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Posts posted by C2B

  1. But hey, you probably expected OBSIDIAN to fix issues on a engine they have no idea about. Great!

    That would actually by a valid argument if whole idea behind obsidian wasn't making sequels to games created by other studios.

    Unless of course you believe F3 fanbase would be fine with a switch to an isometric perspective.


    A: It isn't

    B: That doesn't make any sense. Making sequels to other studios games doesn't make you suddenly capable of understanding others engines perfectly. Much less a studio like Obsidian which doesn't have the best or a big amount of programmers (no offense^^)


    @mkreku No, its not. It's useless to deny their games are very buggy. Yes. Its not useless to deny they are buggier than other companies as there are clearly different experiences with their games around.


    Especially regarding modern complex rpgs ALL are very buggy. Look at Troikas games, look at Black Isles games (Especially Fallout 2) etc.etc.

  2. So you are saying that after bethesda spend 2 years patching Fallout 3 in your experience obsidian didn't introduce nearly so many bugs while working with the same engine?

    Glorious achievement indeed.



    They.... didn't? As far as I know the last patch was released in July 2009. Thats not even a year from release date.


    Furthermore FO3 is FO3, F:NV is F:NV Questreleated bugs etc. aren't going to be fixed across games. Also F:NV has way more content than FO3 in terms of quests. Which also has to be brought into the equation.



    But hey, you probably expected OBSIDIAN to fix issues on a engine they have no idea about. Great!

  3. Both Bethesda and Obsidian release fairly buggy games but, in the case of Fallout 3 and New Vegas they each released games that exhibited roughly the same amount of bugs and the same actual bugs.

    I seriously doubt that.

    And even if the number of bugs is similar the severity is not.

    I don't ever remember bethesda softworks games losing savegames,

    in fact the most common bug that I do remember from Fallout3 was crash on quit.

    People have started to ask if a game is "obsidian-buggy" for a reason.


    Yes, FO3 also had bugs that made you lose your savegames. Yes, FO3 had tons of bugs. Yes, its roughly the same amount.




    I'm one of those that had less bugs by a fair amount in NV compared to FO3. Yes, I exist. Yes, there are other people like me too. Deal with it.

  4. i had about 20 crashes spread out over nearly 200 hours. on pc. was it really that much buggier on ps3? or is it more that console-only gamers are not used to crashes and so are having fits?

    I averaged a crash an hour.


    I'm not a console-only gamer, so I can't comment. All I know is that when you have unified hardware, you start running out of the excuses for the crashes real fast.

    The more crash prone PS3 issues are releated to the engine and already in Fallout 3. I heard once it was related to Bethesda-Gamebryos Havok impletation.

  5. Was this already posted?




    "Open Letter" to Obsidian


    Via WUE on Gamebanshee


    Edit: Oh my god the comments:

    Wow Russ is a really good writer.


    Not only did he manage to critique Obsidian in a very well thought out way, but he made it interesting and unique.


    Yes, of course. The highpoint of intelligent modern writing is the non-phrase "**** you".


    There aren't enough facepalms in the world.


    I mean I understand the sentiment. But there is no reason to do it in such a way nor is it entirly accurat.

  6. In fact from the things we know now its probably the Obsidian game with the most DRAMA! involved.

    Possibly but how would we know?

    It's certainly the worst received obsidian game to date.

    We have an chicken or egg problem here.


    Hints by Patrick Mills (For example many of romes levels were mashed with old material)

    Lead Designer Change

    Looooong development time.

    Comments by Thortons Voice Actor

    Project was reconstructed near completly multiple times (This has been confirmed!)

    Troubles with SEGA like this


    Its .... pretty obvious.

  7. And what were the biggest complaints people had about Alpha Protocol?

    Oh yeah the fact that skills have huge effect on your shooting abilities which was mandated by Sega.

    That was just one of many complaints raised against the shooting mechanics and it mostly steamed from the fact a lot of them were badly introduced and counter-intuitively executed.

    Even if the shooting was absolutely perfect there was a host of other issues involving cover, stealth, gadgets ,h2h fighting, boss battles etc.

    You can't really lie them all at segas feet.

    I find it really hard to imagine that some exec came to obsidian and simply demanded that the stealth system be unresponsive.


    I agree on the part that Obsidian also had fault in it, however most of these things also were a result of said changes/mandates by the publisher. What would have been needed was a mostly drama free development time. Which APs just wasn't.


    In fact from the things we know now its probably the Obsidian game with the most DRAMA! involved.

  8. Another german console magazine, Mgames, apparently trashed Dungeon Siege III in their new issue giving it the lowest score of the "big" games of the month. 74%


    Other scores of the month


    MGames 7/2011: L.A. Noire 82%, DiRT 3 89%, Ocarina of Time 3D 93%, Dungeon Siege III 74%, Brink 79%, Lego Pirates 77%, Dead or Alive 3DS 85%


    via a twitter post

  9. Joystiq slammed Daggerdale, calling it a terrible use of the D&D Name
    Dungeons & Dragons: Daggerdale does a big thing bad. Bedlam Games has shown no lack of ambition in creating a $15 downloadable title with all the constituent elements of a traditional action-RPG. Unfortunately, most of those elements are half-baked, and become even less baked as the game goes on, culminating in a completely uncooked, laughably ill-conceived final boss battle. (That is not hyperbole. You will laugh at the final boss battle.)


