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Everything posted by Azdeus

  1. I wish they'd bring back (near)unlimited ammo. It does'nt make any sense to me that they removed that for all weapons when they had a system that removed the need for an ammo supply line for the need of one. Sure some weapons would have to be reloaded in some way, big guns, rockets and what not. You learn from the masters, and if you can't learn; Rip them off.
  2. Anyone else but me that sees Trump as Zaphod Beeblebrox by the way? I have difficulty to distinguish between him pretending to be stupid just to get people off their guard, pretending to be stupid because he couldn’t be bothered to think and want someone else to do it for him, pretending to be outrageously stupid to hide the fact that he actually didn’t understand what was going on, and really being genuinely stupid.
  3. Yeah, schools clearly are'nt factories but warehouses for budding criminals. I was'nt certain if public schools could deny children education, but I had my suspicions. Trying to maximize profit by toying with childrens future is downright immoral.
  4. They do that to keep their averages up to seem like a better more attractive school, and it makes public schools look worse.
  5. I was reading some news reports earlier today where they pointed out that they kick underperforming students out of the school, wich is one way to boost ones averages I suppose. Here's a couple of others, but not the one I found earlier; * Many charter schools succeed by excluding or limiting the number of students they accept who have disabilities or who are English language learners. They are also free to push out low-scoring students and send them back to the local public school. This improves their results, but it leaves the regular public schools with disproportionate numbers of the most challenging students. 6. Skimming and weed-out strategies. Dr. Kevin Welner, professor of education policy at the University of Colorado at Boulder, has found that charter schools “can shape their student enrollment in surprising ways.” He has identified a “Dirty Dozen” methods used by charter schools “that often decrease the likelihood of students enrolling with a disfavored set of characteristics, such as students with special needs, those with low test scores, English learners, or students in poverty.”
  6. Here they just cheat instead, and force the teachers to raise the pupils grades to increase their attractiveness.
  7. Trying to get hold of Katharine Kerr's Deverry series as audiobooks, it's proving to be quite difficult.
  8. http://www.dictionary.com/browse/globe It's a three-dimensional sphere even, as it is defined. Atleast that is what I reacted to. As you said, you'd be able to walk around a two-dimensional object, but him saying globe does imply a round earth.
  9. So much for "draining the swamp".
  10. I remember about 13 years ago my class met Mona Salin, a Swedish politician and then minister of environmental affairs, at my school. She was there to rally young voters and get us to vote in the coming elevtion. She held a speech to us, and then we were allowed to ask questions to her, and I've never had so little information being dispensed in an auditorium. She did'nt manage to answer any of the questions that we asked her, granted we'd had one day to prepare ourselves, but I think that she should've been able to answer us in some shape or form, why Sweden was exporting nuclear power and importing coal power. A thoroughly unimpressive person. I think she lost any prospective voter in that room, and the next election was won by their main rivals. Also, on a completely unrelated note; I managed to braid my beard. \o/
  11. Hope you get better soon GD. I'm going from 50% sick leave to 100% again after working last week. Doing nothing but heavy manual labour isn't exactly doing my back any good, either it's pushing or pulling, or it's lifting from the floor. Even when I lift the right way I get pulses of pain, and there is always alot of twisting and turning wich exacerbates the pain.
  12. Ah,well all the ones I've looked at they list compatibility with essentially all sockets. AM2/3 to Intels 1151 and whatnot, it's been a few years since I had socket variations 100% down. Overclockings is probably something I will have to go for, wether I like it or not. But my 7 or so year old stock AMD cooler is'nt up to muster for that. ^^
  13. Those kits look interesting, don't think my local supplier has those models available, but I'll have to consider them anyway. If shipping is'nt going to cost me a fortune atleast. That NHD-15 is huge. Since I live in an old house with wooden floorboards, the flexing in the floor when I walk around would be a concern. It's one of the reasons why I'm looking at water cooled options. Since I'm going for a different socket, I can't upgrade the CPU, more RAM is'nt going to help, and my GPU (Radeon HD7950) is already strangled by my processor (An Phenom II X4 955 BE). I intend to use the cooling for my new computer anyway, so it's not any real loss, but I should gain some performance in the mean time from getting any increased performance from just being able to fully utilize my CPU or overclocking it. I would probably exchange the fans if that were the case, all I've looked at so far have had the possibility of changing them. What would those headaches be? Besides changing the fluids.
  14. Anyone here that has any experience with watercooling kits that you can buy? The small ones focused on just processor cooling that comes in closed kits. (Corsair Hydro, be quiet!, Coolermaster Neptune et.c.) Are they worth the money, or should one buy a builder kit instead? How noisy do they turn out to be in real life terms? I've got no experience with either of those systems, but I can't afford to upgrade my computer at the moment and I need to get some better cooling for my old processor.
  15. "Money, money, money. Always sunny. In the rich man's world." Interesting to see what you can get away with with enough money. I wonder when they will start The Great Ghost Dance?
  16. I do have problems with dry skin aswell, I get sort of dry rash on my knuckles. But yeah, T-shirt and shorts. It's still above freezing! I'll admit I'm spurred a bit by all the weird looks the somalis at my workplace give me! ^^ You must live further north than I though, it was 9+ when I went to work and 2+ when I went home.
  17. The one thing I can't complain about is the darkness, atleast I'm not sweating. Still wearing T-shirt and shorts to work. ^^
  18. I don't know if it was relevant for the prosecutor to get any footage of him, and if it was, she'd not be able to share them in any case. I don't disagree with you that the world, and US, is in a sad state of affairs. I would'nt doubt that the US would try any dirty trick to get him. I saw an interview that was made with Assange earlier this year, I think it was, and he was pretty off it. He demanded a break every 10 minutes and other things, wich is understandable. He's probably climbing the walls in there. He had an Ecuadorian lawyer with him, wich is appalling. The Ecuadorian lawyer does'nt have any knowledge as to what the laws are in Sweden. I reckon that the interview and any possible information the prosecutor got form there could be invalidated by that. Wich would make this mess drag out even longer. I just hope they drop the case.
  19. I'm glad to hear you're relatively okay Grom, was it a bicycle or motorcycle you rode?
  20. I don't believe that Denuvo is a DRM, it's a Chinese conspiracy to stifle consumers.
  21. My back is killing me. Working is definetly not helping, some of my exercises are helping, but not as much as I'd like. Hoping to get more extension on the sickleave tomorrow. I'm not looking forward to monday, they've already called in people for an extra shift on Sunday, something wich I'm not allowed to accept; Even though I badly need that extra cash. I expect Monday will involve alot of overtime if nothing else.
  22. About that wikileaks video, he was interviewed by the prosecutor for two days. I can't get more details because it's behind a paywall. http://www.svd.se/annu-en-dags-forhor-med-assange http://www.gp.se/nyheter/sverige/f%C3%B6rh%C3%B6ret-med-assange-avslutat-1.3958932 <--- No paywall, atleast not for me.
  23. Going to start working at 50% today, not too confident to be honest.
  24. Yeah, I saw the original pretty recently. I imagine he only became president because the frosty relations with Russia was making it harder for him to find new wives.
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