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Posts posted by C2B

  1. The third page of Odo's journal is up. The more I read about Jeyne kassynder, the more she reminds me of the Teyrn Loghain from Dragon Age. That's fine be me since I loved hating that guy, heh. I must wonder, though, why everyone is so quick to follow her? In Dragon Age Loghain was a war hero, but in this game I'm not sure why Kassynder is so well loved when she apposes their prince so openly (I don't know... Maybe he is a terrible ruler?). I will be looking forward to the info regarding that stuff later on. :p


    Because she didn't previously. And she doesn't remind me really of loghain from what I gather. Its not even really the same archetype as theyre reasons for the coup seem to be mighty different. Not to mention Jaynes doesn't seem to be loyal to Ehb as a kingdom.

    From what I gather through the timeline she gathered loyal support to the point where she could influence things strongly. Then she took out the loyal military (Legion) by playing them out against the populace and monarchie through blaming the kings death on them. (How she managed that, we'll see). And for the last part was the loudest most present mouth against the legion which wins the majority over. After she gained the remaining power she goes openly against the remaining princes (probably through another sheme) and the kingdom collapses. Thats when the game beins.


    Its actually not a bad plan.


    Edit: Ahhh, just read it. Yeah, another sheme. (Or not)


    Edit2: Sadly, the entry makes it a little unclear if she plans to take the throne for herself or just destroy the kingdom right there. Seems to contradict a bit with the timeline.

  2. Shouldn't you be in bed, C2B? One or two more posts and you will fit that infamous pic of "Aren't you coming to bed? I can't, this is important!" :) Not to be mean or anything :) !


    Story of my life


    Also Story of dozens of falied exams. Damnit. :)


    Anyway, this time for reelz. Done.


    Also sorry @Westerngamer my posts are probably too aggressive at the moment.

  3. @C2B


    Wow, I didn't know the sole definition of sarcasm was irony, thanks for the enlightenment. Anyway, since your excuse for everything was "It's ok if it's exaggeration," I thought I would add that to the definition. However, I need some clarification, does it just apply to women, or is it extended to minorities and homosexuals as well? Also, attacking someone for calling out these things, as opposed to going along with by saying "That's how things are in the videogames business world," classy man.



    You are REALLY bad at sarcasm. Direct approach, no irony thrown in. Nah.
    Wow you got me. Its not like I have specified irony as seperate from sarcasm, no sir.


    2. Yeah, nice try on misquoting me. Well I'll just copy paste

    - Actual representation of a charachter in media is more important than how he is described visually

    - Exagerration is ok if used dominantly and well in a game. (We'll see about that)

    - The charachters choice in clothes has to be reletable in personality as well as mannerisms of the charachter (We'll see about that, too)


    But yeah, apparently all of my personal rules bend down to "It's ok if its exaggeration". The world can only be viewed in black and white.


    3. There is a middleground between going along and going against. You know I'm from Switzerland (Neutrality, bitches) and I believe in the concept that there are always two sides to a medal and they are both worth examing to find a preferable solution without going to extremes. Yes, thats what makes me classy. :)




    And its extended to everything to answer your question. Naturally it still has to relate somewhat to the situation/charachter at hand. Which is one of my points in 2.

  4. @C2B


    Wow, figure that out on your own? Hmm, I guess the art of sarcasm is not lost on you after all. I'll give you some time to think about it, but if you need me to spell it ALL out for you, I will.



    .... Well I'm still awake


    You are REALLY bad at sarcasm. Direct approach, no irony thrown in. Nah.


    Also acting like a ****. Nice one dude. Your moral highground is reaching the stars.


    And no you don't. I would just make excuses for the excuse again, don't I?

  5. Now, what does Ivy's attire and DD's do for her fighting style?


    Ivy's attire is not only ridiculous, but I'm not even sure it's actually wearable. What Katarina has showed until now is realistic, as in "actually exists".


    And you just reminded me of Taki's jiggle physics from Soul Calibur 2. Thank you for nothing sir, as those were utterly disgusting.


