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Posts posted by C2B

  1. Another Preview



    By and large, Dungeon Siege 3 is the full-featured re-launch the series has needed. It comes fleshed out with the in-depth lore of the first games, a keen sense of humour, fluid action and of course obsessive stat-building for RPG hounds. Obsidian really seems to have given it both barrels, and the game is shaping up to be a nice addition to the already well-loved series.
  2. Hmmm... As far as I understand, however, Anjali can switch between her human and elemental form at an instant whim, and both her human and her elemental form are effective in their own situations (she's a very capable warrior, even without her powers). I thought Storm had to wait for her powers to fully realize (at least that's what I gathered from the old X-men cartoon and the X-men movies), and her combat prowess minus her powers isn't really existent... Maybe her personality is similar? I don't really remember Storm's demeanor to be honest. Hmm... I don't really know anything about Dark Horse comics, but I seem to recall a woman in the Hellboy movies that could turn into a fire form, but was also pretty capable and shooting a gun... Maybe someone who reads Dark Horse comics could tell me if she would fit the role better?


    That maybe the problem here.


    As for Hellboy. Do you mean Liz Sherman? Never had the oppertunity to see the movies. :(

  3. Do you mind explaining your thoughts a little? Because it seems like a big stretch to me. They're not particularly original characters, but specifically Marvel? I don't see it :( .


    I.... didn't say anything about originality.... I was talking about "just" the archetype.


    Its also just the two charachters I can relate them the most to. Just in general.


    Especially Anjali. Beeing that goes in the air with badass when going full out? Check. Also general attitude of both is simliar / releatable to said charachters from what I've seen so far.



    And a stretch... Well, Nathaniel helped as a tester on X-Men Legends. I thought it possible that he took some hints from there.


    Hmmm... That's quite a stretch man. I'm not seein it with those characters. =P I'm sure if you asked a comic book fan, they would have better super heros/heroines that they'd be more similar to. It does seem to me that these heros/heroines do have a sort of over exaggerated "comic-book-esque" feel to them minus the crazy origin stories, though. =)


    I consider myself somewhat of a comic book fan. More DC than Marvel though and have read up on most of the lore and every comic I could get my hands on.



    Though you are not wrong. Already seen a few human torch comparisons too. There however the charachter type is completly different.


    @DLRK Thank you. I value your opinion immensly.

  4. It's pointless to argue because there is no arguement to be had.


    You can like it all you want... Hell you can love it and think its the best looking game ever, but it simply isn't... Are we really going to go down the road of taking a few screenshots and ripping them apart? This is without the fact you've got compression artifacts ontop of compression artifacts because you're using bloody jpg's.


    As the game itself is played in motion it's all that really matters.


    I suppose you're a terminal fanboi, so lets not argue?


    Well, a truly professional argument? No, there I can't argue with you because I don't have sufficent knowdlegde.


    That the game is visually appealing to me completly apart from fanboyism? Well, thats just the truth.


    ... Also I hated KOTOR2s art direction apart from charachter designs and largly disliked the art direction of the NWN2 OC. (Just for the "fanboyism" argument) F:NV was pretty meh (Original and FO3s assets). I loved MOTBs/SOZs though.

  5. This is sadly not even subjective as my thoughts on this are actually based upon my professional analysis, and conversations with actual existing art directors on said topics.


    .... Arguings lost here, no?...


    Well, I'll still enjoy the art in my entirly unprofessional way.





  6. I'm glad that I'm not the only person who saw AP's graphical flaws as abhorrant. Its the worst art direction I've seen in a game, especially when you consider the HUD



    I liked the art direction :)


    Yellow isn't an art direction, yellow is just plain s***. Seriously, AP was BUTT ugly, and the Art Direction looked like something a programmer had come up with.




    It kinda improved as the game went along though, it was still bloody awful.


    Did we really play the same game? Because Yellow sure as hell wasn't used everywhere.

