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Posts posted by Azdeus

  1. This.

    That's what I was doing the whole day after work. Just bought it. I am very happy about all this.

    I love it, it's an awesome game - and I say this as someone who generally speaking does'nt like board games. I've had some massive amounts of fun with that game!

  2. :lol:

    2 kg....holy smoke dude thats a lot ...what type of candy was it ?

    Well, I don't have a way to upload images, best picture I could find was this one; Except the yellow wrapped ones are silver and mint chocolate instead of lemon.


    I'm almost out. ;_;

    • Like 1
  3. I went to work. I did'nt look at my schedule though, so I did'nt know that I was supposed to have the day off. Atleast my boss was kind enough to let me have the day off next week instead.


    Still annoying though, since my friends are playing a P&P Cyberpunk RPG (Neotech)that I adore tonight.


    Bought myself 2 kilos of candy to help myself get over it.


    Been spending some time looking through the internet for details on how the ECC(AC) on my car works, and how to fix it. I'm not exactly a newb at cars, but this one is a real headscratcher. Sometimes it kicks in, gives me a hint of cold goodness and then turns itself off for no good reason.

    Some intermittent faults that come up now and then, wich is weird, because many of them are grounding faults usually, and this car is rust free...


    Also; Listening to Hel again, despite their neonazi connections and somewhat iffy lyrics in some songs, I do enjoy a couple of their songs.

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  4. Need to go in for an x-ray on my foot. Might be calcium deposits, might be a stress fracture. Drug update: no rage yet since starting the anti-depressants. Been taking b12 for stress management too and seems to be working. Only getting really irritable when I don't get enough sleep now. Been binge-watching questionable youtube videos and thats making me angry at the world though.


    I've been doing similar things, except it's on public service TV - watching most investigative journalism really gets me going.

  5. It's something! :)

    I'm glad the weather here is relatively mild. This might ofcourse change over the coming years what with global warming and all, but so far we only have the occasional windstorm.

    How much do you reckon it'll cost you?

    Oh, on a more positive note! I found some filmjölk with birchsap flavor \o/

  6. Nope, we've never broached that subject in that manner until now. It's not like she's an archetypical butch lesbian that you see in the movies. There was nothing to tell about it, when she spoke about exes and old partners and such she never mentioned gender at all.

  7. Damn, that sucks Tale; Hope you've got some insurance or such that covers it?


    There's a girl at work that is funny, smart, creative and we've got some interests that coincide (Gaming, being one; Rarely met a Swedish woman that has any interest in it(Not that she's actually Swedish, she's from France)) and she's cute to boot. We've been talking and such for quite a while and gotten to know each other fairly well.

    Today I learned that she's attracted to girls.




    Atleast I'm getting 1200$ tax return. ._.


    I wish I had some booze at home right about now.

  8. Installed the four speakers for my car.

    I had to cut out alot of the metal on the inside of the door so that the magnet could fit, then I had to make a sheet metal ring to mount the speaker to, and mounted it onto the door itself so that I could fit the original speaker covers over the tweeter. I did manage to get some metal filings onto the tweeter magnet, but I managed to get them out with some sticky tape.


    Then I discovered that the wheel mounted remote control that the store sold to me, did'nt work with my stereo. I'm ****ing pissed off; Fine, he might've missed that the magnets were way, way to big for the original door mountings, but he was sat by the computer looking at the remote control to order it when I was deciding what stereo to buy.


    Managed to get my hands on a second hand belt for the AC pump, and noticed that it does indeed work. All I need to do now is to fill it up with more gas, and get the electric fan to work properly so that the pump activates properly.


    If it's not the one thing, it's two others that's messed up. :p

    • Like 2
  9. I intended to mount four new speakers and a stereo in my car, well I intended to do it yesterday, but while shopping there was a mishap with the car. The bolt that held tension on the generator belt had snapped (My own damn fault) so we were driving along when parts of the car started dying one by one. The belt gave just enough micro-amps that the warning lights did'nt work, so me and my father were quite perplexed. Once that was fixed and we got back home we delayed until today to start mounting things.


    Fitting the stereo was'nt much of a problem, the fixture was a bit short, so I have to prop up the rear of it with some taped down styrofoam. But once we were going to work on the speakers we discovered the treachery! The "expert" that sold the speakers to us, told us that they would fit in the original mountings, but this was one blatant lie, as we discovered trying to match them up with the old sockets. The cone was too small, and the magnet to big to mount it properly in the doors.

    I did'nt know that having to cut open the sheet metal in the door and make new mounts is the same thing as "fitting right in"...