    Yep. Pretty much. Soul Calibur got worse with every new installment and its extremly visible. Though I wouldn't call Katarinas outfit "realistic". In context.


    So now that was really my last post for today. Night^^.

  6. Read your own post again and think about what is stereotypicaly attractive to women.... Essentialy the same thing, at least visually. (Well, except Epic Style Fat Space Marines)


    Man in bigger and bigger plate armors that cover everything while looking ridiculous are attractive to women? That's news for me. :p


    Well thanks for taking things out of context. I wasn't talking about Lucas and that is in no way the majority of male charachters in video games.


    Also, it does if the armor is "shaped" a certain way.

  7. Well, a couple of things you did wrong here. First equaling the exaggerations of men and women in games. Men in games are shown to be physical specimens, which makes a lot of sense with most of the activities they are participating in. Would you expect Nathan Drake to be able to jump from cliff to cliff with a gut? Would you expect Kratos, a man that shoves a hydra through a ship mast, to be a ninety pound weakling? Now, what does Ivy's attire and DD's do for her fighting style?


    Secondly, it is more than acceptable to use the style of another game as inspiration for yours, but that does not give blanket immunity for including the worst parts of it. So if they include a whip-sword wielding heroine, that means it is totally ok to oversize her breasts and use dental floss to hold them up? Terrible argument.


    And you bring up Bayonetta. Final failure.


    1. Yes, I bring up Baynoetta. No its not a failure if you can get past the exggaration which seems to be an impossible feet here. I was genuinly impressed with it. Just have to mention Lucas again. Have problems finding a featured love interest in a game that rivals his handling as a love interest.


    2. Nathan Drake is a horrible example and completly over the top too. We can have a nice, fine discussion about the beginning/flash sequence of Uncharted 2 and how much sense it makes regarding climbing/surviving in extreme situations if you want. But hey at least he looks cool when he does that stuff. And Kratos? Most of his outift makes no sense.


    3. Again, exgarration. But ohhhhh no. I know. Things like this aren't allowed. We're sexists.



    Edit: Just to note: I agree there is a dominace of it on the female side where it is not okay. Soul Calibur Charachter where its "just" done for fanservice combined with ridiculus voices/text are actually a good example of that. Thanks.

  8. Uh? Look at your argument, it should be clear why there's a double standard.

    Males character are power fantasies, sure, but for whom? Male gamers.

    Female characters are sexual fantasies, again, for male gamers, precisely the bi/straight kind.

    Dungeon Siege III doesn't do AS bad as other games on that regard (most of the Lescanzi witches and Anjali are pretty sensible.. Leona and Katarina aren't), but it does pretty badly compared to Obsidian's games.


    Back to you.


    Read your own post again and think about what is stereotypicaly attractive to women.... Essentialy the same thing, at least visually. (Well, except Epic Style Fat Space Marines)


    Edited so it fits better.


    Edit2: Have forgotten an example: Mass Effect 2/Dragon Age 2

  9. Words words words


    Those aren't exactly good games to take inspiration from as far as art style goes. Let's face it, what's done is done, but that kind of art direction decision is something I'd like to see disappear from game. It implies a double standard in the way genders are handled by the artists to my eyes, not to mention that it also immediately strikes me as generic. And to think that Obsidian did very well so far.. :p


    How? Actually, most male charachters are JUST as exagerrated. Or am I suddenly living in a world where every second dude is completly ripped? I guess it isn't as much of an issue with the male demographic because of "Power Fantasy". :ermm:


    I see the double standard more in relation to real life women. Why is it that the same thing is usually way less of an issue when it comes to movies and tv?


    Exagerration is just as viable as realism.

  10. I joined to ask are you serious with this character reveal? Is part of the contract when taking money from Square Enix that you have to put jiggle physics in the game? Seriously juvenile, guys.


    Its an artistic choice. Its meant to be over the top. Ninja Gaiden, DMC and others were named as insperation.


    Also. Just to say. One of the worst objectifications of women last year (and probably in the history of games) was most of the time pretty normal dressed.


