapointed in what I've seen, gun customization from the Ghost Recon Future Soldier, Mass Effect dialogue wheel - except even MORE limited and a voiced protagonist, ontop of that, no skills.

    I knew Bethesda would dilute Fallout but this is some homeopathic levels of **** going on.

  2. Back from two days of PnPRPG's and one night of work, an old mate got permission from his girlfriend to come visit us for the first time in ten months so we did basically nothing but play PnP. Had a lot of fun, was good seeing him again. Sucks that he's that whipped.


    Going from a mostly sedentary life to running in stairs every weekend is taking it's toll on my knees. They are getting better at the same time though, just hope I'll last the entire month of this I'll be doing to cover my friends vacation.

    • Like 1
  3. How are your DIY skills ? So I grew up with my mom and she did no  DIY and then when I saw my dad we obviously did other things. Also he had permanent staff like a gardener and two domestic workers. So they would do all the DIY 


    I am ashamed to admit it but I have never even mowed the lawn :blink:  ....this is normally a ritual for boys. But I did learn other skills like cooking and how to empathize with a womens perspective, so its not all bad :)


    I saw my father every other weekend aswell - did'nt stop me from being handy though, one learns it for oneself while doing things. Also, since I was living with my mother in an old house I mended things as best I could. That's how I know I'm actually utterly useless at crapentry. Plumbing and such I can do though.


    On an entirely different note; Had a great saturday, was spent with alot of mates talking, listening to music and reminiscing. An old time friend dropped by aswell, wich was nice since I had'nt seen him in two years. Two weeks or so after I last saw him I quit smoking, so unknowingly about that fact he bought cigars... And they were great. :D


    Was gifted a copy of Witcher 3, and an SSD disk to install it onto - and two whiskey glasses from a friend that loves to torment me about my choice of girly drinks. :D

  4. Actually, she's probably been playing it for an equal amount of time, haha. :) The neighbours are probably wondering what the hell is going on though.


    Haha! The neighbours are probably calling the landlord to figure out in what wall the  bees are hiding :p

    I'm a bit jealous though, a digeridoo is frickin cool!


    Woke up with a start today as an entire motorcycle club rode past outside the house - an entirely new and unpleasant way to wake up I must say. 

  5. My birthday today and my girlfriend got me a freakin' didgeridoo. How cool is that?!


    Now I've been playing (using that word very loosely here) it all morning until I almost passed out from lack of oxygen. :p


    Congratulations! :)

    I'm guessing she's been regretting that decision all morning? :p


    I turn 30 tomorrow, going to "the collective" today, as my friends place is known, to play some StarWars pnp - tomorrow they've arranged a small party for me, not anything big though since I have to work during the night, wich means that I have a perfect excuse not to do any real drinking! ;)

  6. Going to the dentist is a nightmare and that always happens to me.


    I went there yesterday and they charged $100 for basically doing nothing. I got a new appointment next month. They are robbing me blind.



    Agreed, it really is, they charged me $130 for 20 minutes, 15 mins of waiting, 5mins of work. And I'm really tired of the taste of blood...

  7. Got the tooth removed, when they first put down the anaesthetic they waited for a few minutes, as normal and then they tested if I could feel anything - wich I could, so they gave me some more. Then tested again, I could still feel, so they waited a few more minutesand then they started pulling it.


    ****ing hell, did it hurt, they did'nt ****ing stop either when I told them - no they "nearly had it" so they kept pulling until they got it out.


    45 minutes after I left their offices the anaesthetic kicked in...

  8. Yesterday I managed to bite a chip out of the corner of a wisdom tooth and now it's grinding into my tongue, really painful and annoying - and I have to wait until tomorrow to get it fixed. I've never wanted a file this badly in my entire life >_<

    • Like 1
  9. Did that, nothing wrong with them at all.


    No matter what I do, they only boot once when the bios has been reset, no matter what settings I try to do it does'nt work - but I have noticed this; Normally when I change any settings in BIOS and exit the computer does a "soft" reboot, but with the 'new' sticks the computer does a "hard" reboot and completely shuts down before powering on a few seconds later.

  10.  Appreciate it guys!


    Can you see if both RAM sticks are good, in another PC or something ? Barring that that sounds like the motherboard has a fault


    Also, try just one stick at a time. Motherboards can be weird. I've had new computers inexplicably refuse to boot after sticking both sticks of RAM in...then after taking one out, it booting successfully, and sticking the one taken out back in after shutting it down, and it never being a problem again.


