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Everything posted by Azdeus

  1. I think the poor birds around here are feeling unwell in the heat. The last month the weather has been really warm, though a 'wee' bit much for me. So far today I've had four avians have a visit inside my room. They've all left on their own accord, but I feel like I need to get a mesh of some kind to stop them from coming in here, the last thing I want is for them to get injured and stuck in here. Unless it's a seagull, 'cuz **** seagulls.
  2. Sorry to hear about your family misfortunes Ep, hope you have smooth sailing from here on out. Nice! I've been training for such things in my car by not using the clutch at all, if you match everything perfectly it just slides in without effort, I've always had more problems with shifting up, don't know why.
  3. I wonder what edition they would go for if that were the case. The new Demon game would be very meta, but a game based on the old Demon could actually be interesting. I didn't pay much attention when reading through the new vampire game, but I don't remember as big of a rewrite in that as I did in Demon.
  4. Congrats!
  5. Much prefer Ballrog Boogie myself.
  6. Growing up with a sister that had celiac disease diagnosed from when she was a baby, I sometimes had to eat the same things as her. Dear god was it awful. Thankfully that wasn't really often, it would've been to expensive even with subsidies. Since I found out about my health problems I've had to be more aware of my diet, and that is really bothersome for me, I really don't care for reading up on what everything contains so that I can go get those things incorporated into my food. Only plus side is that I have an excuse to eat sweet potatoes! :D
  7. My sis never has had that problem. Is it hard to get celiac free foodstuffs where you're at?
  8. Spiced with a little bit of Bulletstorm.
  9. Looking out the window at the two hectare field outside my window, your back has my full sympathies.
  10. It's a bit old now though, show be Early Access, Open World, Games as Service and lootboxes.
  11. About how large an area do you grow things on? Also, out of curiosity, do you have any idea about how much you spent on fertilizer and time spent so that you've got an rough ~$h estimate? :D Edit; My father was supposed to park his car here while waiting for a garage that he can work in to dismantle the car to pop up. He had determined that he was going to park it close to a giant hole in the ground that we still have. Do you think he managed to put one of his wheels in a pit and beach his car?
  12. Yeah, it's a much better system. In the EON (Swedish only) ruleset they have similar ideas though more advanced combat systems. Armor has flat damage reduction (Though gambessons are woefully inadequate in value) and a very variable damage system, one-hit kills are very possible. You don't have a health pool but a "death save" that increases in difficulty with different injuries. It's still somewhat forgiving though, since you are more likely to be knocked out and later die from your injuries if you do not get help, so they do manage to have a feeling of risk in there while at the same time being somewhat forgiving. There is basically no magic to speak of though, so if you get your lung punctured you will have to hope someone got surgical skills up to snuff and that you do not die from the later infections. The magic might actually give you a slight edge on surviving that infection though. You do often get a chance to say farewell to your companions though, because you are likely going to slowly die a slow and painful awful death from having your bowels perforated. Gives you lots of time for farewells. I really like it though, because you do get a heroic feel of things while at the same time you always have the threat of death in all combat, wether it is a tavern brawl and some drunk farmer with a knife or on a battlefield. Beasts and monsters have their own damage table that often emphasizes counterattacks and mauling, requiring you to have specialized weapons to deal with them (Mainly polearms/spears, they have a special weapon quality), you don't go hunting for bears or zombies with a sword or hammer. If you really want to get that full plated warrior down, you had better go get yourself an arbalest and some people to distract him so you can line up a shot from close range. Or wrestle him down and shove a dagger through his visor.
  13. Well, in rulesets with AC you do come across a load of other annoyances which tend to drive me insane. A naked rogue has better chances of survival than a naked fighter (If you go by archetypical stat allocation), apparently all fighting schools forgot to teach people what parry or block is. There are a load of misconceptions about medieval armours all around the rpg-world, not entirely surprising considering that they haven't really been in use for hundreds of years, but it's still frustrating. Some of the best systems I've come across just accept the inherent imbalance in armours and embrace it. The feeling of panic when your group runs into people in full plate armour, even when you outnumber them four to one is quite delicious!
