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Posts posted by C2B

  1. Disappointing I must say, except for how Odo found Anjali. Also, wasn't Georges Ziets supposed to be writing the comics, or will he just pen one of the other issues?



    Nah, I liked the beginning. Reinforced (after Odos Journal) that Jeyne doesn't really have any support under normal farmfolk.


    Also Ziets won't write a comic but as far as I gather he supported the team.

  2. I remember the best game mechanic in DS 1 & 2 changing the view in the top or bottom of screen. I don't read new reviews. Will be there in DS 3 this system or we will see static camera setting?


    ps. sorry for any english bug...


    We don't really know as of yet (Though it would be great if Nathaniel could answer this.) It doesn't help that we have so few footage with mouse control.

  3. Also @hopfrog Considering Torchlight 2 will be a multiplayer focused game anyway. Yeah, I think you should have before this "news".


    Heh... Trust me, I've felt this way long before his post (probably since I first heard the"rumors"). It's just sad for me to see my favorite multiplayer RPG franchise go this route as far as the multiplayer goes (and modding, of course). Plus, I think the lack of new good multiplayer RPGs (not including the ones that have yet to be released) right now is driving me up the wall, heh.


    While, I can understand that. DS was also never really meant, even by its creators, to be a muiltiplayer focused ARPG. Thats why DSII went also out of its way to improve the singleplayer. If I remember correctly the multiplayer map of the first game came in late during its development.

  4. I dont know what to thjink anymore. I just read another new interview and the devs there say that in co-op only the host gets everything:






    I don't read that. At All. In Question A: He states that the level stays on the host game (which only makes sense, since you know level-scaling) (And its about local co-op)

    In Question B: He states the savegames stay with the host. Which also can just mean level progress.


    Both Questions and Answers do in no way talk about benefits the joining player may receive by playing for his own host game or in general. Though, Multiplayer-Achievements have been confirmed already.


    Also @hopfrog Considering Torchlight 2 will be a multiplayer focused game anyway. Yeah, I think you should have before this "news".

  5. Yeah, you can definitely see the mouse cursor there. Hard to tell exactly how it feels to play of course but the player doesn't seem to have any problems controlling it at least.


    I think we can figure out the mouse scheme for moving at least. It looks like we will have to hold down something to make the character move forward, while the cursor's position will indicate the direction. I'm betting on a key of the keyboard, it's more comfortable than the mouse and it leaves two buttons ready for attacks. I suppose the attacks and abilities will work the same way.

    So, not really 'point & click', more like 'point'.


    Also, I think the cursor is obviously not the last version, it's kinda ugly and too small for my tastes.


    It wouldn't be more comfortable because you still need your keyboard hand for using ability/stance hotkeys while moving. You can't really map 3 different abilites per stance on a mouse + Attack.


    I'd think it just supports holding the mousebutton down for movement.


    Edit: Scrap that, I think I get now how you mean it.

  6. Yeah, you can definitely see the mouse cursor there. Hard to tell exactly how it feels to play of course but the player doesn't seem to have any problems controlling it at least.


    Nice video, though of familiar areas. Though we get a look at some artwork of Jeyne (I assume that's her at least). And the German voiceovers sound pretty good actually, hehe!


    Was impressed too. I actually prefered German Anjali to the Englisch one.

  7. What games has Avellone been LD on

    PS:T, KOTOR 2, AP, BG:DA


    He wasn't Lead on BG:DA. Level Designer on that one.


    Edit: Also he was Lead on Descent to Undermountain. (Though to be fair he came in late on that one and still regrets to be involved in it.)

    Mobygames also lists him under Fallout: Brotherhood of Steel. This can't be true, can it?


    Tip: If you check Mobygames for developers, ALWAYS!!!!! check the credits. Not only the development team gets mentioned in the credits of a game. Don't forget that. In the case of F:BOS he was mentioned under "special thanks".


    Mobygames isn't realiable really... Infact, the credits list for most games will be missing a fair few people.


    Its still pretty reliable for most devs and well known games. (At least as reliable as an internet platform can be)


    Also I never came across something that was really wrong listed so far. Just stuff missing or non-specefied.

  8. What games has Avellone been LD on

    PS:T, KOTOR 2, AP, BG:DA


    He wasn't Lead on BG:DA. Level Designer on that one.


    Edit: Also he was Lead on Descent to Undermountain. (Though to be fair he came in late on that one and still regrets to be involved in it.)

    Mobygames also lists him under Fallout: Brotherhood of Steel. This can't be true, can it?


    Tip: If you check Mobygames for developers, ALWAYS!!!!! check the credits. Not only the development team gets mentioned in the credits of a game. Don't forget that. In the case of F:BOS he was mentioned under "special thanks".

  9. Machninima also has a preview/interview video up




    Edit: Also Youtube still has the worst comments

    I cracked up when he said Obsidian is known for coolstories xD Any one remember KOTOR2 (**** this game)? or NWN2? or Fallout New Vegas? id say Obsidian is more known for making sequels that are wayyyyy below the originals quality
    sorry but im only going to play diablo 3 only cause of the story line so go futs your self :D
  10. Why do you need a separate reward for playing coop? You're playing coop because, well, you want to play with your friends, right? So... you play with your friends. O_o


    Locally? Yes


    MP? No


    Thats the question here. And what people have been complaining.


    And no it doesn't seem to work the same way as said before in the Destructoid interview.

  11. Thats not really what I'm asking. That Level Progress and the charachter with the specific progress itself stays on the host game is clear. What gets transfered to YOU for game YOUR charachter/level progress hosts or what other bonuses there are isn't.


    This is also the main point that gets critizied. What do I get?


    What? :huh:




    What do I/my charachters get for playing co-op?


    This hasn't be clarified the whole time. Do I get for example a certain amount of experience points. Do I get to keep some of the loot for my own game. Do I get other bonuses like special Deeds or Talents?

  12. As far as I know it's the same for all co-op. As I understand it, if you are playing co-op the character's information is saved on the host game. So when you get back to that co-op game, your character with all his loot and levels will still be there. It makes no sense from a balancing perspective to use that specific character in another co-op game, so there's no point in saving that character to your PC to play in another game.


    What could be a nice idea for DS3 would be to have an online viewing database of the characters you've created, just to allow you to show your builds to other people. All the loot and leveling up options should allow for very diverse builds.


    Thats not really what I'm asking. That Level Progress and the charachter with the specific progress itself stays on the host game is clear. What gets transfered to YOU for game YOUR charachter/level progress hosts or what other bonuses there are isn't.


    This is also the main point that gets critizied. What do I get?

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