    I sadly don't have another rig to try them in, but they did work a couple of days ago. I've also tried with a single Corsair Vengeance stick and that did'nt work either. :/


    A single stick of my old RAM's worked fine though.


    Heatspreaders on RAM are largely decorative and serve no real purpose except at the very bleeding edge where the chips are pushed past their design limits, so that's not a concern. As for the problem itself, the only real thing I can add to the above is try resetting the BIOS, there may be a jumper pin on the board for this purpose, or use the ol' remove battery trick. Can't think of much else, unless you're getting some beeps from the board, which you can then Google for their meaning.


    I tried pulling the battery with the lack of a plier to move the jumper, and I got it to boot - first time with the single 4Gb Corsair Vengeance stick. I set BIOS to it's default settings and powered down, switched to the dual sticks I wanted and then it would'nt boot. Reset the battery again, the computer booted and wanted me to fix the BIOS settings again - set to default and continued; Also noticed that POST reported 8Gb of Unganged 1333 RAM. Yay!


    Got the windows loading logo and then when I arrived past the loading logo and it was time for the login screen I got the soundeffect and then it went black.

    Keyboard was'nt dead or anything like that, atleast numlock still toggled, but I could'nt see anything.


    Rebooted and I could'nt get a boot screen.




    Stuck my old sticks back in (But in the black slots this time, instead of A1 & A2) and now I'm sitting here typing.

  11. I hope this thread is appropriate for this.


    My mates have recently upgraded their riggs, and since I'm poor and have no compunction about nicking left over pieces I've gotten hold of a couple of DD3 ram sticks, more specifically 2 corsair cmv4gx3m1a1333c9. I've tried slotting them into my Asus m4a77td pro motherboard and... nothing. First time I paired them in the same slots as my old pair(DIMM_A1 & DIMM_A2) and it did'nt work, I tried them in B1 B2, I've tried A1 B1 and A2 B2. Nothing works. The only thing that happens when the computer powers on is that the fans start and the lights for my graphics card starts up.


    The manual states that the board can handle up to 16Gb of RAM, Max 4Gb per slot - were talking 2x4Gb here, so that should be fine. The memory sticks have a cheap look to them, no heatsink like mine has or such, but they're still supposedly from Corsair.


    Does anyone have any idea of what I might be missing?


    I should add that I'm scared to death of flashing my motherboard, I really would like to avoid that.


    I'm grateful for any help.

  12. I'll tell you one thing. L Ron Hubbard was a genius. And not in the way these folks think. Here is a guy with what looks like bipolar disorder and paranoia who's writing crappy science fiction stories for a penny a word in a crappy magazine, so broke he can't even buy a car. He get's involved with a group of Satanists, dates one of the girls in their group and sees how into they are so he decides to invent a religion. Well, all he does is write science fiction so he writes a pseudo-science fiction psychology book that ridicules psychology and sells it to people a s religion.


    The he gets people to give him thousands of dollars to teach them the crap he made up. He takes that money writes another book with an even wackier backstory and brings in more people who give him more money. I wonder is he ever started believing his own stuff himself? I think he probably did.


    We should invent a religion. It's easier than working for a living.


    It's not uncommon for people like psychic mediums and other phonies and quacks to start believing their own hype, so it is likely that he did.

  13. How does that guy keep getting his projects up?  Doesn't KIckstarter look at them and notice they are ridiculous?  He tried to raise 5 million for a farm.


    They've had perpetual motion machines on there aswell if I recall correctly, I'm not surprised. I'm quite amused though. :)

  14. I've been training/learning the route I'll be delivering papers to during the week, jogging/walking with my mate while he tells me how the district works all the while discussing roleplaying games and adventures, ideas and what not.

    Good fun that took away the fact that I was jogging in stairs and carting around bundles of newspapers for hours. Surprised I was'nt more tired the first few days, but I was pretty damn worn out last night. Might've been the couch I've been "sleeping" on, but still.


    So I scratched my cornea's some days back. Nothing too serious I'm told but one eye worse than the other. Patch and drops for one eye for a couple days, the other was just "don't rub it". That eye is fine again, but the worse one is still an irritation. Doesn't hurt too much anymore but still light sensitive/a bit blurry at times and feels a bit like there's grit in there. Guess I'll go have them check it again make sure it's on course. I'm lazy about most doctor stuff, but vision I don't mess with.



    I've got the same thing, don't care much about the other parts of the body, but I found it surprisingly easy to go to the hospital once my eyesight was on the line.

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