  7. Did some sort of embargo get lifted? Some closed documents opened? Can we really criticize AP without being told that we are playing it wrong or just generally stupid?


    My world is turning upside down here, cats and dogs living together, mass hysteria!

    Nobody ever said that the game was flawless except some random dudes.


    But that counts for the best crpgs since 1999 in general.

  8. Do you mind explaining your thoughts a little? Because it seems like a big stretch to me. They're not particularly original characters, but specifically Marvel? I don't see it :) .


    I.... didn't say anything about originality.... I was talking about "just" the archetype.


    Its also just the two charachters I can relate them the most to. Just in general.


    Especially Anjali. Beeing that goes in the air with badass when going full out? Check. Also general attitude of both is simliar / releatable to said charachters from what I've seen so far.



    And a stretch... Well, Nathaniel helped as a tester on X-Men Legends. I thought it possible that he took some hints from there.

  9. Edit2: Personally, DSIII is way worse in that regard. I defend Katarina at this time but depending on her personality and/or how certain things are refrenced in the game it could still happen that I'm going to rage about the charachter.


    I wonder if Katarina will make the same comment than Anjali in the old NYCC video about Lucas' 'metal monstrosity' and how long it takes him to put it on each morning :) .


    I actually missed that :o


    Is also a nice conicidene for one of my arguments in this thread. XD


    So maybe we'll get Lucas commenting on Katarinas clothing.


    And thats actually one point for DSIII in my book.

  10. All is still correct in the sense I meant it. The one in a thousand remark is the same as exceptions that prove the rule. Furthermore said exceptions could also have other reasons to chose it. (Mental problems)

    And you're accusing me of profiling? :)


    Well, no. I said could.


    What I mean is though, the point where you can't differate reality from fiction. Just to clarify, in that case in a visual sense.


    And if that happens with an artstyle like WOWs you actually have a little problem.


    Edit: Also the profiling remark from before wasn't entirly serious.^^


    Edit2: Personally, DSIII is way worse in that regard. I defend Katarina at this time but depending on her personality and/or how certain things are refrenced in the game it could still happen that I'm going to rage about the charachter.

  11. No, I meant ALL females. No women (with your typical one in a thousand exception) is going to dress scantily because of a figure as far removed from reality as WOW. You cosplay because you decided on it with friends, like the character or/and like the game. What I meant is it doesn't translate to being scantily dressed in normal social situations or adapt a body image because of it.

    I could tell you that [all - (typical one in a thousand)] = most, but I think you know that as well as I do.

    That said, I'll agree that most females, I think I'll even go so far as to say most people, aren't going to emulate cartoonish fantasy characters under normal circumstances due to the utter impracticality of such outfits.


    All is still correct in the sense I meant it. The one in a thousand remark is the same as exceptions that prove the rule. Furthermore said exceptions could also have other reasons to chose it. (Mental problems)


    Also yes, but not due to impracticality but due to them having no reason to in the first place. Its not like they are watching something that is remotly real/can aspire to.

  12. i play with someone else and we start from the beginning, will i be a level 10 character in a world where my friend is level 1 and the enemies are weak?


    No, because you can play a new character from Level 1 along with your friend as well? I don't think there's ever been a game where you can't do that. I'm not sure what has led you to think it would be otherwise? The only thing that changes in DS3 is that now, you don't have to worry about your friend being higher level than you.


    Just to clarify, you mean you can't play a high level character in a new game, that you have to play one of the unused level 0 characters? Games always offer the choice of starting a new character, well avatar given character has a bit of a different meaning in DS3.



    I think he means that, yes. Though, don't forget its still speculation. :)

  13. Game's up for preorder on Steam.


    "Purchase Dungeon Siege III before release and receive single player versions of Dungeon Siege and Dungeon Siege II to play now!"


    Single-player? What's up with that? Matchmaking services down? Can you still play DirectIP with buddies? What I am fighting foooooor?


    I don't know why they did it. Though they didn't remove anything just greyed out the function. Some people actually already found out how to activate it again.

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