    Madison Paige


    Madison Paige = Disco Scene (Just disturbing. No women would act that way or take the situation so casually except if it was plausible in her personality. Which isn't true to her.

    = Sex Scene (After she meets her partner like 3 times in person and on every occassion bandages him up. And she doesn't even know where they are from. Not to mention if the player engages, they have sex while the son drowns. Classy)


    On the other hand. The most over the top scandily dressed charachter last year (Bayonetta) was actually pretty well handled. Stood on her own during the game and dealt with issues on her own. Even with some charachter development. Not to mention the games love interest wasn't boytoy Supersoldier #9000 but still capable to handle his own in the game. Come to think of it. For a Japanese over-the-top action game Bayonetta did several things right with charachters that other games still fail at.



    So really: If the style fits the charachters personality in some way I don't really care how scandily a charachter is dressed or if there are jiggely physics. I usually take more issues the handling of the charachter itself.



    Mind you if the game was going for a more realistic artstyle I had more issues with it.

  11. some like to breeze through a game while others prefer to have a great challenge.

    sometimes in SP it's nice to have a hard and rewarding game while in co-op it's more fun to constantly move along.

    one thing is for sure - one difficulty is never enough. most games that dont have difficulty settings are too easy (fable, GTAIV, Assassins creed etc etc)


    Has it been confirmed if the game will have a few difficult settings?


    Yes, several times.


    There are at least a "Hardcore" and a "Casual" difficulty setting.

  12. New Vegas seems to have won quite a bit of people over as Obsidian has made it into the quarter finals of this years March Mayhem on the escapist. A developer popularity competition.


    On its way Obsidian managed to beat Media Molecule, Neversoft and Rockstar North! and is now up against Mojang (the Minecraft developer).




    The voting begins tomorrow. -_-

  13. Hmmm... Interesting... I might be wrong, but weren't the farmlands south of Stonebridge where you started in the first game?


    Thats what the text says?

    But now we've reached the gates of Stonebridge, and we've decided not to enter the city, after all. The people of Stonebridge murdered every legionnaire within the walls, and now I hear rumors of unrest in the streets. I plan to head south, instead, to the farmlands and the coast.



  14. Basically everyone except Lucas sounds very interesting.


    Poor Lucas. :)


    I like Lucas more than Anjali from the Voice Acting.


    I don't know it just really fits the lines.


    Edit: Or do you mean how their personality sounds? I don't know. Lucas sounds very involved in the plot and he could be a rather standard but very well written charachter.

  15. How was the Legate inconsistent? He came across great to me and in tune with a sociopathic milateristic charachter.


    Mostly his background :face scarred but not in game, either a great tribal warrior or a Legionnaire from 12, the way Caesar describes it and the way he talks don't seem to match perfectly.. you could reconcile all of this, no doubt, but the presentation felt a bit jarring. I admit though, I probably overreacted by defining him as "terribly" inconsistent.


    I'm actually wondering if Cesars side of the story is a 100% true. Maybe we'll hear more of it when the burning man comes around.

  16. I wish him all the best. As Creative Director for the game, he had a hand in the main story (could have been better but fits the Fallout structure) and some characters and that's it? I think he's written Caesar and maybe part f the Legate dialogue with Avellone? (Terribly inconsistent character by the way)


    I got to say, he didn't seemed to be one of Obsidian's aces to me, but I'm afraid of being a little too dismissive.


    How was the Legate inconsistent? He came across great to me and in tune with a sociopathic milateristic charachter.


    I'm pretty sure he has written the initial script/main storyline.


    He also has written Mr. House, Benny, Victor, Cesar.

  17. The point of KOTOR wasn't the story anyway, it's was exploring the Star Wars universe, and they did it better than any of the movies IMO.

    I can't agree. KOTOR diverges from Star Wars on so many points that the only thing that seems to connect them are laser swords and a few visual cues.


    I have to disagree on that too. In fact my main problem with the original KOTOR is how many movie/Star Wars universe plotpoints it recycles.

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