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Posts posted by C2B

  1. (though it amuses me that while diablo 3 finally manages to get gender selection in it, dungeon siege 3 devolves back to diablo 2 level)


    Since every charachter has a unique personality and voice acting (which wasn't the case in DII) it wouldn't really make sense to have gender selection for the charachters. And 2 women/2 men is pretty even.

  2. Last complaint/qq/whine/objection/thing I noticed: The archon_descent.jpg, which shows Anjali in her Archon form, does not look like to fit to the forum rules, because that elemental form is in essence, a fully naked floating woman. I know it's game render, posted by one of the artist team, and it WAS done in good intentions to have a healthy relationship with the community, to give us some information we really craved for, but it's still opposite to the forum rules (sexual content).


    Uhmmmm, no. You don't see anything explicit. I mean at all. It just looks like she got some skin-tight costume


    Did you really get a good look at the picture?

  3. If the devs will mock him, purchasers will as well. Just a thought.


    They only made a joke. Actually, hes very well received in certain groups (including the guy the kenny rogers commentary was originally from). Also, he breaks away from rpg conventions and it actually makes sense for a charachter that is both very versed in magic and technology to be older.


    For short: He's badass.

  4. That's virtually it, will Obsidian make Dungeon Siege IV and Five, or will it be a one time gig to fill in for Gas Powered Games who are developing AEO? Because I think that GPG will take over development of Dungeon Siege IV once AEO is finished and leave Obsidian to make Fallout: New Vegas II - Hometown Reno.


    Obsidian or another company. I think GPG stated that they want to focus on their strategy games.

  5. Yes, simple and fun. Not really gameplay though. Also, the words 'enchanted ballistics' made me laugh for some reason :( !


    It's too bad that Square apparently won't whip out the CGI for this game, I'm sure one with the four characters fighting back-to-back would be utterly badass!


    I'm of the personal opinion that if Square focused less on its CGI department and more strongly on other things everything would be better for them again.


    That said that first trailer wasn't made by Square but Outsourced to some other company I think.

  6. WUE did you ever play the second DS? It actually added many rpg elements DSI didn't have or changed them to it. Its still not really comparable to classics but actually not that bad in it.


    No, I didn't. Did they add branching quests and stuff like that? Then it may interest me. I'm just not really interested in hack'n'slashes, which is why I was initially going to avoid DSIII too (plus I didn't have a lot of faith in Obsidian nailing the gameplay.. and in a way they didn't, since they changed it a lot shifting it to another style).


    Theres "some" C&C, yes. And the Narrative is widely improved.


    Didn't you preorder on Steam?

  7. Exaggeration's useful sometimes :) Yes I did think the P&C a plus but too little too late. Too much action not enough DS RPG :(


    I'm not going to contest that, if they took out the parts of the Dungeon Siege experience that were fundamental for your enjoyment, then it's sad for you. Going to note that I don't consider the first two Dungeon Siege games RPGs, though, but I understand the definition of RPG is somewhat loose and everyone kinda has their own.


    WUE did you ever play the second DS? It actually added many rpg elements DSI didn't have or changed them to it. Its still not really comparable to classics but actually not that bad in it.

  8. I can also understand that big fans of the first two games might not be thrilled about the direction of DS3, but I believe it was this or no DS3 at all. People should also be directing their complaints to Square Enix. They are the publishers and owners of the IP now. I doubt SE had no say in what type of game this would be.


    I think this is how Baldur's Gate fans reacted when the Dark Alliance series was revealed.




    I don't really think BG to DA is an accurate comparison. The changes are nowhere near as much. Though the Difference between pc and psp (DsII and Throne of Agony) is actually a better comparison.


    What gets me on the whole thing is that DS was never a steady series. Each big installment played differently. And thats actually rather common for Games by Gas Powered (Compare DS/DSII/Space Siege/Compare Supreme Commander 1 to 2)


    And I think I remember a Interview with Taylor who said something similiar.


    So the whole situation is really weird to me.

  9. i understand what he's saying - that there is a rather large difference between DS1\2 and DS3. he went too far with the comparison but i see his point.

    same goes with The witcher 1 and the witcher 2. they have a lot of similarities yet TW2 has such a vastly different combat system that it must have a lot of control scheme changes. it's no longer a point and click affair when it comes to combat and now its combat is a lot like Fable arcania and even AC or batman:AA.

    and frankly the combat in DS3 feel more like Fable to me than DS1 on consoles as well. not on the PC though - the "attack is directional and not on specific enemy" and "block makes u stand in place but if u move than u roll" and "attack multiple enemies around u while moving from one to another". these conventions are a lot more "fable" and less DS.


    for me the change of pace with DS3 is good since i hate P&C games, as it was well clear form this thread >_< but i think obsidian is trying to keep things from the old school DS games. trying hard enough to make ME less interested and should make lord elvewyn more interested.


    Well, I get it.


    Though, I don't really think Fable is the best comparison here. Also Baman and ACs system is counter dependant so I don't really see the similarities. (Does DSIII even have a counter system?)