  14. The boiling process makes leather very brittle so, unless reinforced with steel, it can't really withstand a blow a weapon. It can reduce arrow penetration somewhat, so it's better than nothing. Some historical sources suggest that it was the poor man's option or even for braces and shins of knights who couldn't afford the whole metal kit, but a picture I saw had the boiled leather wrapped around chainmail for a little bit of added safety, rather than being the primary means of protection. I don't understand in what sense you meant those swords were different - relative to each other they're certainly not equal, but when properly sharpened they're a heavy piece of metal and should piece leather like butter. Sharpening is both a matter of material quality and skill of the sharpener, and even a poor metal can be made extremely sharp with dedication, if only for a short while. Even the primitive obsidian weapons of the mesoamericas, which look like a plank with bits of rock stuck in, can be sharpened to the degree that it can chop a horse's head right off: They have swords of this kind — of wood made like a two-handed sword, but with the hilt not so long; about three fingers in breadth. The edges are grooved, and in the grooves they insert stone knives, that cut like a Toledo blade. I saw one day an Indian fighting with a mounted man, and the Indian gave the horse of his antagonist such a blow in the breast that he opened it to the entrails, and it fell dead on the spot. And the same day I saw another Indian give another horse a blow in the neck, that stretched it dead at his feet. When it comes to those blades the biggest difference is that they all have different hardness, the kopesh could be bent from actually delivering a blow on your opponent if you were to get a hit to actual bone, but they all will cut you goodly. Leather will give you a bit of respite though from cuts, but not enough and if someone were to actually try and run you through you'd be in trouble. And leather wasn't exactly cheap and plentiful back then either... If a poor man wanted armour he'd wear a gambesson, they work really, really well, and it's kind of depressing seeing them as some low tier armour in all forms of RPG and games while they should be much more effective.
  15. No, we just expect to be shot by an enthusiastic policeman if we reach for our wallet
  16. A swapbody is a lorry that has a detachable cargocontainer on their back. Yep, dollies are the same here, the ones I work with have dual axles but that's where the difference ends. You're not allowed to have a total length over 25.25(80-something feet) metres in Sweden so no double or triple trailers unfortunately. Well, I say unfortunately, but I don't really mean that. It'd be a nightmare to meet in traffic on our roads. I did speak to the owner of a freight company, and he's getting borderline desperate enough to actually pay for someones licence... We exchanged numbers, and I'm hoping to get a call from him. I've worked as an yardworker for a year now, and he knows it, and I'm good friends with quite a few of his drivers.
  17. Nice, are you going to learn how to handle dollytrailers aswell or are you skipping that? I'm not well versed in the US rules when it comes to trailer combinations so I don't know if they're even allowed. The most common combination here is a swapbody with a dollytrailer but from what I understand that's not allowed outside of scandinavia?
  18. So what are you reversing with I then ask? Also, mirrors or out the window?
  19. Pour some alcohol in you ear. Once it dries it takes the water with it. Did you just find a use for Tin Cup American Whiskey?
  20. I do the like the eclipse being used as the 'o' in Tomb... The rest was pretty much meh. Still, probably going to get it and play it though.
  21. I'm starting one months "vacation" now, had some saved and since I'm not getting any sick leave I've got to take my vacation to not work. Still looking forward to not being at my workplace for one month. I've tried smoking pipe, I think I would like it more than cigarettes if I could learn how. It's not very zen in the beginning, it's hard work and annoyance to learn how to smoke a pipe properly. You need to keep at it all the time, and you have to "burn in" the pipe before things get better. So if you think you have the will to put the effort in it could be worth it. Also; Badass points. Unless you're talking about waterpipe that is, then it's just... ezmode.
  22. Not sure if serious but if so then no. That's about just shy of explosive decompression in normal atmosphere. 180/110 would be considered a medical emergency. Thanks I'm seeing a specialist on monday, then I might finally get to know what is actually wrong. No matter what pills I've taken they haven't been able to meaningfully lower my bloodpressure or raise my potassium levels. Went to take another bloodpressure yesterday and had 150/100, and Ninja got a second chance of stabbing my arm. This time it went much smoother, she got it the first try and didn't leave much of a bruise either. Work is being a bitch above normal though, so I reckon the BP was a reason for that, yesterday I had this fatalistic feeling of dread in expectation for the day. One colleague is ill and one is having a couple of vacation days so we're working at 50% of the workforce with the same expectations of performance. We're also not allowed to work alone due to the risk of injuries so we can't take any breaks... Fun day ahead.
  23. Went for a checkup today at the doctors office, and there was a nurse-in-training there that took my bloodpressure (170/122 for those interested) and bloodsamples. My arm looks quite worse for wear, she missed a few times but I expected that. She read my BP as a top value of 123 though, and said she couldn't hear the diastolic pressure. I liked her though, she had the coolest name ever, and I **** you not; Ninja.
  24. Who are you, and what have you done to Woldan?!
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