    I did get my new display going though, an ASUS MG279 Gaming monitor

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  10. When I was in college I seriously considered buying a battleaxe, but the blacksmith didn't sell them with sheaths, and wanted me to email him my credit card number (this was back when the internet was just becoming a thing...my first year was the first year the dorms had anything other than dial-up). I don't imagine my RA would have appreciated it, either. She gave me enough of a hassle over having my bow in my room (I was taking an archery class, so I had a legitimate reason to have it.)


    Could'nt he have COD'd it or sent an invoice?




    I've wanted a crossbow for a while, but you need a special license for them here.



    I remembered it was my birthday cause I'm fkn pro and stupid.


    Happy birthday :)

  11. My sword came in so I've been walking around the house with it strapped to me, like a boss. I also surprised my wife with lunch at work but I didn't bring my sword with me because I realize people aren't as cool as me (and you fine folks) and I don't completely live in a fantasy world. Sure, I wasn't exactly sure what to use as a makeshift sword in the event of ninjas flipping out and attacking but I kept my cool among the locals. Life is good.


    I've been thinking of buying one myself, either a Ferrous Wolf, Sin Bad or an D'Capitan, I have a really hard time deciding though. They all so smexy!

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  12. Don't leave us hanging. What color is it?

    It's a light brown with shades of gold and purple. Sort of a pearlescent brown. It's weird as I said, and I can't get a good picture of it.


    I've tried to get some images, but I can't move them from my phone. 'Cuz it is poop.


    Nice, I didnt think you Swedes used cars?


    I always assumed reindeer pulling a sleigh was how you got around :biggrin:

    Nah, we use elk! Reindeer are way to weak :p

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  13. Technically yesterday, but; Bought a car. Volvo 940 Classic -98. Excellent condintion for it's age, minor rust along the back wheelarches and the AC does'nt work, but the engine, chassis, and the important parts are in perfect condition.

    The colour is really, really weird though.

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  14. Recently got myself a credit card, and I do regret it a bit. I'm finding I have to sit on my hands to not go on a spending spree on GOG and similar things. I need that money for a car and drivers license!




    But I really, really want to buy all of gog's inventory. */crai

  15. We tossed around the idea of all electric vehicle but in the end put the kibosh on it for completely unrealistic reasons. Its not the cost, my wife's current car cost more than that, its that even though 99.9% of our lives occur comfortably in the vehicles battery range Ive convinced myself its not enough. ~200 miles makes me nervous (even though I could charge up every night at home) and the thought of cooling my heels at a charging station (which barely exists) for ~20 minutes annoys me greatly. Even though it wouldn't factor into my life. laughing.gif Oh well, maybe we'll look again in 5 years and see where the technology and infrastructure has advanced to.

    I might consider an electric car if the batteries were'nt so dirty, and if the recharge time was the same as a petrol vehicle. Then again, I really like combustion engines. Would prefer a cleaner fuel for them instead.


    It's an enthusiast thing. Rear-wheel drive gives you manly over-steer, front-wheel drive means you gave up on life. AWD is for rally cars.

    I can appreciate that. But not in an Illinois (and possibly Swedish?) winter, then you just have another car in the garage that you cant drive for ~4 months without fear of spectacular spinouts.


    Not really, if you've got real winter tyres there is'nt much of a problem. The most common car in Sweden up until recently was a real wheel drive Volvo. As an extra bonus, I can take the car to races after some tuning. original.gif



    Never lived in the cold, but I can't imagine not going with an AWD in snowy and/or wet climates.



    Having so much snow that 4WD is a need is really rare here, in the northernmost parts, maybe. And if you need 4WD because there are wet leaves on the ground, you should reconsider your choice in tyres tongue.png

  17. I've been looking at cars. I need to get me a ride that I can practice driving with, and one that my mate can drive to work with (Because **** riding 4 people in this, for 40kms) while I'm doing my tests and such.

    Beeing a bit picky with cars there are really only two different alternatives; BMW 3/5 series (With the inline-6) or Volvo 100/200/700/900 series. Rear Wheel drive is a must.

    BMW's have a good standard when it comes to equipment, just about every one I've looked at has AC and other niceties wich is more rare with Volvos, not to mention their engines are great. Volvo's are sturdier and easier to maintain and many of the spare parts that have been made since 1966 until 1998 are interchangeable. The downside is that they're much thirstier when it comes to petrol.


    I've gotten my eyes on this -03 BMW 525i but I'm getting cold feet. I really would prefer a 3-series, but everything about that 525 is nice, except the price. It's even in the same general area.


    I HATE decisions like this. :<

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