  10. I can appreciate that you hate the comparison (not the people making it) The problem is this game is called DS3. If the game had been called anything else, Dungeon Siege: XXX the comparison wouldn't be made, or at least not as readily. It'd be like comparing C&C1-3 (strategy) with C&C Renegade (FPS?). To me the game feels more like Streets of Rage or Golden Axe (really old!) than anything else I've encountered. It's set in the DS universe but doesn't play or feel like DS. And that's the problem.





    How in the world is this game anything like a 2D Sidescroller? Its still by any means an Action-RPG and not much less complex than DS I & II (And even DSI & II aren't really seen as "complex" by the RPG commuity). This is NOTHING like the difference between a strategy titel and a first person shooter.



  11. Does anyone else here have the impression that, for the game that is supposed to mark their first foray into Western RPGs, Square Enix is being kind of... cheap >_< ?


    Not.... really. Advertisment on TV, multiple Interviews, multiple Trailers, Comic. Its not as much as they do for Human Revolution but its still a lot.

  12. To be honest, I kind of agree with topeira on this one. Point and click sounds appropriate for a Diablo like that keeps the gameplay similar enough to Diablo.. but this seems like it will feel a lot more like a mix between a beat'em up, an action game and a diablo-like so the point & click scheme might not be optimal.

    Early feedback on it we've got so far (granted, they've surely polished it up since that build) is that the game is more difficult with m&kb.. which I assume wasn't intended.


    the game was built with a controller in mind so the gameplay fits fast reactions from the player. P&C is NOT for fast reactions. i think it was shoehorned into DS3 PC to allow a m\kb. i hope im wrong and i hope there will be enough constumizability to the keyboard. as i gave an example - spiral knights is a game that does this PERFECTLY - allowing both P&C and WASD movement. doesnt take a genius to do this. only will and the understanding that it's needed.


    @C2B, i dont hate ppl comparing things that shouldnt be compared. i hate IT when ppl compare. i hate the comparison. i dont hate ppl in general. :( ppl are nice most of the time :)

    there are a lot of common things in DS2 and DS3 but the way combat looks is not one of them. combat is fast and movement based in DS3 while it ISNT like that in P&C diablo style games where is "walk. stop. attack attack attack attack. drink potion. attack attack attack. potion. attack. win". in DS3 there seems to be a big emphasys on how fast u react to enemies attack which is more like "move. attack. attack. enemy swings your way so u dodge. attack. dodge again. attack. disingage close enemies and move to other enemies. attack. block. attack. etc". this type of combat is very action oriented. cant see how dodging quickly and keeping aim at enemies will work in a P&C method.

    if movement was WASD than u can keep the aim at enemies while u dodge and move with the keys. no problem here. the advantage of m\kb can be to its fullest with WASD+mouse to aim. this way u can aim and move seperately and aiming can be really accurate with long range attacks. the player loses nearly nothing over the controller scheme (he will be limited to 8 movement directions but that's never a real problem in action games) and gains extra accuracy with projectiles and efficiency with multi tasking.



    Oh, ok then^^.


    It will be interesting to see how it will work in the end.

  13. first of all i hate it when ppl compare DS3 to DS1 and DS2. these games are so vastly different that there is very very little reasons to compare them. DS1 and DS2 are irrelevant.


    Uhm, no. It has a different focus but so did DSII already from DSI (And DSII was equally hated for it by DSI players). I think comparisons in certain areas ARE justified and you shouldn't hate on people because they are doing so. Regarding controls though I have to agree it is pretty different.


    Edit: Also, click for movement and double click for attack is used pretty sucessfully. Whats wrong with it?

  14. Sounds interesting. Im not a huge lore guy and couldnt tell you anything about the WoW universe even after years of play. Just FYI, the bolded part is called a Paladin in WoW.


    To be honest, WOW doesn't really have interesting lore/charachters/story. It has a incredible load of it but most of the stuff is proven fantasy clichees mashed together without going too deep into anything.

  15. Sorry for hijacking this thread but: How good are RIFT'S Charachters & Story? Yes, I know these are not things to exactly look for in an MMORPG but I'm looking for MMOs that also feature something in the narrative and interesting backstorys to quests.


    So far, I really like Turbines games (LOTRO is one hell of an adaption) and I'm eagerly awaiting The Secret World since Ragnar T

  16. You watched the G4TV video right? At the 1:25 mark he says when you join someones game you pick the character you want to play then you come in at the level that works for "THEIR" game with the appropiate level and gear that works. That's Not what was said to destructiod. Your single player characters will be distinct from your multiplayer characters -- however both can be persistently grown, equipped and adventured with over multiple game sessions. Now how can your multiplayer character progress when you automatically come in at the right level that fits to the game of the person your joining?


    Either way the only way I'm getting this game is if I have my own character that I can use and level up myself. I don't want another Fable 2.


    Because the charachter you progress is used in your own hosted multiplayer game? Maybe you get some scaled items/experience? Maybe said charachter is scaled to the game you join with your customization?

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