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Posts posted by C2B

  1. How Obsidian became Obsidian


    After we left Black Isle, we were going to start a company and we needed a new name. We wanted it to be a good name, a strong name, and we wanted it to be something that people would remember. And so we threw all of these names around -- we had Scorched Earth, we had Three Clown Software, and lots of other stuff. And eventually Obsidian got on that list, because we were Black Isle, and what's something like that?


    And someone said there's that Obsidian thing, that glassy, magma stuff, and we put it on there. So we came down literally with a short list, and we showed it to our significant others. And they were like, "All these names are dumb, except that one." So really it was the significant others that actually said that's what they would name a company, because it sounds cool, it has some relevance ... and it's not Three Clown Software.

  2. Ferg's been talking to Atari about IWD3 but seems to indicate it's not in the cards. He also wants to make an Ultima game.

    Not sure I like those ideas.

    Ultima has run it's course and Storm of Zehir did not make for an promising demonstration of what Icewind Dale 3 could look like.


    That was more the fault of the NWN2 engine than the game though.


    Edit: Also about AP. AP's fault was that it was too hybrid traditional with its combat actually. It was basically the same thing that was used in Bloodlines/Deus Ex. Combine that with poor balancing and you got what you got. I didn't found much fault regarding the ambiouts things in the game actually. The choice system worked well.


    Technically (Stability) I was actually impressed. It wasn't much worse than other UE3 titles. And given that its Obs and an RPG (Squares xbox version of Last Remnant was much worse) even more.

  3. PV (hurr hurr) could also be the original IP Josh and MCA are working on.
    The ultimate goal for a lot of studios making sequels is to finally jump off and work on their own original IP. Does Obsidian ever want to take that jump? "Absolutely," confirms Urquhart, before going on to say that Obsidian already has an original IP title underway. "We have a whole big cool world idea that we can hopefully talk about soon. That is a whole new world, a whole new thing. It's being put together by Josh Sawyer, who was the project director on Fallout New Vegas, and Chris Avellone is involved."

    Hard to say if that's the "Sauron won" fantasy setting, but it could certainly be.


    They also seem to think that the "Can't pass up" IP is the Wheel of Time game we already knew about. Ferg's been talking to Atari about IWD3 but seems to indicate it's not in the cards. He also wants to make an Ultima game.


    Man, reading the Joystiq preview and now this. Do they have something against Obsidian? It seems awfully negative written.


    @Tale: That was the "Defiance" Project that they pitched to Square Enix.

  4. I just reread the cheatcc preview. Thats a very interesting part

    Any of the four playable characters can accompany you on your journey after they have joined your fellowship during the main campaign. Companions will then be controlled by the game apostrophe s AI, and will use abilities according to how you've handled their leveling. If Anjali is more adept at her acrobatic skills and you've boosted her melee damage, then she may use that more often against her foes than transforming into her fire-spirit form for magical attacks.
  5. Oh I don't know how about the fact that they are both story oriented RPG's where your actions affect the outcome of the game? They both have about the same play time. They both have some sort of alignment. In both games you talk to people get quests and get rewards for doing it.



    You've described about any WRPG that came out in the last.. what.. 15 years?



    Yes. I think we just figured it out. This game is an RPG. Just like all those ones we have been playing for years. You can compare them all. They are all share this thing we like to call a "genre".


    Yet Fable doesn't focus on its combat. DS3 does. There are literary hunderds of action-rpgs/hack n' slashs that are closer and related to DS3.


    And I still don't get the connection. How did it reinforce your argument?

  6. Um, so how come there is absolutly no information on this subject and why is everybody being so quiet about it?



    From what it seems to me is this: Obsidian is not Gas Powered Games. Don't expect anything to be how it was.


    Obsidian has released several games from which only one wasn't moddable. It is not unresonable to assume that this will be moddable too.


    Since its their own engine now. I'm pretty sure there will still be something coming.



    Also please people stop with Fable comparisons.


    Why would we not compare it to previous games of the same genre? Is it unreasonable to bring up flaws in games that we don't want in this game, just as it is important to bring up the things in other games we do like?


    Using comparisons gives your argument more credibility. If I say I don't like something, and then give a reason why. Then my argument is more credible.


    Except Fable isn't a hack n' slash nor anything else like DS3. To make the comparison even credible there has to be a connection.


    If you brought up similiar games like Gauntlet or Dark Alliance. Ok. But where is the connection between Fable and DS3? And specifically. Where is the connection between these two and your argument.

  7. Um, so how come there is absolutly no information on this subject and why is everybody being so quiet about it?



    From what it seems to me is this: Obsidian is not Gas Powered Games. Don't expect anything to be how it was.


    Obsidian has released several games from which only one wasn't moddable. It is not unresonable to assume that this will be moddable too.


    Since its their own engine now. I'm pretty sure there will still be something coming.



    Also please people stop with Fable comparisons.

  8. ? I'm pretty sure she did in my game. Or did I hit a bug there?


    The build-on to that scene implies so much that she's going to rape him that you probably misremember it. Before the player gets to choose, she has already discarded her pants and is on top of Michael. One would think that at this point, his opinion doesn't matter anymore.


    No. It wasn't that. I'm sure I got the scene even though I said No.


    Maybe if you have a too low repuation...

  9. Question : I thought Project Virginia was that canned project that is often talked by former employees, who often express their disappointement about the cancellation, because the game would have been AWESOME! Annie Mitsoda comes to mind, I think she talks about it in an interview on the Codex. If Virginia isn't that game, what am I confusing it with?


    And sadly for the completist within me, if that game stays on the XBLA, it will probably be an Obsidian game I will never play.


    You are confusing it with Project New Jersey aka. Seven Dwarfs.

  10. Icewind Dale 3? KOTOR 3? An Elder Scrolls game? :sorcerer:


    It can't be Icewind Dale since Buck mentioned something about the future of the Franchise. (Also its not really a franchise every developer would take on if he could).

    It doesn't seem like KOTOR too since they have done that before and he speaks of it as if it was something new.

    Elder scrolls is a possiblity.


    He mentions a license specifically. So maybe something outside of gaming. Another LOTR game?

  11. What could this be by the way?



    FU: No, I'll get killed, but it's a licensed product but it's a licensed product that when people hear about it they're going to be "well you had to do that. there's no option, if I was a developer and I was offered that I would just do it."



    Which IP would do that?

  12. The "Employees are our greatest asset" poster is on the wall of the hiring manager. The best place for it to be honestly. Also that Zombie poster is in the kitchen area, I joked that it was probably covering the government mandated health and safety placard cause it's more important. It would be funny if somebody was choking one day in the background while people are reading the zombie one and giggling oblivious to what's going on behind them, and that the Heimlich chart was underneath it.


    From "The Spaniard" over at the Penny Arcade forums whos drinking buddys with some of the Obsidian folks. He also got invited to be a focus tester on DS3.

    I drink with the Obsidian guys every Wednesday, a stand up group, and last week after discussing DS3 they just invited me over to try it out. There are a lot of guys in the drinking group from all sorts of different companies, Obsidian, Blizzard, EA, etc. I talk to a lot of them, but the only Obsidian ones I know by name are their awesome hiring manager, that set up the drinking night, and the guy who created Oscuro's Oblivion Overhaul, who now works for Obsidian.
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