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Everything posted by Azdeus

  1. I'm good with my old case, an old Corsair Carbide 400r, I don't find leds and glass windows particularly useful either, I'm looking at my screen not the computers insides! I wouldn't mind an Obsidian case though. I don't have any real need for a second machine so I'll be putting the parts back in their boxes. Going for a R1700 myself, but the scaling with superfast memories isn't worth the crazy price hike unless you're running a monster GPU. You get a small bump from going from 2133 to 2400 though for a handfull of dollars more so I'm probably getting 2x8 Kingston 2400's, a Gigabyte GA AB350 gaming. This'll cost me about 700$ wich already is going to be a strain for me. Might pick up a 580 or a Vega when it shows up though, provided it isn't crap. I favor framerate much more than I favour resolution, and I'd rather have highframerate at 1440p and High/Ultra settings than medium framerate at 4k and medium/high settings. The market that is using 4k is so small that there never really is any optimization for it and I think I'd have to use 1080's to get the performance I want at 4k. Still too soon for dual GPU's I think. Buuuut, it'd be awesome to play Dirt Rally with 3 monitors.
  2. Well, when it comes to Vega there is this; I'm going for a b350 chipset myself, if Vega does come underpowered I'll have to go for some other card, I'm really not keen on crossfire since I doubt the games will be optimized for it.
  3. While I'm not deaf, I'm hearing impaired so this applies to me aswell, I also shy away from games where soundscape is very important.
  4. The ones with the all the bicycles
  5. I'll have to stand up for the neighbours here and point out that HC Andersen that wrote the Little Mermaid was Danish and not Dutch
  6. Thank GOD for Jim.
  7. Happy birthday!
  8. I had completely forgotten those.
  9. Though as Sonicmage pointed out, I can't sell them on, there's not much use in removing them from my account otherwise Maybe I should've said sell or give them away instead.
  10. It was just another sunday, but it was a free monday afterwards, soo... Tabletop RPGs :D
  11. The reason why I hate Steam is because I don't want to lease my games, I burn my gog games to discs to save them for the future, something I can't do with Steam. Even though it might be unlikely, if Valve collapses from Gabens bingeing on their tax-forms because he felt peckish, or something else, you won't be able to play your games. I also despise the fact that I can't get rid of Steam games that I don't like or want, because they're locked to my account so selling the discs to someone is of no use.
  12. Or just being a skeptic, atleast that is how several people I know got excused.
  13. They're also on gog, though not on sale at the moment, if you dislike steam.
  14. Heh, I thought you had a more physical work, yeah I used to do about that myself, now that I drive a tug it's dropped to about half, but replaced it with some stairs instead.
  15. What do you work with?
  16. The archetypes in Misery had skills and stats that were different from the base Degtyarev, the scout could handle sniper rifles and shotguns much better than the assault class and had better stamina and mobility, assault had bonuses to assaultrifles, first aid use and so on wich forced you to handle things differently. You didn't really have the option as a scout to run in guns blazing but had to recon, pick of targets at range and draw enemies into mines and so on. For me, the line is really about there being stats that separate you from the avatar. In a RPG it shouldn't matter that I'm great at pointing my mouse in the right direction unless the avatar is good at it himself, preferably no direct control, i.e. like the old Fallouts/BG but I'm not 100% averse to the way Alpha Protocol, Mass Effect 1 and Bloodlines handled it, with deviation from your point of aim if the avatar is poor at handling weapons. Ideally, in an RPG it shouldn't matter if the player himself is a quadraplegic or if he's the best FPS shooter in the world with dozens of trophies, if the quadraplegic has an avatar that is a god with weapons and the FPS shooter doesn't the quadraplegic should beat him, hands down. In DnD it wouldn't matter much if you removed classes and could just pick and choose your abilities as you wished, you'd still have dice rolls to determine success on your skills and many other RPG's have this system (Dark Heresy 2'nd edition, for instance and to a small extent DnD 5'th edition), the point would be that despite the fact that I'm a lazy bearded grognard in DnD I can roleplay an athletic Warlock vixen(Don't judge me! ) if I so choose because of the statistics chosen/rolled. I also prefer more freeform character building systems STALKER doesn't really allow any of this in it's base form, and I'm forced to keybind quicksave/quickload onto the left/right mouse button since sometimes when I blink, the world goes misty gray until I blink it away and my hearing is ****e, my character has exploded like a bloodsausage due to me not seeing or hearing that a grenade was tossed at my feet. Not the avatars fault there, but my physical limitations.
  17. Dear god no, I'd never say I wouldn't pee on him if he was on fire, because then someone would look me up and set me on fire. I do have a pretty decent library over on gog aswell, but as you say there aren't that many, especially there aren't any new AAA games being released there except CD Projects own offerings.
  18. I'd add Steam to that. Same stink, different veneer.
  19. Sure, STALKER gives you more freedom than most games out there, but just as you need more than stats for an RPG you also need more than being able to chose a path/way to be one aswell. What you describe is closer to roleplaying than what you get in Oblivion, but it still isn't quite there. It's still you that is the driving force of the player, your shooting/sneaking skills. I'm definetly not disagreeing that STALKER is... basically awesome, I've been playing it close to continously since release with different mods, and probably reinstalled the game twice a year when a new version of a big mod came out. I also enjoy the reactivity, faction choosing and micromanaging of gear, but I can't see it as an RPG, no more than any other action game out there. STALKER has more to it than any other shooter that quickly comes to mind, but the closest it comes to an RPG is with (IIRC) the Misery mod wich lets you chose a character archetype with some actual (nonupgradeable) skills. Or close to a RPG with some really bad dialogue I assume you're glancing at a certain white haired fellow, but you do get to define much of the character; Not as much his history, but his current reactions and ways to approach things. I very much doubt that Andrzej Sapkowski would've had Geralt (B&W spoiler)
  20. Call of Battlefields, Bethsoft made games, pretentious walking sims, 95% of indie games - the ones with "deep stories" to tell. Fifa, NFL and basketball games, Forza, Gran Tourismo, majority of arcadey racing games really. Point and click adventure games, Telltale games, The Sims, The Batman series and any other superhero game. There are more, but I can't remember it at the moment
  21. It's the very opposite to an RPG as I see it, as soon as the player is the main skill-limiter it stops being an RPG. You need a player/character separation via skills for it to be an RPG. That said, FPS RPGS with shooter mechanics are rarely fun to people in general, people I've spoken to hated Alpha Protocols, Mass Effect 1 and Vampire Bloodlines spread mechanics
  22. Played PnP, DnD 5e Storm Kings Thunder. We lost our way too brave rogue to the belly of a Remorhaz.
  23. Yeah, that's not a bad idea. Still, those **** could atleast give me executive control over what I'm allowed to open. I'm not an idjit, well, not a complete idjit, and I can make those calls for myself thankyouverymuch.
  24. This one you mean? Yeah, all four or so hours. Didn't blow my mind, but I enjoyed it. I had watched a similar, but more compressed documentary on Swedish TV a couple of years ago. I thanked you for the link, but in the wrong thread.
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