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Posts posted by C2B

  1. Can we get something that aren't porn actress dropouts?




    People like this are worse than the people who some in this thread are accusing to be sexist.


    How are these portrayals porn actresses? How?


    I mean I would understand if it was a model joke but why does everyone go immediately to porn or prostitution?


    Are you that dense?

    Actually, I'd agree with RPGmaster's statement. I'm of the opinion that there's far too many female characters in games whose appearance is designed to provide "eye candy" for the player. For some incomprehensible reason, this design decision spills over to armouring where the women in question must expose as much skin as possible, yielding the porn actress look.

    Case in point: what Calax, Bos Hybrid and Mera posted. Bare midriff, cleavage, plate armour bikinis and the bastard offspring of a cheongsam and miniskirt.

    I mean if we created an "Aesthetically pleasing Male character designs" thread would you be complaining about having the NFL being posted in there? Or just male porn stars?

    I have a suspicion you'll have a harder time finding NFL players in overtly sexualized clothing than finding than women in bikini armour.


    Again, how you look has NOTHING to do with who you are. Stop profiling.



    Aside from that, yes. There are much more charachter designs aimed at males. Theres also much more unrealistic armor in general. Theres also tons of other **** in video games. What about it? Uneven numbers exist throughout society. These numbers do not change much for a variety of reasons. Even if the source is mostly treated. NUMBERS aren't the problem. Never were. (Well, you know what I mean. Naturally "numbers" still play a role for example in payment when the average male still gets paid more for the same work than the average female in most countries)


    In certain cases these games market themselves as "realistic" and yes. In this cases it is pretty bad because it should be an accurate or at least close to a portrayel. (Bad Case in that: Heavy Rain)

    However when you go fantasy and sport yourself a look that is meant to be comical/satirical, abstracting yourself from anything that is real, it becomes something else entirly. What consequence for example does that WOW armor actually have?


    To give an example:


    WOW armor vs. the disco scene in Heavy Rain


    WOW armor


    No male will think that women actually wear that (Well, <14 at least). No female will think "Hey I want to look like that Elf at all".


    Heavy Rain Disco Scene



    Females will probably shake their heads in disgust.

    Since its done so casually Males will ACTUALLY think that a similiar scenario normal females would be able to do the same thing. Also because "females fake their orgasm mostly anyway and have no problems stripping in public".

  2. Sawyer's formspring


    Can you explain the reasoning behind the gun witch's character design in DS3? It's really disappointing to see such obvious and cliche cheesecake after the progressive and positive treatment of female characters in FONV.


    I had virtually no involvement in Dungeon Siege 3, but I believe that's a question for Feargus.



    The female charachters were good because of their writing in FNV. Not because of their Gamebryo looks.


    How can you make this guess already about Katarina?

  3. I've just spent 30 minutes searching for armour pictures where the upper torso is covered and the stomach isn't. Couldn't find a single one. Especially not the Romans. Th eorder goes roughly:


    Oh yeah, no. I was more refering to arm/leg pieces/helmet + shield combo.


    The WOW picture in question doesn't really have the upper body covered too. Just something for thos breasts which doesn't really protect.. :ermm:

  4. Can we get something that aren't porn actress dropouts?




    People like this are worse than the people who some in this thread are accusing to be sexist.



    How are these portrayels porn actresses? How?


    I mean I would understand if it was a model joke but why does everyone go immediatly to porn or prostution?


    Are you that dense?

  5. What are they? I didn't notice anything particularly weird about it, so perhaps it's the googletrad (or something that comes with the fact of being different persons).


    He already says that its a 08/15 story even though he can't have played more than the first hub/act, he says that all quests are generic dungeon crawling stuff even though he details on the lord gunderic/ghost thing with the choice/conversations in his report. I don't really think thats your generic dungeon crawling quest.


    Also he talks about the breadcrumb trail as if it was a thing they implented new even though it was already in the first presentations of the game.

  6. So, I used the good old googletrad, and I would just like to know one thing, if a german-abled person was to pass by : at the end, in the PC vs Consoles part, he talks about the interface for the inventory, but I don't get if he's annoyed by it, or if it's just functional.


    He was annoyed before but not now.


    As for the preview. Reads fine but his conclusions at the end are very weird.

  7. Realistic, non-boob enhancing armour? It'll never catch on.


    Hmmm, depends. I said it before but the issue isn't that realistic armor isn't well liked. The issue is that most games sport a fantasy comic look and don't attempt to go into a realistic direction (Though in most cases it isn't really bad since the subject matter demands the look). The Total War series for example isn't that bad in armor.


    Well, "issue" isn't the right word here but still,....

  8. That looks more like the Anna from your sig than the Anna from Planescape Torment :p


    Then lets get offical and irish up in here



    @Malcador Fantasy! And even for its explanation that stuff doesn't make all sense and is too much. As powered as it may be. Same counts for others though. And it isn't a bad thing. It looks cool.

  9. Giant cross for nipples




    I like it though. Too big/heavy armor again, though


    Well it's supposed to be protective, well save for the shot trap the armour boobs make, anyway :p


    Protection is worth nothing if you are rendered incapable of moving around.


    I mean, just that huge thing that is around her neck. Can you imagine how much that alone weighs?

  10. Edit: Ahhh, its the Press Release for the Steam Pre-Orders.


    Uh? I don't see any update on the site. Am I missing something?


    As for the character trailer, who knows at this point? I certainly hope they still release it, but they may have decided to shuffle the marketing strategy with the delay. A little more exposure wouldn't hurt...

    Other Sites have posted it. Apparently they set a time stamp for the information to be posted.

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