    It's not just a bad game, it's a terrible use of Wizards of the Coast's timeless license. Even when boiled down to its core combat mechanics, D&D is cerebral, challenging, intense, and infinitely rewarding. Dungeons & Dragons: Daggerdale is just a game about hitting monsters until treasure falls out of them.




    After what joystiq did in the conduit 2 review Conduit 2 review I can't trust ANYTHING that is printed on that site - bunch of unprofessional scumbags at their worst.


    While the game very well may be bad, I feel that an alternative review site should be linked. Review


    Gametrailers does a lot of terrible reviews too. Also its not really fair to dismiss one reviewer because of the missteps of another. Same site or not.

  10. Joystiq slammed Daggerdale, calling it a terrible use of the D&D Name

    Dungeons & Dragons: Daggerdale does a big thing bad. Bedlam Games has shown no lack of ambition in creating a $15 downloadable title with all the constituent elements of a traditional action-RPG. Unfortunately, most of those elements are half-baked, and become even less baked as the game goes on, culminating in a completely uncooked, laughably ill-conceived final boss battle. (That is not hyperbole. You will laugh at the final boss battle.)


    It's not just a bad game, it's a terrible use of Wizards of the Coast's timeless license. Even when boiled down to its core combat mechanics, D&D is cerebral, challenging, intense, and infinitely rewarding. Dungeons & Dragons: Daggerdale is just a game about hitting monsters until treasure falls out of them.



  11. With WASD and I meant it more as a secondary option. Also since when is this slow and boring? I'm talking about using the UI as a hotbar replacement.


    It's slower than simply tap a button to throw the attack, which is kind of a handicap for this game, and I didn't say 'boring', I said 'annoying', as in being forced to go the hotbar, then back to the enemy, way too often in a short period of time.


    I... think we're not talking about the same thing here. Or we don't have the same impression about combat. Because in the scenario I meant this isn't necessary.

  12. Apart from that though the big problem I see in it still are "just" the controls. For example why can't the symbols around the charachters portrait not be used as a hotbar? It would easily lend itself to it. Switch with a keyboard button stances. Use skill icons to use skills, use orb icons and then click on the skill or enemy to use the special attack associated with it. As of now it looks like the Keyboard/Mouse scheme is way more complicated than it has to be.

    Wouldn't that control scheme be too slow and really annoying, given the game's genre and gameplay? The player needs to activate his special powers almost immediately.


    With WASD and I meant it more as a secondary option. Also since when is this slow and boring? I'm talking about using it as a hotbar replacement.

  13. But yeah, will be fun to see how Onyx does in DS3.


    One of the scandinavian game journalists on the Deus Ex HR forums made some off hand comment about a preivew of DS3 and how it seemed okay but had the typical bad Obsidian camera angles...


    Yeah, I know. Don't think that has anything to do with the engine itself though particularly much. And while that comment might've worried me, the lengthy gameplay walkthroughs we've seen look absolutely fine to me camera-wise.


    It seems to be very subjective anyway. Both german reviewers didn't adress the camera as an issue.

  14. I dunno. If a previous pay service suddenly goes free to play its not because customers are swarming, its because they are hemmorrhaging players and are trying to entice people to stay/come back. Not because their coffers are full and they just decided to give it away out of the goodness of their heart.


    Yeah, thats kinda the point? Thats why I said it breathes new life into it?


    F2P models have been very successful in the past few years depending on the game.

  15. I'm expecting some level of modding to be required to bring it up to PC gaming standards, like most other Obsidian games.


    I hope a good modder makes this. All I have seen of Dungeon Siege 3 until now is much too consolish. In this Interview Nathanial Chapman gave, you can see many Gameplay Scenes that just look like a pure Console Game. Interview Dungeon Siege 3


    Will Obsidian update the Interface for PC Gamers in the future? It would be great! :sorcerer:


    Nah. Yes, I agree that the interface is pretty consolish but it is very functional and I actually prefer what we've seen so far. (I'm really not a fan of inventory tetris)


    Apart from that though the big problem I see in it still are "just" the controls. For example why can't the symbols around the charachters portrait not be used as a hotbar? It would easily lend itself to it. Switch with a keyboard button stances. Use skill icons to use skills, use orb icons and then click on the skill or enemy to use the special attack associated with it. As of now it looks like the Keyboard/Mouse scheme is way more complicated than it has to be.

  16. To my knowledge there has been no published games using the Onyx engine as of yet, thus we do not know how stable it is, how technologically advanced it is or what kind of tools they have to work with.


    But we do. First off what Nightshape said (at least the first part). Secondly its an engine and tools specifically designed to support RPGs. Cryengine is not.


    For more information the Rich Taylor interview here



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